Chapter 6 – NO!
Previously… Suddenly she could feel his breath on her face, she opened her eyes to see him leaning in there lips were almost touching, so close, so, so unbelievably close….
A:N: ok I am so, so, so, so, SO sorry for not updating!!! Please, please, please don't give up on my story I just completely lost my inspiration I promise to keep it coming just please review so I know everyone hasn't given up on my story because if I don't get any I wont update because that will mean everyone has lost interest!
God im sooo sorry!!!!
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The Guardian suddenly realised what she was doing suddenly words echoed in her head 'forbidden to know the touch of a man!!!' The goddess of the sea was indeed angry.
She pulled back, "NO!"
This loud exclamation shook James from the apparent chance he had been in.
Suddenly all the wind was knocked from him as he was slammed into a wall.
The Guardian held him one handed by the neck holding him off the ground "Do that again mortal and I shall take great pleasure in snapping your pitiful neck"
She held him there until he began to turn purple, she then relinquished her hold and let him crumple to the floor.
She looked down at her normal attire and felt disgusted.
"Dress me up like a doll will you!" she yelled at the captain who was slowly turning back to his normal skin tone and struggling to his feet.
The Guardian had heard of how men took it as a sign that women wanted to sleep with them if they disrobed in front of them.
Not wishing to have another repetition of the recent events which had lead her to a rage, she conjured up a whirlpool of water to surround her as she discarded her human clothes and put on her warrior outfit of bendable metal.
She then proceeded to tuck her own daggers back into their accustomed places; two daggers for her boots one in each, one tucked into her skirt on her left hip, the last two into her arm guards which popped out automatically at the twitch off a wrist.
As a finality she strapped her thin metal headband across her forehead and hair, the blue sapphire set directly in the middle.
She new she could not leave, she had signed a contract, and she craved adventure.
The answer was simple; she would retreat to the ocean for a few hours and cool off.
She promptly ran at the wall disintegrating into water as she hit the wall and recorporialising on the other side, and then promptly falling into the ocean.
Once she was under the water she felt slightly calmer, in the space of about 10 seconds she had sum 120 miles out to sea, she then decided she could release her anger, she floated under the water her hair fanning out as she let out a blood curdling warrior cry of anger.
The waves rolled and crashed, the skies opened and rain poured onto the world without mercy, she was angry! She would make the world sorry for thinking her a mortal puppet!
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Once again im really sorry for not updating for so long so please just review so I know that people still like this story and want me to continue.
5 reviews before the next chapter please!
Again im really sorry