Disclaimer: I own nothing!

A/N: First and foremost, let me say Claudia Black did a fantastic job in 'Memento Mori'. This work is not intended to take away from this episode in any way. However, during conversation at the Jack/Sam Shipper Thread at Gateworld, this idea came up. What if it had been Jack and Sam, and not Daniel and Vala? It was a challenge I just couldn't pass up. The premise is the same, it takes place in roughly the same time frame, and with the same characters, plus Jack of course. There are quite a few things that are different, though! So this is for you SamO'Neill, and my fellow GW shippers.

Spoilers: Anything's up for grabs

Pairing: Jack/Sam

Blue Eyes

"Anyway, that's what my professor says, but I don't know…"

"Have you considered the planetesimal hypothesis?"

The two young men glanced up at the waitress who had come to stand at their table. She looked from one to the other, a smile on her face.

"Uh, what?"

"It was a theory proposed by Thomas Chrowder Chamberlain. A star supposedly passed near our Sun. It pulled matter away from it," the blonde waitress continued animatedly, making a dragging motion with her hands, "and this matter condensed into larger masses-our planets."

"No ma'am, I hadn't," the student answered, dumbfounded.

"Talented, this one. She'll move on to bigger and better things. Until then, take their orders, Anna!" the cook shouted, sticking his head out of the kitchen.

"Yes, sir."

"How many times have I told you not to call me sir! It's Sal!"

Anna chuckled as she returned her attention to her patrons. "I'm Anna and I'll be your waitress this afternoon. Can I take your order?"

"Yes, I'll have the cheeseburger with chips instead of fries, and a coke."

"And I'll take the turkey and bacon club with water, please."

"All right. I'll get your order out as soon as possible." With a pleasant smile, Anna moved away towards the counter.

The bell above the door chimed, signaling the arrival of new customers. Before Anna could even turn around, she heard the angry shouts.

"Wallets and purses on the tables now! " A man moved towards her, brandishing a gun. Another moved in past him. "You. Put the cash in here," he yelled, shoving a bag in her direction.

Anna momentarily froze, rooted to the spot.

"Hey, lady, you hear me? Put the cash in here!"

And suddenly it came to her-like the astronomy she seemed to know so well, the flashbacks she cared not to remember, but did. Anna knew. She saw it in her mind's eye.

She grabbed one of the robber's hands, twisting the other high into the air, behind his back. She spun him around, the gun useless to him. Anna jabbed him in the side and in the back. He grunted in response. The other man attempted to attack, but she kicked him below the belt and slammed her free hand down on him. He went careening into a nearby table, no longer a threat. Grabbing a napkin holder, she clocked the first intruder over the head, sending him to the floor in an ungraceful heap. Anna grabbed the gun, twirling it around her finger.

Whoa. Where had she learned that? The customers, two college students included, looked on in astonishment. Sal ran from the kitchen, meat tenderizer in hand. His jaw dropped.

"What just happened? Anna?"

Anna stared blankly ahead, surprised and slightly horrified at what she'd done. Her blue eyes were wide as she replied. "I…I don't know."