DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Digimon series nor it's containing characters. They all belong to Akiyoshi Hongo. Aki is mine though, as is the plot, and any other characters you do not recognize.

Title: What is Love?
Aoi Megami
Chapter: Aki's Side Story of what happened during the Dance
Chapter Title:
What is Love?

Aki sighed as he watched Matt make his way over to Sora. He didn't know what Matt was thinking and he was getting nervous. He actually wanted Matt to pick Mimi but that isn't what he was seeing. Maybe he shouldn't have opened his big mouth? But he just couldn't take it, the guy wasn't doing anything and its time for him to take the initiative. He watched with worry as Matt talked to Sora with a smile on his face. He was sweating, and Aki never sweat, it only meant that he was nervous, and Aki was never nervous, he was also scared, for Mimi, and for himself, because once Mimi found out that he had pressure Matt into choosing and if Matt didn't choose her, Mimi would kill him.

"Choose Mimi." he whispered with venom as he stared hard at Matt's back as if trying to burn holes in it. "Choose Mimi." he did it again.

"What are you doing?" Davis asked him when he heard him the second time.

"Trying to make Matt do something." he answered as he did it again.

"You know that's not going to work." Davis said with confusion evident in his face. He now knew with evidence, that Aki is weird.

"How do you know? Have you tried it already?" Aki asked him.


"Then how do you know it doesn't work?" Aki asked him.

"I don't." Davis said with uncertainty.

"Well you won't know until you try." Aki said and went back to his little witch craft.

"Huh," Davis said as he watched Aki. He turned to his date, Kari who was currently dancing with T.K., "Stop, dancing with him!" he followed Aki.

"I can't believe you fell for that." Aki told him before stalking off.

"That's not funny!" Davis called out to him

Sora snapped out from her jumbled thoughts when she caught Matt who was walking his way towards her.

"Hey Matt," Sora smiled at him. "Look," she started once he took the empty seat, the one which Tai was sitting on earlier, beside her. "I'm sorry." she apologized.

"I am too." Matt replied. Sora looked to him with confusion evident in her face. "You're not the only one at fault." he explained.

"And it isn't all Mimi's either." Sora told him in a 'as-a-matter-of-fact' way.

"I know." Matt nodded.

"I have a feeling that you didn't come here to just apologize to me." Sora added after a few moments of silence. Matt smiled, he was astounded at how she knew him so well.

"You're right," he smiled at her. Sora returned the gesture.

"What is it Matt?" Sora asked.

"I," he paused. "I love Mimi," he said rather quickly. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings Sora, but don't blame Mimi, if there's anyone to blame, it's me." he was panicking, so the words that came out from his mouth was fast and slurry.

"Matt," Sora stopped Matt from talking any further. "You're right." she said.

"Ne?" Matt asked with confusion, he wasn't expecting this from Sora at all.

"You caused so much trouble for Mimi and I," she told him. "And Tai as well," she added as an after thought.

"I know."

"And you didn't even do anything, you just existed." Sora told him with the smile still plastered on her face.

"Gee, thanks." Matt said with sarcasm.

"I didn't mean that you should stop existing," Sora half laughed. "You know what I mean," she stated.

"Yeah, I do."

"I can't stop you from loving Mimi," Sora started, Matt looked at her straight in the eye as she spoke. "I can't make you love me," she added. "And I can't make Mimi stop loving you." she smiled reassuringly.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that, you should do what you want to do," Sora explained. "Don't worry, I won't hate either both of you, not you or Mimi." she assured him. "I guess, what I had, and probably still have for you, is a puppy love obsession." Sora said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, when we all talked together," she started again. "I was most afraid that Tai will never speak to me ever again after he heard what I had made Mimi do just so I can get you." she pointed out. "I don't understand the reason why, but maybe, just maybe, my old crush for Tai is still there." she whispered.

"Sora," Matt started.

"No," she stopped him. "I still love you Matt, and moving on, will probably be very hard, but," she paused. "I now realize, that you and Mimi are very perfect for each other, and I will not stand in you guys' way." she smiled at him.

"Thank you." Matt said sincerely.

