Ok it's short cause I'm working on too many stuff, I'll update this one faster then the other's, so please review or I'll end up deleting it, which I don't want to do.andway Happy readings.

I, Edward Elric...HATE THE RAIN!

The rain kept pouring down on the city; cold and windy held no comfort for a lonely blonde alchemist like yours truly. I don't really hate it but it doesn't mix well with my metallic arm for starters, and I hate having to transmute my clothes fry…I'm too lazy.

Sighing I walked by a store, it was the bakery I usually pass by in the morning, I waved as the man attending the shop. But what I got as a reaction was a huge surprise, his eyes grew wide and he slammed the door closing the widows in the process. I didn't stop walking but my eyes lingered there…it almost seemed like he was afraid of me. But…why would he…?

Did I forget to wash my face or something?

Not caring anymore I quickened my pace, after all I have to deliver this report the Mustang…I really don't want to see him That bastard…
My boots pound the cement as I continued to walk, face downcast, just remembering hurt still…that jerk actually blamed me for someone's death! He had me arrested because some fucking idiot said he saw me kill someone!

"Damn it…" I sighed, thinking it over and over in my head won't fix anything. The lightened slightly and I could make out the military building up ahead.

I started to run, not wanting to be any more late, then what I already am, that's when it happened right then and there. And before we go onward I must say…I have worst luck any Alchemist could have ever hopped to have.

"Whoa!" I cried as I hit the wet floor, that I had bumped into something hard.

"Ow…"I mumbled rubbing the side of my face, with my hand, "Who the hell-!"

I didn't finish my sentence, for who stood right before cause my blood to run cold, and my breath was caught in my throat.

"…Scar…" I uttered, staring up at the tall Isbalen, I hate him…with all my being…he almost kill both Al and me. Ever since he failed to kill me, any time we met he took the chance and tried to finish me, but I'm either really lucky or just plain awesome. Because he has never succeed, yay for me!

"What the hell do you want Scar!" I yelled at him as I readied myself into my fighting stance.
Scar glared at me, or…more like I thought he was glaring, who can tell with those shades on. As always he charged forward arm raised ready to explode my brains out…how fun…not. I moved to the side and clapped my hands creating my blade, he to slice him open, to spill all his guts out at once if I ever got the chance to.

"Today you die, Fullmetal!" cried Scar as he hand glowed red, it grazed me arm barely able to dodge that one because I was being careless yet again. But this time I can focus, Al's not here I don't have to worry about him, I can go all out and maybe end this. I charged forwards dodging his arm yet again twisting I do a flip landing behind him, grin in a crazy fashion I did what I always wanted to do.

I stabbed him in the back, my blade pierced through the back of his stomach, I could hear the sound of flesh being ripped by metal and it almost seemed to echo around me sending chills down my back. But there weren't back chills, not…they were good I loved the feeling they gave and I wanted to feel it again.
I smirked darkly as I pulled my blade away from him, he had stopped moving but he wasn't dead, that guy was too stubborn to die so easily. I don't know what had come over me, but ever a month ago these strange urges always happened and I would black out.

Shaking my head I concentrated at what was going on now, glaring I pulled my arm away causing a small little stream of blood to follow through. Scar cried softly as he fell to the ground on one knee, holding his side as blood began to soak his shirt and hand. I stood in front of him grinning flashing my teeth at him, golden eyes filled with both glee and…something else…something that never has appeared on them ever before.

Scar looked up at me; I was waiting to see that glare and hateful look he always had on his face whenever he looked upon me. But what I saw wasn't something I was expecting…at all. His red eyes looked at me with horror, fear and…disgust…what the hell is up with that!?

"So…it was you…Alchemist are truly of the damned…" he muttered regaining his composure but the look still lingered in those eyes of his.

It was starting to annoy me, I narrowed my eyes at him hissing, I don't know why or when I had ever hissed at anyone but I didn't care. I hiss at his menacingly golden eyes narrowed into a deadly glare inching forward blade raised for another attack, waiting to carve his lovely guts ok. It was almost like I was in a trance, I had control but at the same time…I didn't.

"Mommy! I saw Milo run into the ally!", said a voice, a little girl. I froze in place as little footsteps echoed into the ally, that we some how ended up in. I turned around to look at the girl, her eyes met mine and she froze in place, little blue eyes widening to the size of dinner plates.

"…Mommy…Mommy!" she cried and ran away as I watched I didn't notice that Scar had slipped away when I wasn't looking. I hissed in anger as I finally noticed him gone, wiping my blade clean of the blood I sighed shuddering leaning against the wall. A dizzy spell hit me, and I leaned against the wall breathing in deeply.

"Shit…not again…I don't want to black out again…" I mumbled under my breath.

I've been blacking out too often since we came back to Central, I don't know what's causing it and I hate going to the doctors. Al's starting to take notice, but it only happens when I lose control of myself, like now…

"…Damn…it…" I mumbled trying to control myself, I started to walk again only to have throbbing pain erupt through my body. I whimpered falling to my knees using my hands for support, gasping for breath as my vision clouded. It was only seconds and I would be on the floor, but before I blacked out I heard a pair of foot steps stop right beside me and a voice that I knew but…I couldn't remember from where…

"…Oh hell…Chibi is the one we're after !?"

And then I blacked out for the entire world to see…hey…did he just call me…short…!?

Envy strared down at the blonde alchemist, as he watched the other breath in and out, kneeled down next to his and poked his side with a blank look on his face.

Lust and Gluttony stood behind him, as Lust continued to tell the hungery Homunculus that Edward was not for eating till the master said so. Envy looked at them raising an eyebrow with a questioning look.

"Hey! Gluttony are...you sure...you followed the right scent..." asked Envy looking at Edward, "If you haven't noticed...this is O' chibi-san..."

"It's him! I't him!" repeated Gluttony, causing Envy to roll his eyes in annoyence.

Lust sighed, "Envy just check if we're wrong then fine...but just to make sure..."

"Ok fine I get it, Lust..." mumbled Envy since he hated being told what to do. He lifted the blonde's head and lifted his upper lip just enough to see his teeth, now it was Envy's turn to be surprised.

"Fuck...Lust...it...it is...Edo..."

Ok, it was short, sorry the next one will be far better and more of the plot will be written so please Review!