We laughed for what seemedlike hours, Max snuggled against my side.When we both stopped she leaned away, a rush of cool air hit my side, and she curled her long, sexy... wait I never said that, she curled her legs up, resting her chin on her knees, her lips formed a slight frown making want to kiss it away, but you will never hear me say that.

"Go to sleep," I whipered.

She gave me an 'Are you crazy?' look.

"I'll be right here, so nothing will happen. Okay?"

"sure, " Max nodded, some of her hair fell into her gorgeous face.Then she did something totally unexpected, she slid onto my lap, resting her head on my chest she went to sleep.

In the back of my mind a switch was flipped and I fell into a deep sleep holding onto Max for dear life.



I woke just the way I went to sleep, one arm behind my head the other around Max's waist, my face inches from her neck. On impulse I kissed it then whispered "I love you Max."

She tensed, awake during my embaressing statment. I un tangled my body, before trying to make my getaway.

"Fang?" Max's silky voice whispered almost afraid, that I would leave maybe? Nah, wishful thinking.

"did you mean it?" She grabbed my arm in a loose grip I could shake easy, but I could shake her pematrating stare.

"Yeah, I did. Why?"

Instead of responding she lead me a safe ditane away, before shoving me into the bliss of a heart stopping kiss. I pulled her to me, my touge riding back and forth along her lower lip until her mouth opened accepting the pressnce of my touge. This bliss was broken by Nudge, who was calling us urgently, she was hungry. One day I will tell her to work on her timing.

Please don't hate me if it sucks, this is my first half desent fan fic.