"Now, I know, you're going to be talking to Mimi now, right?" she asked him.

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

"Let me talk to her first, okay?" she asked him. Matt nodded in understanding.

Mimi sat on the seat she had first sat on since she arrived the dance. Shocking to point out that she was actually having a bad time. It's not like her, every time there's a party or a school dance, she's always seen on the dance floor, dancing.

"It's all my fault." she whispered to herself. The reason she was having a bad time was not because of the dance, it's because of what had occurred between Sora, Matt and her. She lost the love of her life and her best friend in that ten minute conversation.

"No it's not." a voice disagreed with her. Mimi, shocked, turned to look at the invader who had invaded her space.

"Sora?" she whispered.

"Hey," Sora greeted.

"You're still talking to me?" Mimi asked.

"Of course," Sora smiled warmly at her. "You are my best friend." she continued on smiling. Tears had started to gather in the corners of Mimi's eyes. She sniffed and looked away from her, feeling the same pang of guilt and betrayal.

"I'm so sorry," Mimi whispered, the tears streaming down her eyes.

"Mimi," Sora hushed her. She then reached to Mimi to give her a comforting hug.

"It's all my fault."

"No, it's not," Sora assured her. "It's nobody's fault."

"But I," Mimi started, but Sora silenced her.

"I can't stop you from loving Matt, Mimi." she told her. "I decided to give up on Matt." she announced.

"What? Why?" Mimi asked with demand.

"Because, I know for sure now," she paused, "And with evidence, that Matt is in love with somebody else."

"Sora," Mimi whispered her name.

"And you and I both know who this person is," Sora smiled.

"I'm really," Mimi hiccupped. "Really sorry," she continued.

"Don't be," Sora almost scolded. "I love you Mimi, you're my best friend, and I will not let a guy get in between our friendship."

"But he was,"

"My first love?"




"Tai was," Sora paused before continuing. "But the bastard was too childish and arrogant to admit it too until it was too late and I have moved on, and now he confesses everything to me!" she said rather fast with an annoyed tone.

"Will you give Tai a chance then?"

"We'll see, once I am completely over Matt," Sora pointed out. "It'll be hard to move on, but I will," Sora assured her friend. "I want you and Matt to be together Mimi." Sora admitted. "I hate to say it but, you two balance each other quite well." Sora half laughed, then turned serious once again. "Now I ask you Mimi," she paused. "Do you want to be with Matt?"


"I do Sora, I want to be with Matt." Mimi replied with confidence.

"Then I wish you the best of luck," Sora smiled as both friends hugged each other.

"But," Mimi started as they both pulled away, "I don't think Matt would want to be with me anymore after what happened," Mimi pointed out. "I believe he made it perfectly clear that day." she sighed.

"You give up to soon you know that?" Sora said as she stood up, Mimi looked up at her. "I'm right, Matt is your balance, I'm sure he won't make you give up that easy." she said then turned and quickly walked away.

"W-what do you mean?" Mimi called after the retreating Sora.

"You'll see!" Sora giggled and continued walking. She turned her back from Mimi and tears silently flowed from her eyes. "Take good care of him Mimi." she whispered and disappeared in the mass of dancing students.

Aki gripped his perfectly styled hair as he watched Sora walked happily away from Mimi. His cousin looks confuse and Sora was happy. This could only mean one thing.

"Oh my god, Mimi's going to kill me." he panicked beyond panic. He was already panicking when he had watched Sora happily talked to Mimi about something and Mimi was crying and then Sora was comforting her, the smile still in her face. He wanted to scream.

He looked around the auditorium and found what he was looking for. There were two gigantic speakers located near the D.J. by the dance floor. He quickly walked up in between the speakers and screamed. His scream covered in with the loud booming music. Once he had let his anxiety out, he walked towards Mimi.

"My dearest lovable cousin Mimi," he sweetly said to her.

"You know, that could only mean one thing," Mimi told him.

"What's that?" Aki asked with confusion that was covering the panic squeak in his voice, which Mimi noticed but quickly brushed away.

"That you're about to scold me for something," Mimi said in a 'as-a-matter-of-fact' way.

