Toko fans I have not left you. Cute one-shot in your honor.
Don't own Avatar, bah.
The gaang are staying at the Fire Nation - I've put Toph about 14/15 and Zuko 18.
"Hey, are there any in my size?"
Katara snorted as Toph came out to the common room wearing an oversized looking military suit. The steel plated shoulders weighing down the small girl as she strutted out to join her friends.
She was met with an angry glare and a snorting of smoke out a pair of unenthused nostrils.
"Where did you get that?"
"Your closet. You've got some interesting selections. Limited, but interesting. Not as good as my closet back home."
"That is a classic Fire Lord outfit. It doesn't belong on commoners."
Katara looked between the two across from each other, one huffing and one looking playful - while sitting at the table waiting for her brother to finish fishing outside with Aang.
"Good thing I'm not a commoner then. You seem to forget too easily, Zu-zu. It's LADY Bei Fong."
He didn't address that, just looked listlessly at her and carried on his brutish arrogant anger. "Well, it doesn't belong on women then."
She spoke breezily, not phased. "Your nation might be behind in the times, but where I'm from a woman will give a good pounding to her man for saying something like that."
Now he was really agitated. Katara was wearing the widest smirk on her face. She loved the chemistry between these two, everyday was a new explosion, ready to go off at the original trio's amusement.
"I'm NOT your man."
"Then you just take a pounding for nothing then" Toph said grinning and she flopped down in a chair.
Zuko was clenching his fists so hard that his veins were rippling up his arms.
Katara was in peals of tinkling laughter.
"Take it off. NOW."
It wasn't a warning. Zuko wasn't going to be humilated any longer. His friends were here as a curtesy to them. He didn't owe them and they weren't to come in and take over the place as the Earth Kingdom girl was prone to doing.
Just with him though.
With anyone else she'd be polite.
She'd told him that she'd be polite when he was. But that was yet to happen. So she continued to press his buttons... and the other's had fun stringing him along with it too... so far.
"Your call, m'lord."
She got back up and began lifting up the shirt. Zuko sheilded his eyes in horror. This was more mortifying then when his uncle used to stroll around naked in the wilderness.
"Somewhere ELSE."
The girl got up and held out her hand to him, "keys?"
He grudgingly passed the key's to the whole palace over to her, so she could find a room to change in. He shuddered thinking about the damage she could do in five seconds with those keys in her hands.
Toph stormed off with a mischevious grin and Zuko sat opposite Katara, putting his head in his hands in exasperation.
"Aang and I have a theory. You want to hear it?" She said, breaking the ice first.
Zuko groaned. The Avatar had a theory. This should be good.
"Toph is quite taken with you... that's why she wants to come to the Fire Nation so much."
Wincing at this news Zuko stood up. "Delightful." He said sarcastically.
"We thought you might say something like that." She sipped her tea. "So when are you going to tell her?"
"What!" He snapped grumpily.
"That you like her too."
He considered. Thinking about how it would be to have the pint sized annoyance around 24/7. "I won't." He said getting up. The conversation was over and when Toph came back readily changed, he brushed past her... leaving the girl bewildered to what she'd done wrong.
Zuko was a hard man to break. But she would keep trying... until he could no longer take any more.