Dislciamer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts 1, COM, or KH2.

Title: Explaination
Words: 861
Summary: Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
A/N: Oh god. This chapter dedicated to Mrs. Briggs, who taught me quotes could be used for something more than a way to distract yourself from homework, although they will always be useful for that!


Cloud leaned against the wall of Merlin's library, making sure Marlene and Denzel truthfully completed their schoolwork. Tifa had asked him to, while Aerith had backed her up. Truthfully, it had been Aerith's caring, emerald gaze that convinced him.

As if he had a choice.

The two were quiet for the most part, talking about the difference between a noun and a verb. Denzel was stubbornly arguing that the word 'fart' was both of these. Marlene, however, thought that was just disgusting. Cloud silently agreed.

It was when Marlene stood with several sheets of paper that he became suspicious. He was to make sure it was completed, not answer questions. Schoolwork was never his forte.

"Cloud, my teacher had us draw pictures that tell a story. She told us to show them to someone and see if they understand it. Will you read it? Please?"

"Okay." He took the papers carefully and looked at the first one. The sky was a bright blue with fields of messy lime green. A pink flower was apparently the highlight of the picture. The odd thing was, this flower had a pink ribbon tied around its stem. The center of it, bright yellow, had dark green eyes and a smile.

The next picture was generally the same, but there was a cloud in the sky. She'd actually glued cotton balls to it to make it more life-like. He stroked them with his fingers, wondering if clouds really felt like that. This cloud was unusual too, with small chocobo feathers sticking out of the top of the end facing the flower. A piece of red yarn formed a straight line for a mouth and two blue beads made the eyes.

The next picture focused on a second cloud, this one just drawn on and colored in grey. Paperclips bent until they were straight served as long silver hair. A long sword that looked more like a grey stick stuck out from the storm cloud, pointing to the flower. The Chocobo Feather didn't seem happy about this.

The next showed both clouds with swords crossed. Chocobo Feather seemed to have a Cure spell over him, cast by the Bow Flower, which now had a staff. Paperclip was smiling with a V-shaped smile.

The next picture showed that Chocobo Feather had defeated Paperclip, who was dispersing. Chocobo Feather was now a flower, looking weak but happy. The gaze in its drawn-on eyes seemed fitting for the pink heart above its golden petals. Bow Flower seemed to be feeling similarly, because there was a heart above her too.

The last picture showed the two close together, leaves acting like arms to embrace each other. They were different, and Chocobo Feather didn't seem as magnificent as Bow Flower, but they fit together, especially with the glitter and glue heart around them.

"Very good Marlene." He said, passing it back. She looked at him expectantly, but the man couldn't think of anything to say. "Rest of your homework done?" Marlene was obviously disappointed by this, but went back to finish her work. If only he could have heard her talking to Denzel.

"He understand yet?" Denzel asked expectantly. Marlene shook her head and the blonde sighed. "Is he ever gonna understand that him and Aerith were made for each other?"

The younger girl thought this over, and came to a solid answer. "Probably not." She gave Cloud a look that seemed a mix of pity and frustration. "Why do we have to explain everything to grown-ups?"

"Not a clue, but its getting old."

"You're getting old." Their voices began to raise to such a level the others could hear them.


"Never in a million years!"

"That's how long it'll take you to grow up!"

"I don't wanna' grow up! Adults are stupid!"


They looked at Cloud, praying that voice didn't belong to the woman they thought it did. He looked as bewildered as they did as Tifa came marching into the library. She took one look around and declared their punishments.

"Denzel, Marlene, you'll both do dishes for a week." Her voice was not one to argue with.

Of course, the two younger ones had no other hope. "But Tifa-"

"Listen to her you two." Cloud put in. "Merlin would be upset to know you're shouting in his library."

"Cloud, you'll be setting the table, cleaning the house, and making sure not a book here is out of place."

"But Tifa…"


There was no point to this, but for maybe a little CloudxAerith. I kinda like it, so I hope someone gets a laugh out of this. Whether that laugh is because this is funny, or because its stupid, I don't want to know. Really. Don't crush my dreams.