The music blared as if a bomb had gone off as sounds of synthesized instruments seeped out of the speakers filling the room with eurotrance music. Lights flashed illuminating the room with the many colours of the rainbow. Screams of joy were heard competing with sounds of the music as many fangirls waved green pieces of paper in their hands, throwing them unto the stage. Girls were packed tighter than sardines crammed into a can as some couldn't move.
Cliff, also known as Pimp Master C, hugged the pole that was in the centre of the stage and started swinging around like a marry-go –round. He wore only a leather thong that was hot pink as if Barbie designed his costume, which barely covered him.
"WE LOVE YOU PIMP MASTER C!" Celine screamed at the top of her lungs, waving her hands in the air.
Cliff turned his back towards his cheerful audience as he bent over, sticking his sexy booty out and shook it in front of his fans. The girls went nuts as many of them keeled over unto the floor, passing out. After minuets of booty shaking he turned around and gave bow as he strutted off the stage like a super model.
"AND NOW LADIES, THE TIME HAS COME FOR… SUGAR SEXY DIAS!" the speakers announced as the girls hollered at the top of their lungs, some having raspy voices.
Winds whooshed on stage causing Dias' sapphire hair to blow as his fans threw Fol bills, which danced in the winds, spirally around him. His attire, much like Cliff's, was a plumb coloured velvet speedo which clung to his skin showing off his sexy package.
This was the norm at The House of Hottness on a Friday night. Many fangirls from around the universe would come to this strip bar, admiring the beauty of Pimp Master C! and Sugar Sexy Dias. Even innocent Rena, a regular, would use a fake ID and spend her allowance on lap dances at The House of Hottness. She told her parents she was studying at a friend's house, an excuse most young women used; the streets were vacant on Friday night's, as if the whole universe were a giant ghost town. Queen's Street, which The House of Hottness was located, was the only place where humans existed on that night.
Another Friday Night, another wild evening. Cliff sat on the stool his dressing room pampering himself before his act. He looked at his reflection in the 18th Century Baroque mirror and smiled. His new job was making him loaded! The other day he bought himself some bling-bling valued over 100 000 FOL, a staple for his new lifestyle. He had dreams of starting a family after defeating Luther but Cliff wasn't the type to stay with one woman, he wanted them all! He quickly lathered the oil from his stand all over his muscular body as a knock was heard banging on his door.
"Come in!" Cliff answered finishing lathering his arms, then pouring more oil unto his hands.
A young woman, a few years younger than Mirage, stood in the doorway with her hands on her narrow hips. Her hair was obviously dyed a blood red and her unique outfit looked like she was from a different planet.
"Yo, I'm the new stripper!" the mysterious woman greeted in a gansta accent, hostilely.
Cliff burst out in laughter, as he rolled on floor, laughing like a hyena. His stomach split open in pain, like someone threw an anvil at him as he giggled like a schoolgirl seeing Pimp Master C! for the first time.
"This is a woman's strip club for heterosexuals!" He chuckled, still on the floor, laughing like a mad man, rolling around the room.
"It's going to be a men's strip club on Monday-Thursday nights." The woman hissed, offended by the laughter.
"WHAT!" Cliff said in shock, which muted his laughter and stopped him from continuing to roll around on the floor.
"Ya, yer jobless on those days." She scolded as she barged into the room, stepping over him as she passed his body lying on the floor like a dead man. "So we are going to share this room."
Chisato entered the doorway, holding a clipboard in her right hand and motioned with her hands for Cliff to enter the stage. Cliff's eyes were narrow as his face was the colour of the new stripper's hair. He stood up, cracking his knuckles and glared at Chisato with the fires of hell in his eyes.
"What is wrong Cliff?" Chiasto asked as she looked at her watch. "We don't have time for this you have to be on stage!"
Cliff was silent as he marched out of his room, nudging Chisato with his broad shoulders as he passed her.
"Look, I'll tell you what happened later but you need to go on stage!" Chisato sympathized as she moved the curtain to the stage but Cliff pushed her hand away and opened it himself.
"WHAT!" Cliff screamed as he slammed his hands unto Chisato's desk in rage. "How can you make this a men's club on Monday-Thursday night?"
"I decided that we might make more money if this club were for men on the less busy nights." Chisato explained. "When we have the money we will build another night club but for now you will only work Friday and Saturday nights!"
Cliff crossed his arms and starred deep into Chisato's eyes as Dias' eyes twitched, in anger, as if he had been electrocuted.
"I don't think this new girl will be as popular as I, Sugar Sexy Dias!" Dias answered as he left the room with his nose to the air.
"If my calculations are correct in a month we can start building the other club." Chiasto said, in a calm tone glancing at her bank sheets, making notes along the way. "If you want to work full time you can sweep floors on Monday-Thursday nights but for now you have to work part-time!"
"Pimp Master C! sweeping floors!" Cliff complained like a spoiled child not getting what they want on Christmas day, slamming his hands again on the desk. "I don't think so! I'm just going to have to work somewhere else. Dias and I will start our own club!"
"Fine, do whatever." Chisato gave up spinning her chair around with her back facing Cliff. "Make this new girl welcome, show her the ropes."
"You mean she can be my apprentice?" Cliff's voice changed tones, as he let out a faint smile.
"Sure, she doesn't have a stripper name yet so you can help her with that." Chisato replied as she stood up to face him. "Her name is Nel, can you think of a name for her?"
"Nel?" Cliff pondered as he scratched his head. "Hott Nel? No that won't work. Hmm… How about Sugar Sexy Nel, no Dias already has that name. I dunno."
"Why don't you ask her some questions, I kinda want to have lunch right now so get out of my office!" Chiasto hissed as she got the boom beside her desk and shooed Cliff out of her office, as if he were a hideous spider.
"I guess that would work! I'll have a name when you get back!" Cliff smiled, cheerfully as he scooted out of Chiasto's office, making his way over towards his dressing room.
AN: I do not know anything, so don't sue me. Thanks to Brenty for the name: Pimp Master C!. he thought of it and I didn't but the rest I made up, except for the star ocean stuff.