Dear Isabel,

I regret having to write to you. Karl told me I shouldn't. That this wasn't something I should ask you for. And I agree with him. I shouldn't be asking you this. I shouldn't be writing to you. But I can't not write to you. I can't not ask.

Hannah is sick. Twelve months ago the cancer came back. She's been fighting it. She's fighting it so hard but she's getting worse. Her kidney's are failing. She's on the transplant list but the doctors say her tissue type is rare, that it's unlikely for a non relative to be a match. You are her only relative and that is why I'm writing to you. We've run out of options and were running out of time.

I know the last time we spoke was very difficult for you. I know this because I know how much you love Hannah and being so close to her and not being able to see her…I'm asking a lot I know. But I wouldn't be asking if there was any other option. We've run out of options and we're running of time.

Please Isobel. Please consider this. I will be in Seattle on the 22nd of this month. I will talk more to you then.


Katherine Jones

Izzie slipped the letter back into her pocket. It was the hundredth time she'd read it. For some reason she thought the words might change, maybe she'd read it wrong but the words weren't changing. This really was happening and she didn't know what to do.

Her heart and her brain were in conflict with one another. Her heart was telling her to do it. To do it and not even think about it. But her brain was telling her to stop think. Her brain was winning at the moment. It had been just over a week since the letter had arrived and she still hadn't made up her mind what she was going to do. Today was the 20th. She only had two more days to decide.

That's it for now. Comments anyone?