It must definitely hadn't been his fault. To be honest he hadn't even see it... he had been busy trying to take over the world to notice the little box under the sofa.

He might have felt something, but of course he wasn't going to admit that; especially to L.

That would be suicidal.

But, who would keep a box a under the sofa! It was unheard of, so he just couldn't be blame for it.

But regardless of whose fault was it, L was kinda mad, so Light was thinking on a way to make it up to him. But how? ... he wondered...

- Perhaps killing some really troublesome criminal, mmm...I think that will piss him off even more...or maybe NOT killing some really troublesome criminals...

After a lot of thinking he found the answer to his problems. He took out his Death Note and wrote;

"hitachi oishi

ten days before committing suicide wiil give up his company to YagamiLlight"

-Yes, that will do :)

Days later...

L was busy trying to save the world when light showed up out of nowhere carrying an envelop.

-I'm sorry. I have something for you. Open it.

L took the envelop and stared at it. Wondering whether it would suddenly explode and end his life quickly or if it was going to be a deadly poison, that will prolong his suffering.

So after leaving all hope behind, he opened the envelop

Nothing happened. so he took out the single piece of paper from the envelop and started to read it. As he continued reading his eyes started to grow larger and a little smile started to show. L let the letter slip his hands and hugged Light, who accepted L into his arms while smiling for himself, at the brilliance of such a perfect plan.

Meanwhile, Watari run to the room worried about the sudden out burst of his master. He noticed the letter and started to read...

Mister ---

We are happy to inform you that you are the new owner of Hitachi Oishis's Chocolate Company...