Cliff and Dias were at the bar again, hunched over with a glass mug in their hands with a dazed look in their face. They starred at the television, throwing peanuts at it (sometimes cats because they were too drunk and glued to the television to even notice) in disgusted. Their boyband ceased to exist because of their lack of dancing and singing skills. Albel was the only qualified dancer with rhythm, but when he sang he sounded like a dying cat being murdered in a slaughterhouse while having a seizure. "Why can't you dance? You are strippers!" Rena would always ask them, but they would respond by saying: "We didn't get paid for dancing, you know." After so much frustration, Rena got rid of that band.
"We could have been on there!" Cliff cried out, and took a sip of his beer. "I think I'll join the circus now!"
"You don't have a baby to take care of!" Dias hissed. "I need a job now!"
"Do you need money?" The television spoke as pictures of random, colourful bills popped out of nowhere on the screen. "Well come on down to the Central City DDR tournament! The winner will win ten thousand fol!"
"Ten thousand fol, eh?" Cliff and Dias pondered as they placed a finger to their chin.
"Wow, look at these two!" A crowd hovered around them with their jaws wide open in awe. "They really suck!"
"Woot!" Cliff cheered out loud with his hands in the air. "I beat Dias! I got 70 Boos on beginner and he got 71! I get to move on!"
"Humpt!" Dias growled as he unsheathed his sword, cutting off Cliff's head. "Take that!"
"Jerk!" Cliff grunted, screwing his head back on. "I challenge you to a catfight!"
Maria and Opera entered the arcade and headed towards the DDR machines.
"Congrats, it's been three weeks since you've had alcohol!" Maria patted Opera on the back. "I'm going to tempt you by drinking this bottle of wine. Now, don't give in!"
Opera snatched the bottle of wine, running with it as she consumed it within three seconds. She ran towards the DDR machine and played Sakura on challenge mode. Everyone from the entire arcade went towards her and starred at her. Their eyes widened when they saw her confirming her move. "Oh, my! Not Sakura on Challenge! That's suicide!" Some of them whispered to each other. The first thousand arrows went up the screen within a millisecond. Opera, swaying around the mat, hiccupping, somehow managed to hit every single one with perfect precision. The next thousand came and Opera hit them. The Next million came: Opera stomped on them as if they were cockroaches that didn't seem to die. When the song was over, she got all perfect.
"We have a winner!"
"More booze money!"
Maria placed a hand on her forehead, shaking her head as she let out a sigh. "I give up," She told herself, leaving the arcade. "I have a strip bar to take care of."
"Damit, we lost!" Cliff cried out, shaking his fist in the air. "I guess we'll join the circus!"
"I'm back, Your Majesty." Nel spoke, bowing down on her knees. "I've decided to stay here in Aquaria. However, I wish not to be a mercenary, but a polka dancer!"
Peppita waltzed into the audition room wearing sparkling clothes that barely covered herself. Her make-up looked like she had been run over by a bus. Her lipstick looked like a clown the way she lathered in on, and her eyes looked liked that of a dead hooker.
"I wanna be the next Paris Hilton!"
"Me too!" A high pitch squeal leaped into the room wearing the same prosit-tot outfit/make-up as Peppita, only with some blond man wrapped head to toe in chains.
"We are looking for the next boyband." Rena informed, magically pressing an anvil over their heads. "Next!"
"Show us the meaning, of being horny!" Leon and Roger sang dressed in gay outfits.
"Perfect!" Rena clapped, writing down information on her clipboard, Chisato style. "In a few years you will be the latest pop duel!"
Ashton starred the barrel for hours with his eyes sparkling in delight and his mouth drooling off at the side. He spontaneously hugged it and rubbed his face against it. Several minutes later they frolicked together in the meadows, eventually getting married to each other. They lived in the country where they had 193713 children.
"It's a boy!"
Celine smiled as she embraced her new child, holding him in her arms as her eyes watered.
"And the journalist of the year goes to... Chisato Madison for her story on the real Pimp Master C!" A man wearing a tux called out, handing her a trophy.
"Thank you everyone!" Chisato spoke, in a cheerful tone. "I never meant to hurt Cliff but I write the tabloids. Read my next story on Albel getting a sex change!"
"Fayt, we are going to see 'Rent!'" Sophia screched at the top of her lungs, pulling his ear, dragging him on the ground. "Then we are going shopping for our wedding!"
"Wedding?" Fayt blurted out of shock. "We've been dating for a week."
"We are getting married tomorrow! First, get yourself a job!"
"Yes, dear."
"What did we learn today?" Cliff asked
"Karma's a bitch?" Chisato replied, while snapping another pencil with her anger.
"True, but I think there was another theme." Mirage suggested.
"I know I know!" Roger spoke out loud with his hand above his head. He waved it around.
"Don't be a man slut, or regular slut and have billions of kids with billions of fathers!" Leon chimed in. Roger dropped his hand down and glared at Leon. Leon stuck his tongue at him.
Ernest walked to the middle of the stage. "That's right kids," He gave his after school special speech. "Having fun is fun but there are consequences. Children are involved and it's best they don't have a new dad every six weeks."
Celine threw her high heel at the back of Ernest's head, causing him to knock out.
"Pretty much, don't be trash." Nel concluded.
The End
AN: I was kind of lazy when I wrote this, hence the one line for everyone. Someone told me they were playing DDR while intoxicated and did amazing, so that's how I got that idea. The story is now over :( but I had a lot of fun. Read The Bizarre Love Octagon of Doom, It's my other story and another crack fic. I might do a serious one after (or during because there will be about 28 chapters to that story) that one; either a drama with some romance, or just a drama. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, especially to boywholivesinshadows for reviewing pretty much every chapter. Add more reviews please :)