This is number three of a series—go to The Purple-Covered Notebook for the beginning. Yay. Clearly, I don't own any of this, other than the narrator. That's why it's on here, you know.

The New Purple Notebook


Willingly Back Again

I left my old notebook in a safe place. Wouldn't want the wrong people (meaning anyone) to read it.

The car came for me a few minutes after I called. It was too early for the Boy Wonder to be watching over me, and no one else was around.

Boy my boss is going to be pissed. This is the second time I've disappeared this year. I'll never catch up at school.

I wonder if Jason will miss me?


Here I am again in the Joker's lair (a.k.a. the Monarch Playing Card factory, how cool.) I love the way he's redecorated. (Ok, that was a bit sarcastic, but only a bit.) This time I'm not a prisoner; in fact I'm almost an equal. I'm up there with Harley. So basically I have power over Roland. (He's looking into hiring new underlings.) I think Roland is just not even cool enough to be an asshole. I hope the rest of our folks are more fun and less idiotic.


Joker by now is over the effects of all those drugs they gave him at Arkham, and ready to kill a bunch of people. I confess I'm still not ready though (if Roland doesn't SHUT UP I might change my mind!) I do want to do something.

Harley and I were just discussing the Joker. I thought he didn't seem as happy as usual (I use the term figuratively.) She said it's from Arkham. From what she says and from how he's acting, I hope I never have to go there.

By the way, Joker is still calling me Flapper. I guess that's my new name.


I didn't pack (I guess if my friends don't know I left of my own free will, I'll still have a place to come back to if this doesn't work out. That's horrible and I'm really ashamed of myself. I guess I just can't get myself to commit.)

Anyway, I didn't have any clothes or anything so Harley and I hit the mall. She chose the stores (leaving a message for Batman, I'm sure) but she let me take whatever I wanted. I took mostly retro stuff, going back even before the roaring twenties (we hit an antique store that was just chock-full of old clothes.) But I mostly took from my own dear decade. Now I really am a flapper!

Harley took some things for herself too (more messages, I bet.)

If I have power here I think I want to be in on the planning.


Got a couple of young girls (younger than me) attracted by our mall robbery. They're both homeless, runaways, driven to petty thievery, poor things, yada yada. (My friend Angela used to say that.) Also there's one old man who used to be a hit man, but now no one will hire him. Don't know why.

Small business is growing.


The new girls are annoying little airheads who are quite mad for Roland. Well, as far as I'm concerned they can have each other.

We've got a few more. Just a skeleton crew. People are afraid to work for this guy. Granted, he does have a history of killing his underlings. Why am I not afraid he'll kill me? I don't know. Hell, what's so bad about death anyway? Better to die living than to live dead. (Wow, now wasn't that a great quote?) Besides, I like the Joker.

I've been watching He-Man. I like Skeletor too. Evil-Lyn (what a name) is a really kick-ass evil girl, and good at what she does too. But competence is overrated. (That's a good one too.) I wouldn't want to get to know Evil-Lyn. I would love to know Skeletor. He's like the Joker that way. Despite liking the heroes very much, and despite not being very villainous myself, I'm on the evil side.

I don't understand it myself. If I was half sane I would be terrified.