AUTHORS NOTE: I cant update as much as I would like, because I am VARY busy, but trust in me my fellow authors and I shall deliver in due time :p
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto, the only thing in this story that is mine is the original character, Ai-eien.
:The salvation from damnation:
"So why do I exist and live? I asked myself that question, but could not find an answer. But I need those reasons while I am still alive, or it would be the same as me being dead. And this is what I concluded...I exist to kill everyone other than me. I finally found relief inside the fear of being assassinated at any time. By killing the assassins, I was able to recognize my reason to live. I fight only for myself, and only love myself. As long as I think that other people exist to make me feel that, the world is wonderful. As long as there are people to kill in this world to make me experience the joy of living, my existence will remain."
Ai-eien was a 12 year old girl from Suna. She spent her days wondering the streets of Suna, or helping her Cousin out at his shop, when he was not out on missions. Ai-eien was also training to become a ninja, but she needed much work.
It wasnt as if she could hate her cousin, after all he had done for her. As a small child her parents had died on a mission leaving her with her cousin.
Her last remaining relative.
He was mean and cold and distant, until drunk. And then he wanted nothing more then to pick on her. But still she was gratful toward him, as being the only living person to see her as a living person, and not some part of the scenery.
Thats morning he was prepairing for his newest mission over in the leaf country. He had tied his dark brown hair back into a pony tail and his violet eyes so like hers, were glazed over slightly from the morning sake. She had entered his room, her little girl form stood behind his looming 15 year old self and offered him a hug. He smiled and it sent fear into her heart. He lifted his arms and she put hers around his waist Her head only came to his stomach and his hands pressed her close to him. So close it hurt.
" Ai-eien-chan." He seemd to roll her name from his mouth before looking down at her.
" You be good while I am away, and perhapes I'll buy you an ice cream when i come back." His hands gripped her hair and pulled so she was looking up at him. She felt her stomach drop, lately he had been acting weird like this towards her.
" I will be good Reno-Kun." She never quiet felt right calling him with -Kun- but if she didnt he would anger more.
" Good girl, now give your cousin a kiss goodbye." She cringed inside, and perhapes outside as well for his eyes flashed and he picked her up sharply and brought her face to his. She thought wildly that perhaoeds he ment to kiss her ont he lips and turned her face away only to have him kis her neck. When she refused to kiss him back he shoved her roughly to the ground, cuasing her to cut her hand on one of his Kuni blades.
Later that day wiht him gone she didnt want to think what mood he would be in when he returned. She sat on the bridge and reopened her cut. It felt refreshing to feel somthing other then dirty, to feel pain instead. She sat their lettign her blood drip silently into the little water pool and drifted of into her thoughts.
'If i am so dirty and so un-needed perhapes i should bleed my self out...and not waste this space any more.'
' But no Reno needs me, even if it is only to clean and cook for him."
' But its still a need, and so I'll just stay as i am for now.'
With that said she closed her fingers over the cut and stopped it persistent trickle.
'Their hate is seeping into the air and filling my lungs. I can smell it like I smell their fear. They are so disgusting I feel the urge to smother them until THEIR lungs scream for release. How disgusting.'
The 13 year old male was staring out into the night air as he lounged back on the roof of the Kazekage's building.
This city hated and feared him, this city if sand. He turned away from the light of the moon and his face was buried into the comforting cool shadow. His gaze narrowed and soon his heart beat was racing as his urges slowly invaded his head. He swore he could here glass breaking in his mind as the smell of taunting blood filled his nostrils. The demon inside was calling for a taste and Gaara found himself filled with a primal instinct to hunt down the wounded prey.
He disappeared with a swirl of sand only to emerge on the street below. The people of Suna grimaced and turned away from him as he made his way toward the smell, no mistaking it for imaginary, it was real, it smelled fresh.
It smelled rich.
It puzzled him how this scent was so sweet to his senses and he couldn't help but follow. As he walked down the street he felt almost dirty being on the same ground as these bumbling idiots around him, glaring them away he soon found he was on the outskirts of the city and he looked around baffled as to were the smell was coming from! He blinked slowly before heading of toward a near by bridge.
A small form was sitting there. The scent, was unmistakably coming from her and he came up silently behind her. How weak.
How pathetic.
