A/N: This fiction takes place after 'ANTS' and 'Not-a-date'. They are not a couple at this point. This is the first of three multi-chapter fictions called the 'Cleverly Disguised Trilogy'.

A/N #2: I've reposted this chapter because BonesDBchippie pointed out a few errors. Goldy betaed this but then I pulled a bad Wolfy and added a few things. So, thanks 'Chippie'!

Title: Cleverly Disguised as an Infant

Summery: A baby is left outside the Jeffersonian for Brennan. What happens when Child Services can't pick the baby up until the following week? Will Booth be able to help? And will having a child for the weekend move along their relationship? Pure Fluff. (You know you wanted me to write a Fluff-Fic.)

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: I still don't own BONES, can you believe it? No money is being made from this, or any other fiction. I write for the pure pleasure of doing it and for the entertainment of the kind people who read my stuff. I do, however, own the plot line contained within, thus it is

© WolfMyjic 2006


The first thing to reach Special Agent Seeley Booth's ears upon entering the Medico-Legal Labs of the Jeffersonian Institution was a high pitch crying. Odd, he thought. He made his way through the labs toward the normally quiet office of his partner, Dr. Temperance Brennan. The door stood open, and the sight within stopped him in his track. Brennan was awkwardly holding a small child- Maybe four months old¸ Booth thought. The baby screamed louder as Brennan nervously patted her back. "Here, you try again," Brennan said, handing the baby to Angela, who did no better. Booth made his way to the door and took in the whole scene. Zack Addy and Dr. Jack Hodgins sat on Brennan's couch, hands over ears. Angela frowned as she tried to soothe the child and Brennan ran a hand through her hair.

"4 Squints and a Baby, starring Bones Brennan," Booth said from the doorway. Four pairs of eyes turned to him.

"Where have you been?" Brennan demanded. "I called you four hours ago!"

"Sorry, Bones, but I had a court hearing today. Remember? I told you about it. I came over as soon as we got a break." He tossed a glance back to the baby. "You've been hiding secrets," he teased, a wide grin on his face.

"Very funny, Booth," Brennan answered.

"If you can get her to be quiet, we'll all love you forever," Angela said.

"Dirty diaper?" Booth asked.

"Been changed," Zack said from the couch.


"And burped," Hodgins replied. Booth let out a sigh, and then turned to Angela.

"Here, let me hold her." The artist gladly handed the screaming child over. Everybody watched as Booth settled the little girl on his chest, her head tucked under his chin. He began to pace around the office, one hand supporting her back, the other underneath her butt. His fingers patted her bottom with the beat of the song he now hummed. The child fell silent, and Booth stopped his pacing- opting to rock back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"Thank Gawd," Hodgins said. "Come on Zack, before that thing starts up again." They both stood and hurried out of the room.

"Now, would someone please tell me what's going on?" Angela and Brennan looked at each other, and then back to the agent.

"I, um, think I'll go finish up some work," Angela said, leaving the office. Booth watched her go before turning his eyes back to his partner.

"Bones? Who's the kid?"

"I'm not sure," Brennan answered, walking around her desk a taking a seat. "She just…kinda showed up."

"She's a little young to walk," Booth teased.

"I mean, that we all arrived here this morning around 7:30. Then about eight o'clock, Stan, the day security guard called up and said that there was a baby here to see me." Booth raised an eyebrow in question. "He said that he looked up, and the baby was outside the doors. In her car seat," Brennan pointed to the corner. "Stan watched her for a minute through the door, and when nobody came back, he went and got her. That's when he found this." She held up a plastic evidence bag. Inside was a handwritten note.

Dr. Brennan, Mommy read your books. She thought you could take care of me.

"There was one diaper, a bottle, and a can of formula stuck down beside her."

"And did you call the cops?" Booth asked.

"I called you, does that count?" Brennan asked with a roll of her eyes.

"Have you processed the car seat? Have you processed the kid, for that matter? Maybe there's something on her to tell us who she is."

"We dusted for prints. None but Stan's and mine are on it." Booth nodded. The baby was long since asleep, and Brennan watched as the agent picked the infant seat up, sat it on the couch and then placed the baby in it. Then he sat the infant seat back on the floor…the baby still fast asleep.

"Well, we can't process the baby clothes until we get new ones," he said, walking to the door. A wave of his hand caught Angela's attention and brought her back to the office. "Angela, can you watch…um," he turned back to Brennan. "Do we know the baby's name?"

"No, it wasn't on the note."

"Could you watch the baby until we get back?"

"Oh, no," Angela said, holding up her hands. "That little thing cried the whole time I was holding her."

"Look, she should sleep for about two hours. We'll be back by then."

"Where are we going?" Brennan asked, as she stood.

"To buy some clothes, some diapers and to call in the experts." Then he turned back to Angela. "If one sweet, kind, loving artist would baby sit."

"Oh, okay," Angela said. "But you better be back before she wakes up."

Angela looked up from her sketchpad just in time to see Booth, carrying a bag of items, and Brennan walk through the door.

"Every thing we need for Piper," he declared.

"Who?" both Angela and Brennan asked.

"The baby," Booth clarified. "Can't keep calling her 'the baby' now can we?"

"Why Piper?" Angela questioned.

"Don't know," he answered with a half shrug. "Just seems to fit." Booth sat down on the couch. "Well, look who's awake," he said to Piper. He picked the baby up and nestled her in his arms. "Can you hand me a diaper and a new outfit, Bones?" Brennan searched through the bag for the requested items, and handed them over.

"So when's Child Services coming to get the…um…Piper?" Angela asked, as she watched Booth expertly strip the child, change the diaper and then redress.

"Not anytime soon," Brennan answered.

"Seems that they're a little busy right now, so we're going to look after her, aren't we sweet pea?" Piper cooed a giggle as Booth talked. "At least over the weekend." Brennan held out an evidence bag that Booth dropped the clothes in, and another that he dropped the diaper. Brennan handed both to Angela.

"I want every test they can think of ran on these."

"You got it," Angela said, and turned to leave, a smile plastered on her lips. The thought of Booth and Brennan playing house made her heart sing.

"Here, you hold Piper and I'll go mix up a bottle," Booth said, standing and handing the child over.

"But, Booth," Brennan began to protest, but he was already gone. Brennan looked at the baby in her arms. "Um, hi there," she said. The baby looked back at her with large blue eyes.

"Here we go," Booth said, coming back into the office a few minutes later. He took the baby, sat down, and began to feed her. Brennan watched in fascination. Finally Piper was feed and burped. Booth placed the happy child back into the infant seat and looked at his watch. "Damn, I've got to go," he said, standing up.

"Go? Go where?"

"I told you I had to go back to court. But it shouldn't take long. I'll meet you back at your apartment."

"But Booth, I can't watch a baby all by myself."

"Get Angela to help. You know I wouldn't leave you if I didn't have to." Brennan nodded. "I promise, I'll be there as soon as I can." And with that, he was gone.


Branwyn has been driving me crazy. This chapter was done before I began 'Not-A-Date' and she wanted to post...but I talked her out of it. Chapter 2 is almost done...and I hope to have it up before the end of the week.

A/N #2: If you don't understand the title, no worries. It'll become clear in a future chapter.