Title: I Made You Mine

Main Pair: Seto/Yami

Other Pairings: Yami/Random (no OC's)

Rating: M for Male Pairings, Male Pregnancy, and Future Content (I'll put a warning with each chapter).

Summary: Seto wants Yami, despite his promiscuous reputation. Only Problem: Yami's promiscuous reputation. How would Seto possibly know if Yami felt the same way? Male Pregnancy. Please R&R

Thank You Chibi Chib!


Seto sat on the floor, in one of the side bathrooms, He'd made sure to lock it. He didn't need Mokuba to come barging in. That boy had a knack of finding him wherever he was in the house; even the most unused parts. Not that he liked to keep secrets, but this was a very private matter. Tossing number 12 into the trashcan he growled. No mater how much he wished it wasn't, they were all the same: two pinks lines, a plus sign, or the single word PREGNANT.

Evolution of species, he supposed, allowed such a thing in males. Same gender relationships, bodies had to find a way to adapt. He was sometimes puzzled why females couldn't impregnate other females. He summed it up to for dozens of century's woman have done the child barring, while the men did the working. Now woman did both, so why couldn't men.

He sighed, drumming his fingers on his flat chest. He was 16, what in the world would he do with a kid. He wasn't even in a relationship with the guy, unless you counted being able to pick up the phone for a good fuck. Money wasn't the issue. He was the CEO of Kaiba Corporations. What was the problem was that he wasn't married. There was the issue of being underage; sure he could consent because he was over 13, but he wasn't considered an adult till 18. One could say that he was more an adult than others his age; after all, he raised his brother, and ran a company. But, how in the hell would he find time to go to school. He supposed he could hire a nanny, or maybe settle for home schooling. Seeing as that once the school found out, and he began to show he would be put in those special classes with the rest of the 'delinquents'.

Yami, the boy who had gotten him pregnant was no saint. Yami defined whore nicely. No drugs, alcohol, money, or even disease were involved. But if you knew the boy well enough, he was sure to show you a 'good time'. He should have stayed in America, and this would have never happened. He rubbed his temple. Yami had been caught in bed kissing Yuugi, he remember that, that had been the reason that he was sent to America at the age of 8 to live with some relatives. He had come back a year ago, because Yuugi couldn't cope with high school, and demanded his brother. They caved in, and now he was back. Apparently separating the two brought them closer together. Because now, hell, he even showed his twin brother a 'good time'.

He ran his fingers through his hair. It was four in the morning, and he was exhausted. He tied a knot in the garbage bag, and stood up. He had to start getting ready for school. Bag in hand he left the bathroom to go to his bedroom, and use his normal bathroom. He could burn these later after he saw a doctor. He was already considering abortion; after all, he didn't need a child. A child could set him back, and so could the father of the child.

His mind wondered to the last night they shared.


Start Flash Back

"Stop the car." Seto told the driver as they passed the park. He had noticed Yami sitting on the park bench. From the looks of it he was soaking wet, and shivering cold. The driver did as told. Exiting the car Seto walked over to Yami. "9 in the evening, shouldn't you be at home? Or are you heading home from having a 'good time'."

Yami gave a dry laugh. If he had been out having sex, he would have stayed longer, and avoided the storm. He sighed. That wasn't the case. He had been at home, and doing his homework when the argument started. "I was kicked out for the evening."

"What for?" Seto didn't expect to be told. Yami for the most part was a private boy, much like himself.

"It doesn't involve Yuugi." Yami pushed plastered bangs from his eyes and tucked them behind his ears. "I've no place to go, as most 'decent' establishments are closed. So here I am."

Seto sighed, looking Yami in the eyes. "Get in the limo." It wasn't a question, or a demand. It was more an offer. He wasn't after a 'good time', he just felt like being nice for once.

Yami nodded his head slowly; he wasn't mounted with options. He scooped up his school bag, which had been placed in a garbage bag. "You're wanting a good fuck out of this right?" His voice dripped disappointment, as he muttered.

Seto shook his head. As great as that had sounded, and as much as he had wanted it, no that wasn't what he was after. "If you weren't such a nymph you wouldn't have that problem." It was pathetic that out of Jou, Honda, Ryou, and Marik that if Yami wasn't offering a fuck then they didn't want to offer him anything in return.

"Well that's all I'm good at." Yami followed after Seto who was leading them to the limo.

"There's got to be something else that your good at. You use to be very passionate about Duel Monsters. What happened to change you?"

"They sent me to America." Yami sat in the limo next to Seto. "They say that twins are two parts of one soul." He looked out the window, and watched the scenery pass him by.

"There is love out side of brotherhood." Seto smiled softly. He could say that confidently because he had a brother. He was sure he would never show him a 'good time'.

Yami had a twinkle in his eyes it was a rare, but beautiful expression on his features. "I'm sure there is." He could warm up to Seto. But he was almost positive that after this evening, that Seto's kindness would wear off. Storms were such a strange thing.

The rest of the drive was a silent affair. Seto watched Yami who was watching the scenery pass him by.

Inside the mansion Mokuba was in the living room. 'Apparently he is waiting for me to get home from the office.' Seto thought to himself.

Mokuba looked over the sofa when he heard the door shut. Seeing Seto with Yami his cheeks stained red. "One of those nights brother."

Seto dropped the briefcase on the catchall table at he front door. "No it isn't." He smiled, and walked into the living room. "He's going to stay here."

Yami grinned watching Mokuba's cheeks stain red. He put his school bag on the floor under the catchall table, and followed after Seto. "Seto found me in the park. I had an argument with Sugoroku. Do you mind me staying the night?" He was being polite to the younger Kaiba, as he ruffled his hair.

Mokuba shook his head, and smiled. "Will you make some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast in the morning?" Yami was an excellent cook when it came to fixing breakfast.

"Of course, with eggs, bacon, the works." Yami laughed. He stretched, shivering slightly as the wet clothing brushed against his frozen skin.

Seto pressed his hand on Yami's back, pushing him forward. "Let's go to my room and get you some dry clothes, and a warm bath." Seto and Yami smiled to Mokuba, before heading up the stairs. Seto stopped mid-way and called out to his brother. "Don't stay up to late. We have school tomorrow. No skipping, no excuses!"

"Same to you Big Brother!" Mokuba giggled, and returned to the TV. There was only thirty minutes of the movie left.

Yami told Seto he didn't want to be alone when he was so cold, so Seto bathed him, and aloud him to share his bed. Yami, held onto Seto as if it was going to be the last night they shared.

Seto hated it because he didn't want Yami to feel so alone. He knew how it felt, because he felt the same way too. This night didn't have to be the only night they were on pleasant terms, right?

They both wanted more nights were Yami didn't have to be on call for them to have a 'good time'.

During an unknown hour of the evening Seto was whimpering in his sleep. His dreams were often nightmares of which when he awoke, he couldn't remember; which was probably a good thing. His whimpering awoke Yami.

Yami whispered in Seto's ear. "I know just how to calm your nerves." He took the lobe of the ear into his mouth. He was already breathing heavily, when Seto awoke to his ministrations.

End Flash Back


It was not a quick fuck like the other times. Seto remembered how they had made slow enduring love to one another. It had lasted longer than four hours from the play to the finish. They were captivated by each other, it was a moment neither wanted to end. In morning, he had awoken in clean sheets, bathed, and in fresh clothes with Yami down stairs already starting on breakfast.

There was no getting over the fact that he wanted Yami. But, did Yami want him? Especially, now that he carried his child.


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