" I could kill you so easy…" His dark voice sounded behind her and she jumped from her skin and twisted around to look into his glaring eyes. She had a soft violet color to her big round eyes, they looked almost child like, but weary and old at the same time. Her face was small and round, and her dark brown hair had purple streaks in it, fell to past her shoulders and framed her face. Her pale skin took on a pink hue as she blushed.
" I…I…" She jumped up quickly and stood on the railing a few feet from him. He could smell fear on her skin, but she also smelled strongly of desert flowers. His un dieing stare was unnerving her, he could tell and it pleased him deeply to know he was scaring her. But the smell had come back ten fold as she moved and he glared once more.
" Where are you bleeding?" She looked taken aback by his question, and he considered taking an arm off to punish her for not talking sooner. She gulped and lifted her left hand. There on the pearly white skin was a cut, it was vary deep and the blood was slowly leaking from it. She looked puzzled and he decided to ignore her as she seemed to unintentionally annoy him. He took a step closer waiting for her to flee.
But she didn't.
He took another step, and still she stood there. Her eyes wear unsure, and it angered him to see her acting so calm around him. He disappeared and she gasped only to jump in surprise as he returned standing in front of her.
She closed her eyes so as not to be staring into his. He was so close!
What did he want?
Would he really kill her!
She shivered as she felt the boys breath on her face and she kept her eyes closed tighter. She was so tense and she wanted nothing more then to run away, but some how she knew better then to do that.
She nearly cried out as she felt his dry cold skin touching her hand softly. She opened her eyes in surprise and watched as he brought her hand to his face and he inhaled the smell of her blood.
" Your blood smells sweet." She found her mind wondering around him, his soft red hair looked damp and his dark circled eyes looked haunted. Suddenly she recognized him…how stupid of her not to realize it sooner!
" You…you….are Gaara of the sand?" She whispered timidly, and she winced as he chuckled still looking at her hand in his.
Since his fight with Naruto he had stopped his unneeded killing spree, but something about her blood was nostalgic and he found himself wanting to taste it. He bent down slowly and brought her hand to his mouth, his tongue snaked out and licked her cut.
His taste buds seemed to dance in glee and he found a smirk crossing his lips. He dropped her hand suddenly as he felt a numb calm come over him. He stared at her in the eye once more.
" I am him." She was staring at her hand as if never seeing it before.
She looked up at him and blushed again.
" Your weird Gaara-sama." He smirked. This little girl had no clue that he had killed others for lesser insults to him.
" I am insane." She narrowed her eyes before smiling wearily at him.
" Well I heard from many about you…..I guess you are insane in some ways. Do you have any friends Gaara-sama?" He looked unblinking down at her with his cold emotionless face shook slightly.
" I need no friends." She held her hand to her chest and looked intently at him with….was that concern? He almost wanted to lurch at the sincere emotion but held back.
'Why hold back? Just leave now, or kill her it dose not matter truly.'
" But every one our age needs some kind of friend." She stepped back slightly from him and kicked a rock of the bridge and watched it send ripples through the water pool.
" I need no friends." She blushed again and nodded her head. She looked….sad.
" I have no friends ether." She looked up at him and cocked her head to the side.
" Can you be my friend Gaara-sama?" He was listening to his name coming of her tongue and felt a tug at his stomach….who did she remind him of?
" I am no ones friend." His cold answer sent a shiver down her back. But it was the truth and he was being honest with this silly girl, she should be grateful.
She guessed even a cold hearted killer didn't have time fore her. Not wanting to anger him further she looked to the sky and saw it was sunset. Reno would be gone and she needed to clean the house and cook, maybe read before bed. She turned to leave but stopped when he snarled behind her.
" I didn't say go." She looked back and felt the fear rise inside her again. His eyes glared and his jaw looked tense.
'Damn! I angered him already!"
" You leave when I say I am done with you." His voice was back to being calm, and it scared her even more. How could he change emotion so fast?
" Gomen, I…I need to get home." He looked past her into the night and spoke.
" To your parents."
" No I live with my Cousin, but he is gone for a mission and will not be back until next month." He looked back at her and cocked his head this time.
" I require I place to rest. I will come with you to your home."
Crazy huh? But that's Gaara for you, I redid this chapter, because it was a little to sane for him and I wanted it to be just right please review ….or die …..