Please read this. It is future info for the story that you will need to knwo. If you do not read the actual story might confuse you...


In this story Edward Elric is something called 'the possessed'. 'The Possessed' are people that have more then one soul that recides in their body. The soul has the abbility to take over it's containers body and do as it wishes, but the container does have some control over it. If the unwelcome soul has made a bond with the owner of the body then it is harder for them to commit a crime with the container. Edward is the only known person in the world to be 'possessed'. The spirit he carries is called Pride.

In the city of Amestris there are hundreds of gangs. Three gangs stand out from the rest though. The Military (A/N: Why they named it that I don't know, but hey whatever floats ya boat I guess) they are led by a man by the name of Roy Mustang, a well renowned fighter and leader. The Military is one of the most commonly known gangs, because they help out the average man, though they are as mean as any others. Edward once belonged to this gang, but after he killed someone he quit. No-one had ever seen him smile after that. The Ishbalans (A/N: Hey I gotta have more then just two gangs ya know) they are led by a guy named Scar. (A/N: Anyone know his real name?) This group is renowned for taking in rejects of society and outcasts that have no home to return to, or simply don't want to go home. And last, but not least there is the Homunculi. They are led by a woman named Dante. The group consists of six people that have unnatural healing abbilites. People have rumoured that Dante injected a special potion into them that made their cells different so that they generate faster. Nobody really knows anything about this gang though.

All the gangs are made up of people that still need educations and are therefore sent to school. Their school is called Central High. (A/N: Okay just so you know, I have tried to make this Amestris like Earth. It is not set in the same place as FMA, just in a place that happens to have the same name...)

Edward has a family, his mother and father were killed in a terrible accident (A/N: That I haven't figured out yet...-.-') that left only his brother and him alive. His brother (Alphonse) is older then him by two years and is living with Winry in the country.


Ed: 16 (He's a prodigy, even though he hardly talks you know the silent productive type, and got put up a level,...) Pride: Unknown

Al: 19

Winry: 19

Envy: 18 (He got kept down a year -.-')

Lust: 17

Sloth: 24 (She's the registrar at the school)

Gluttony: 16 (He's a year younger then the others)

Wrath: 14 (Yeah he's the youngest)

Greed: 18 (Also got kept down)

Roy: 18 (Same dealio)

Havoc: 17 (Yeah he's a bit of a pussy...)

You get the basic idea right. Most of them are 17 to 18 years of age.

Okay so, this is a Edvy story, if you don't like that, suck it up, or don't read. I don't care what you do, either way is good for me. :Shrugs:

I am in the process of writing the first chapter now and will post it sometime today...Please hold on until then...