Hi, everyone thanks for all your support the couple of months. I really appreciate it a lot. I know I have lots of spelling and grammar mistakes but people please understand I am not English! I am Afrikaans it's hard for me. So go easy on me here…

Moreover, I am sorry I have updated like a year ago but things have really been hectic here in South Africa especially for me. So are gentle and all those people who asked if they can take over the story, I am still thinking about it?

I am maybe going give all my stories away I am not sure but it is a possibility. So if any of you have ideas how to go on with this story, please let me know.

Lots of Love: D


She stood up without noticing him and went to lie on the couch. She closed her eyes as the tears streamed down her face like a river.

Draco could see she was breaking up. From this strong, independent young Gryffindor to this scare, broken girl. He could see her breathing was getting normal so that means she was asleep. He went upstairs to fetch a blanket. He threw it over her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

He wanted to murder someone for breaking her like this, but he cannot because his not 100 sure it is Ron. He went to sit in the chair across of her, like yesterday, and watch her sleep. After awhile, sleep washed over him as well.


At midnight, Draco awakes from a bad nightmare. Sweat was pouring of his face. He kept dreaming about Hermione been raped and he cannot do anything about it. He wanted so bad to help her but something was keeping him back.

He went to their mini kitchen to get himself a glass of water to calm himself down. He went to stand in front of the couch and looked at her. She looked so peaceful but deep down he knew there is no peace in her heart. Inside she is broken into pieces. Every know and then she would make a sound or her body will crumble in a bundle as if she was protecting herself in her sleep.

Draco kneels next to her and puts his hand on her cheek. When he did that, he could feel how her body muscles went so stiff she woke up and screams. She started to punch at every direction she could to protect herself. Once again, tears were streaming down her chocolate eyes.

Draco tried to stop her; he got a firm grip at her hands so she would stop.

"Granger stop! It's only me!" said Draco trying to calm her.

She immediately stops her violent act. She was so relieved when she saw him. A year ago she would have punch him for touching her but she was so glad to see him that she threw her arms around him.

For the second time, he was shock at her reaction but started to get use to it. He loved her body pressed against hers. Her small body, in his strong arms. All he wanted to do is protect her and hold her forever and never let go.

They sated on the couch, with her in his arms, for almost an hour. She felt so save in his arms and her breathing got normal again. She looked up at his soft blue eyes. Their faces were inches away from each other. Draco slowly moved forward to her with his face. The kiss was sweet and slow. Draco tried to press her closer to him when she refused and pushed back.

She did not want to say anything. Therefore, she got up and went to her room before he could do something.

Hermione's POV:

How could you let him do that to you! He is Malfoy for goodness sake! However, he tastes so good…No! I cannot even think that! If Ron finds out, he will kill! No wonder he beats the crap out of you! Okay… just stay calm. This must never happen again. Hermione thought in her mind with herself. She went to her bed and put her lights out to get some sleep.

Draco's POV:

Draco was still sitting on the same spot where she left him. He did not know what to think or for that matter do. He loved the kiss. It is nothing he has experienced before. All the kisses he ever got and gave were rough and to not at all sweet. She is the first girl he has kissed that he has been so gentle and it was amazing. He wanted more of her soft lips and sweet taste.

He closed his eyes to reply the kiss in his mind repeatedly. But then all of the sudden something keeps pecking on the window. He went to the window to open it, and in come flying a black owl. There was a letter on the owl's feet. He took the parchment for the owl and opened it.

He immediately recognized the handwriting. It was from his mother.

My son,

Once again, congratulating on making Head Boy. Your father and I are so proud of what you have accomplished. The Dark Lord is very impress. However, we cannot believe that mudblood made head girl. It is such a disgrace Pansy should be head girl. After all, she will be your wife after you both graduate.

Now your father said that you should at all time stay away from that mudblood as necessary. We do not want any of her filth on you, know do we?

Goodnight, my son.

Draco totally forgot he is a pureblood and she is a muggleborn. The couple of days were all a blur and he did not care about their difference in blood. They are supposed to be mortal enemies. Draco crumbled the piece of paper and thru it into the fire. He did not even reply. He just went straight up to his room and to sleep.

Hi everyone, I KNOW IT IS SO SHORT! Am sorry but I want to write the next chapter soon so don't worry I wouldn't take a year to do it. MWA