Disclaimer: I am not cool or smart enough to own these characters. They are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and all the companies that she graces with her brilliance. Do not sue, for I am already in debt.

Authors note: Okay guys. There is only one more chapter left of this part and then it's on to Part II. As always, thanks to my brilliant betas Silver Wolf Pups and ladyhawk89. And to all those that reviewed, I really appreciate it. Thanks!

WARNING: This section contains disturbing imagery that is not appropriate for all ages. If you have a weak stomach or just don't like reading about gross stuff, skip this section. It won't necessarily hurt you if you do that. The next chapter will still, for the most part, make sense without it.

Kagome blinked rapidly, trying to focus her eyes and stop the burning sting that was making them water. She was chilled; goose bumps making the light hairs on her arms stand up. Darkness surrounded her and she couldn't make out any shapes in the black shadows.

Eyes still watering, she took a step forward and timidly called out "Inuyasha? Sango? Miroku? Where are you guys?" Strange to think that she was alone now, when not five minutes ago she had been in a hut in the village. "This isn't funny you guys. Come on, don't leave me here by myself!"

She jumped and let out a frightened shriek when something brushed lightly against her cheek. The wind blew gently as it passed her, making her hair swirl into her face. "Hello? Whose there? Is that you Inuyasha?"

"You are foolish aren't you, you silly girl," a deep voice called out to her from the shadows. The speaker let out a low chuckle as Kagome jumped in surprise and shivered in fear.

That's definitely not Inuyasha! Where is he? she thought frantically, her pulse fluttering madly in her throat.

"Your little half demon won't come for you. You're mine now. He didn't want to rescue you before; he was too busy with Kikyo. What makes you think he'll save you now? He'll forget about you and go back to her." The faceless voice took a heavy step towards her and his footstep echoed loudly into the darkness.

"That's not true!" Kagome called out defiantly. "Inuyasha always rescues me." But it's true he always gets distracted if Kikyo is around…wait! I can't think that way! He's just trying to trick me into hating Inuyasha! Well, I won't do it!

Her head seemed to be filled with unidentified, excited whispers that surrounded her. The closer the footsteps came to her, the louder they got and she shut her eyes and shook her head, hands clamped over her ears trying to drown out the senseless noise. What's happening to me? Am I going crazy?

"Go away! What do you want from me?" she cried out, sinking to the floor as the whispers got even louder.

And then it was silent. Kagome opened her eyes and glanced around. She could see nothing; hear nothing, and yet, it was more terrifying than when she had been surrounded by faceless voices.

But then she felt the hot breath against her ear and cheek, breath that smelled like the stench of rotting corpses and she knew she had never felt such fear in all of her life. "I want you."

Kagome's head whipped to face the man and she screamed in horror as she found herself staring into the hallow depths of empty eye sockets. The yellow, decayed corpse grinned at her, even as rotting flesh was burning off of its face. The pieces fell to the floor around her and it was taking all of her will power to keep screaming and not throw up.

Flames burst from the floor all around her and suddenly she could see again but she wished she could be engulfed in that delicious darkness again. Rotting corpses were all around her, dancing in the flames, screaming loudly in agonizing, eternal pain. The whispers that had given her a reprieve for a mere minute were exploding wildly in her head, forcing her hands back up to her ears. She was begging them to stop, begging the corpse to make it all go away when he grabbed her wrist roughly, pulling her towards the scorching fire. It was calling for her; telling her that it would give her the relief she so desired but Kagome resisted, struggled against the man and cried out, "No! Inuyasha, help me!" Her fingers were digging into the dirt, trying to catch them on anything that would allow her to remain in place.

The grinning face looked down at her. "What a pathetic sight you are. It's no wonder Inuyasha is tired of you. I will end your suffering. You will come to death with me."

Kagome could feel tears streaming down her face but it did nothing to stop the scorching of her skin and hair as she got closer to the fire. She shook her head and murmured deliriously, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! INUYASHA!"

The rotting corpse laughed as she struggled, laughed even more when her skirt caught fire, and nearly screamed in delight as Kagome's flesh melted from her bones.

Inuyasha had not come to save her. Kagome screamed in agony, her voice joining the other tortured souls that were doing the same dance in the flames.