Well here is the long awaited next chapter. It is very short. I had intended to write more but I never got around to it and I wanted to get something out today. It is me giving you guys a present on my birthday. Please review. I would appreciate it. (and I might write more quickly because I would be encouraged by my adoring fans)
I might lengthen it later but if I do add to it I will make sure it is very clear and it will come with another chapter.
Chapter 4
A Proposition (pt. 1)
"Naraku!" Inuyasha stormed into the room just as Naraku slid out from behind his wall.
"Yes, Prince?" Naraku stood against the wall, an inquisitive look on his face.
Inuyasha marched right up to the other demon proclaiming, "The guards just took a boy from the market, apparently on your orders!"
"Well, yes the boy was a criminal and I was told to keep the peace, your father can't do everything, he must delegate some tasks, prince." Naraku said in a matter of fact tone.
"Well what the hell was his crime?" Inuyasha questioned, while crossing his arms.
"Well, thievery for one, kidnapping the prince…" Naraku started.
"He didn't kidnap me! I ran away, you idiot!" Inuyasha shouted brashly.
"Oh dear, what a shame." Naraku began walking away from the wall and towards the door. "The boys sentence has already been carried out…" Naraku stopped walking facing away from where Inuyasha stood.
"What was his sentence?" Inuyasha asked, concern lacing his tone. Naraku turned around.
"Death" he walked closer to Inuyasha, "By beheading" his tone was that of one trying to disguise their pleasure.
"No" Inuyasha backed up to a bench, which he sat down on. "No, no, no"
"I am exceedingly sorry, prince" Naraku put his hands on Inuyasha's shoulders trying to be comforting.
Inuyasha threw off the spider demons hands and said with every bit of hatred in him "I hate you." And then proceeded to run out of the room nearly in tears.
Naraku stood up. One of his bees had finally gotten out from behind the wall and started buzzing. "Yes, I would say that he took it well…"
Inuyasha sat in the courtyard, trying not to cry. Kirara had come to comfort him. "I am so stupid, Kirara. I know I shouldn't be so upset; I am a demon for crying out loud. I just…I liked him…damn…I don't even know what his name was…" Inuyasha had wrapped his arms around Kirara and started sobbing. "Why did I have to like him? I am not supposed to feel this way for anyone but my mate…"
In the dungeons Miroku was berating himself. His hands had been shackled above his head. The dungeon was dank and dirty. But Miroku was still mad at himself.
"He was the prince. I still can't believe it. I must have seemed like a complete lecher. But he most certainly has a rather firm butt…No I can't think like that."
"Well there you are!" Shippo appeared in a high cut window. He jumped down to the ground level where Miroku was.
"Shippo, I am so glad to see you!"
"Yeah right, and the only reason you are in this mess is because of him. You and your lecherous ways" Shippo exclaimed as he climbed up to undo the shackles.
"Come on, he was in trouble. Besides he was worth it."
"Well that doesn't mean much" Shippo was almost done.
"Well no, but I won't ever see him again. He is a prince, and there is a law, he has to marry a royal." Shippo had finished so Miroku started rubbing his wrists; they had been in those things for over an hour. "Besides he deserves better than me."
To be continued…