Understanding the Common Woman
Summary: Crossover with Azumanga Daioh. During summer break Haruhi runs into two of her class mates from middle school. Total
chaos ensues when Tamaki finds out about her "commoner friends" and wants to invite them to meet the host club.
A/N: I didn't see any crossovers between these two series, in my opinion they mesh together perfectly. Mostly humor, but some romantic fluff as well.
Disclaimer: I own neither Azumanga Daioh or Ouran Host Club.
Ch.1 "Meet the Commoners"
As a cool ocean breeze swept past her and ruffled her hair Haruhi sighed and closed her eyes, happy that she'd finally managed to get some peace. Her plan to spend summer vacation in a remote place the host club didn't know about had, of course, backfired once again. The club's vice-president Kyoya located her with no trouble. Haruhi didn't know whether to praise him for his efficiency or beat him over the head with his laptop for telling Tamaki where she was. After a few hours of Tamaki and the twins's crazy antics, which still wore her out, she had managed to slip away and into town. Haruhi looked around in the small shops for a while, stopping the longest in a store that sold sea shells. Then her ears picked up a loud voice that was instantly familiar to her. She set down the large pink shell she had been looking at as her brain flipped through names and faces, trying to figure out who it belonged to. Then her eyes widened slightly as one name came to mind.
"Tomo...?" she whispered to herself. Takino Tomo had been in her class in middle school, and even though they hadn't been close friends a person like her was difficult to forget. She turned and walked out of the shop trying to pin point which direction she'd heard the voice, curious if her assumption was correct or not. Off to her right she spotted two teenage girls walking down the street and arguing with one another. As she had suspected, the voice she heard had been from Tomo. The other girl was slightly taller, with longer hair and was wearing glasses. For a moment her name escaped her.
Haruhi put a finger to her lips in thought, Who was it that was always with her? Erm... Yumi?...no...Yomi. Oh, that's right. Koyomi.
Wondering if they remembered her Haruhi ran to catch up to them.
"Excuse me!" She called.
"Hm?" Tomo stopped and turned around, blinking at her.
"You're Tomo, right?"
The girl nodded," Yup, that's me, but who are you?"
"Oh, my name is Fujioka Haruhi, I was in your class in middle school."
Tomo's mouth dropped slightly," Eh? Really? You're Haruhi! I didn't recognize you at all with all your hair cut off."
She laughed and ran her fingers through her boyishly-short hair.
Yomi smiled," I remember, you were the quiet one that sat in the row in front of me. Funny meeting you here."
Haruhi smiled back," Are you here for summer vacation too?"
"Yup, yup, we're staying at a friend's summer house," The energetic brunette nodded.
They continued to chat for a few minutes before a loud cry interruped them and all three girls turned to look. Tamaki was running towards them and she braced herself for the inevitable.
"There you are, Haruhi! Daddy was so worried!"
Haruhi sighed as the older teen smothered her in a hug," I was gone for barely an hour."
Tomo grinned at the display, "Is he your boyfriend?"
"Eh? No!" She said in a horrified voice while trying to escape his grip.
The Host club's president blinked and looked at the two, just now noticing they were there," Do you... know Haruhi?"
Yomi nodded," She was in our class in middle school."
"She didn't talk much though," Tomo added, "She was always doing her work."
Yomi frowned at her friend, "...That's what you're suppose to do in school."
Tamaki released the flustered girl from the hug and grabbed her shoulders, "Haruhi... you have commoner friends.. who are girls?"
"Well... I haven't seen them in over a year, and we weren't really-" She started but Tamaki cut her off.
"How wonderfull, you should have introduced us sooner if you knew they were here, Haruhi!"
"...I didn't know they were-"
Tamaki ignored her and bent down slightly, taking Yomi's hand, " Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Suoh Tamaki, and you are?"
The girl blinked, her cheeks coloring slightly at the smile he was giving her," Uhm... M-Mizuhara Koyomi."
"Ah, Miss Koyomi! It's a pleasure." He then proceeded to kiss her hand which caused Yomi's cheeks to turn a brighter red.
Tomo snickered," Hey Haruhi, your boyfriend is flirting with another girl."
"He isn't my boyfriend!" She quickly protested once again. Though it wouldn't do much good to tell her that, Haruhi feared Tomo had already officially labeled them as 'girlfriend and boyfriend'.
Tamaki then turned to Tomo," And what is your name, lovely flower?"
"Tomo-chan!" She answered cheerfully.
He smiled ecstatically and gave them a low bow, "As her father I thank you for befriending my beloved daughter in this significant time in her life."
Both girls stared for a moment before Tomo turned to the other girl and said, "Hey Haruhi, your boyfriend's a weirdo."
"W-weirdo...?" Tamaki's eyebrows went up in shock at the girl's unexpected comment.
"Tomo, don't be rude."
Haruhi placed a hand over her eyes in anguish, Why do these things always happen to me?
A/N: I figured that was a good place to end the first chapter, so what do you think? Did they seem in character?