Legato and the Computer

Chapter 1

Okay everyone, this is my first fic so don't kill meee!


"Yess!" The cry echoed throughout the Gung-Ho Guns complex. Everyone, save Elendira, stopped what he or she was doing and stared; the aforementioned continued painting her-excuse me- his nails.

"What the hell?" Milions Knives, leader of the group of assassins, put down his coffee and stood up, only to be (literally) knocked down with a barrage of emotion from a certain telepath.(1) Two words formed in his mind.

'Stupid Legato…'

Knives walked to Legato's room and tapped lightly on the door. At once, the thoughts ceased. A few seconds later, his blue-haired minion opened the door.

"Yes, Knives-sama?"

"Legato, what was that infernal racket?"

"Which one?"

Knives mentally sighed (of course, he was too high-and-mighty to let his exasperation be known)

"The one a few minutes ago."

"That would be Dominique dropping the frying pan on her foot."

Actually, he had missed that one. "NO. You."

"All I said was 'Yes.'"

"No, I meant what you thought."

"Oh." Legato blinked. Twice. (so you know he's really confused) "You just answered it."

"Answered what?"

"Your question…"

"… of!" Knives was starting to get more than a little pissed off.

"What 'that infernal racket' was."

"WELL WHAT THE F WAS IT!" Knives screamed.

"…me…"Legato squeaked.

"YOU---DOING---WHAT!"the plant practically shrieked.

"isetupthecomputer." the psychic mumbled, fearing for his life.


"I…set…up…the…computer………and it took me three…hours………" Legato said in a small voice.

"Awesome!" Knives shouted as he skipped over to said electronic, smiling. Legato sweatdropped.

The computer was white, with a logo that resembled a half-eaten pear; at least, that was what Rem had told them it was called (3). However, as Knives observed it, Legato slapped a skull sticker over the pear.

"Now it's perfect!" the blue-haired psycho, I'm sorry, psychic, grinned.

"So…" Knives sat down and pushed some random buttons.

Computer: beep beep(no, this isn't swearing…)de-installation successful.

Legato twitched noticeably.


Okay, that's the end of the first chapter! Poor Legato-sama, I put him through so much trouble! But, that will be nothing compared with what's next!

Legato: Eek…

Me:Legatooooooo! glomps

(both fall off the screen)

(1) Legato can communicate directly into people's minds

(2) This is a pun on the 'Apple' logo.

(3) Since Gunsmoke is a desert planet, I'm assuming they have no fruit. Forget the plants. (blasted off screen by Knives)waaaauggghhh!

Until Next Time!

Ja Ne!