In the tradition of Organisation Days through out the year, I present the fic I wrote on September 6th, Zemyx day (cough Well, one of two)! It's a bit late because I had to do that whole editting-and-beta-reading thing. however, here you are, darlings, my first trip into writing Zemyx!

-----------September Sixth. 9-6. Zemyx-------------

Zexion didn't like Demyx.

Demyx did like Zexion.

Zexion didn't like the way Demyx bounced and laughed and played his music so loudly.

Demyx did like how Zexion's hair made him look mysterious, and how the other could walk so silently and surprise him even more than Xigbar by randomly appearing, and did like the idea of getting that smooth, rich voice to join him in a duet one day.

Zexion didn't like how Demyx was always everywhere at once, and how he could never stay still for more than a few moments, and how he was always so childish about everything from wonder to annoyance (though never anger. His anger was cruel, violent and cold).

Demyx did like the way Zexion was so calm, and could always seem to concentrate on something long enough to solve whatever problem it presented, and how he could somehow disappear into the scenery even though his cloak should make him glaringly obvious against all the white, and how perfectly calculating his seemed to be, understanding everything and knowing at least a dozen ways to deal with it almost instantly.

Zexion didn't like anything about Demyx, but that didn't stop him from loving every little detail. No, what stopped him was not that he didn't like Demyx.

Demyx only liked Zexion, and that made all the difference in their nonexistant world.