This was going to just be a one-shot but an idea wiggled it's way into my brain. So now it's now gonna be ObiIru, because I'm weird like that. Not sure how long it will be though.

It had been a week since Kakashi had gone home with his owner Obito and Iruka was still finding dog hair everywhere. It seemed no matter how much he cleaned and vacuumed some of it always managed to hide from him and make it's appearance later on. Amazing how one dog had managed to get hair everywhere in one night.

Truth be told he kind of missed the big fur ball.

It was early Saturday afternoon, school was out for the summer, and the freak rain storm that had hit last weekend was long gone only to be replaced by an extreme heat wave. Without school Iruka only had tutoring jobs during the week to keep him occupied and his bills paid.

Iruka was lounging on his couch in front of his air conditioner with a glass of lemonade while going over the list of students that where signed up for tutoring during the summer months. He would start on Monday morning so he wanted to be prepared for each of his students needs.

He was just taking a sip of his lemonade when he heard a sharp crack, like wood splitting. Iruka glanced up just in time to see his air conditioner fall backwards from it's perch on his window sill. All he could do was watch in mute horror as his one salvation from the summer heat committed major appliance suicide and plummeted to the concrete four stories below.

It was all over remarkably fast, one minute he was enjoying the cool recycled air, the next he was being blasted by the hot air that came in from his now empty window.

He pulled himself up off the couch and looked out the window at the ground below. With a sigh he shut and locked the window and went outside to clean up the mess.

An hour or so later he found himself wandering the streets of downtown Konoha. He didn't have the money to buy a new air conditioner so he was trying to keep moving in the vain hope that it would help take his mind off the heat.

It was in his wanderings that he happened to find himself standing across the street from the Scarecrow Tattoo Parlor with a familiar scruffy grey dog lounging in the window.

Obito was in the back room getting a clean shirt when he heard the bell above the door chime. "Be with you in a minute!" He called out. His last client, an eighteen year old girl, had spazzed and spilled an open ink container on him.

He grabbed a white short sleeved button up and pulled it on, buttoning it as he walked to the front of the shop. A man was crouched down next to the window petting Kakashi, Obito grinned when he recognized him. "Iruka!" He said happily. "You finally decided to take me up on the free tattoo offer?"

Iruka smiled and stood up. "Ah, no, sorry. I was walking by and I saw Kakashi in the window so I decided to slip in and say hello." He said nervously. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, and Kakashi's a little attention whore so I doubt he'll mind." Obito said as he slipped behind the dividing half wall to his work area so he could clean up.

Iruka browsed the hundreds of pictures of people and their tattoos on the walls. "Did you do all of these?" He asked.

"Yup!" Obito said proudly. "Most of them are custom too."

"They're all amazing." Iruka said. "You're very talented."

Obito blushed. "You think so?" He asked sheepishly. "'Cause I never hear the end of it from my family. According to them I'm wasting my life, not to mention all the money they spent sending me to the law school that I flunked out of."

"Well I think this is your true calling. You don't look like a lawyer." Iruka stated.

"Ha, thanks!" Obito said as he reorganized the magazines on the waiting area table. "That's the best complement I've ever received! You sure you don't want a free tattoo?"

Iruka smiled. "No thanks. I'm a teacher. It's pretty much considered improper to have a life outside of school."

"That's too bad." Obito sighed. "I think you'd look good with some sort of tiger on your back or chest."

Iruka grinned. "I'd look good with anything!"

"Modest much?" Obito chuckled. "Well if you won't let me tattoo you, how 'bout I take you out to dinner, my treat. It's only fair that I pay you back somehow, after all, you did rescue my poor little pup from being lost forever."

"Dinner? I guess that would be alright. Nothing expensive though." Iruka consented.

"Great!" Obito cheered. "I know this great place. How 'bout I pick you up around eight, it should've started to cool down a bit by then." Kakashi barked his agreement from his spot in the window.

"Alright." Iruka said as he gave Kakashi one last pet and moved towards the door. "I've got a few errands to run so I'll see you tonight. You still remember where my place is?"

"Yup." Obito waved. "See you later."

Once Iruka was gone Obito crouched down and rubbed Kakashi's head. "What do you think boy? Hot or not?" Kakashi barked and wagged his tail enthusiastically. "Ha, you always did have good taste in men!"


Since I'm moving in with my sister I won't have wireless internet anymore so I won't be updating anything for a while, but I'll keep writing so when I do get internet on my laptop again I'll be able to post a bunch of stuff for your reading pleasure.

Review Please!!!