"Oh," Aki forced a smile, "Well, you're in luck cause I'm not going to do that."

"Then what is it?" Mimi asked suspiciously.

"I saw you talking with Sora," Aki started with a hint. Mimi got the hint.


"Excuse me," a voice joined in to their conversation. Aki startled, half jumped from his seat as he turned to look at the person who owned the voice that had sneaked up from behind. He gasped. He quickly turned back to his cousin to see the shock, confusion, and hope filled face.

Uncomfortable silence.

"Well, what do you want?" Aki turned to Matt.

"I was just," he searched for the words. "Mimi," he looked at her straight in the eye, Mimi did as well. "I was just wondering, if, you would like to dance with me?" he asked her.

"I don't know," Aki said in a slowly thinking motion before Mimi had a chance to even open her mouth. Matt turned unbelievingly at Aki.

"I wasn't-"

"Asking me?" Aki finished the sentence. "I know, but she is my date," Aki pointed out with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Aki!" Mimi growled with venom.

"That's it! That's it!" Aki hurriedly pointed an index finger at Mimi. "I though you didn't know how to speak that way." he laughed. He then inched his face closer to Mimi's as he followed Mimi's way, "Revenge." he whispered with venom.

"Baka!" Mimi scolded.

"Geez, I was just trying to lighten up the mood. You both are creating such intense uncomfortable silence!" he said as he stood up to leave. "Dance with her for as long as you want," he turned to Matt. "I am out of here." he said and quickly ran to the D.J.'s table.

They laughed.

"Is he always like that?" Matt asked the laughing Mimi.

"That's just the tip of the ice berg." Mimi responded.

"Uhh," Matt turned serious again.

"I would like to dance with you Matt." Mimi smiled up at him and he held up a hand to help her up from her seat, which she had gladly accepted.

Aki watched Matt and Mimi by the D.J.'s table as they walked their way towards the dance floor.

"OH, Mr. D.J." Aki called sweetly then whispered something into the man's ear.

The song Cupid by 112 started playing as Mimi and Matt reached the dance floor. Matt encircled his hands around Mimi's waist and Mimi entwined her fingers behind Matt's neck as they silently and uncomfortably swayed to the soothing music.

"Mimi," Matt whispered to Mimi. Mimi turned her face to face him. "I just, wanted to say," he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." he apologized. Mimi's face was now covered in shock.

"Matt," she started to talked but Matt silenced her with what he said next.

"I love you," he admitted. "It has always been you," he smiled with a blush. "I hope we can start over again." he said to her.

Mimi was silent.


"I love you too Matt, and I would like to start over again." Mimi replied with a happy sincere smile, that would've put the crest of sincerity to shame.

Matt released a tensed sigh and rested his forehead against Mimi's. Mimi was beyond happy, now she knew what Sora had meant. Earlier she had been a pessimist, thinking of how Matt would not love her ever again, and that everything is not going to work out, yet none of the latter had happened. She was happy, in Matt's arms as they swayed together to the soothing music.

"Mimi," Matt whispered to her ear.


"I've liked you since we were in the digi world, and I have realized since your return from America that I am in love with you," he paused ot catch his breath. "I was just wonderin if you would like to go out with me and be my girlfriend?" he looked at her in the eye.

Mimi giggled at him. "I didn't know you wanted to start at the very beginning!" Mimi laughed.

"Gomen" Matt apologized sheepishly.

"Matt," she said. "I've liked you since we were in the digi world and had realized after coming back from America that I am in love with you." she smiled tenderly. "I would love to go out with you and be your girlfriend." she replied with a genuine smile.

Mimi giggled as Matt grabbed her waist and had lifted her up to air and twirled both themselves around. He then gently placed her back down, their little play attracted their fellow students and are now watching the interaction between the two.

The student body gasp.

Jun fainted.

As Matt and Mimi shared their very first kiss as lovers, thus declaring their love for the world to see, well, the school for now.

So what is love?

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust to hope, and to endure whatever comes.


Italicize Quote (A verse from the Bible; 1 Corinthians 13, 4-13)