Disclaimer: RANMA ½, TENCHI MUYO, ROBOTECH, BABYLON 5, STAR TREK, MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM, GUNDAM SEED, I Don't own them so please don't Sue me if I mess around with them.
Authors Notes: ENJOY!
Alpha Earth 2036
24 Years after the End of the First Robotech War,
The RDF have continued its reconstruction of Earth with their Zentraedi and Maltrendi allies now members of the RDF, with the orbital Factory Satellite they built a new fleet by salvaging the ships that littered Earthspace and are now setting up mining colonies and settlements all across the solar system and beyond.
Relationships between the species have been peaceful even to the extent of marriages, as Human/Zentraedi/Maltrendi Hybrid children are being born from their union, have slowly been increasing in greater numbers. Despite their physical strength, they are very much average, intellectually and emotionally, due to the fact that, they have a common ancestral heritage that was still a mystery as to how it came to be.
The Mystery was put on the back burner as the need of the Earth comes first. Then about a 4 year after Khyron's death, the RDF found an Alien city that surfaced from beneath the Atlantic Ocean it was a clue to their heritage, an ancient ancestry that is old as the stars themselves, and they left their sciences that gave the people of Earth the means to restore the Planet to its former glory.
For Twenty years, the RDF labored hard to restore the blue Earth. They start by searching for water in the form of ice, and started the mass importation of Glacial Ice that is clean and untainted, and they found it near Pluto. Using the SDF-1 style Space fold System, they hauled millions of tons of ice and let it fall to the earth and be melted by the atmospheric friction to become rain.
The process was repeated again and again even up to this day, they have not stop until they fill up three quarter of the earth as it once was, yet this was one part of work being done. The second part is the physical features of the earth itself. Using the alien technology they found at the alien city, they dubbed 'Atlantis'.
The RDF found a Molecular Synthesizer/Regenerator technology, one of many technologies they found in the city. It turns out that the aliens have the means to synthesize any form of matter or restore any matter to its previous form, and in synchronous with several other technologies the alien's uses, they can copy almost anything. With such sciences, the RDF slowly restored the Earth back inch-by-inch, feet by feet, acre-by-acre, 100miles-by-100miles, pushing back time before the 'Rain of Death'.
A laborious work but no one is complaining.
There was one drawback though, as the ancients left a message for them to find. It seems that some of the sciences were held back. The aliens can copy any planet they want right up to the smallest details from the inorganic to the organic life. What the RDF possesses can only restore the land but not the lifeforms that once thrive there; still the land can sustain life, all they have to do is reseed it with life again.
To Reseed the Earth with life, is a difficult task since 75 of the planet Earth's organic life was annihilated, and they have no DNA samples to genetically create the life that once thrive there. However, when they were going thru the ancient archives, they found something unbelievable.
The Ancients made 3 earth copied worlds in the three remote corners of the galaxy. Immediately the RDF sent explorer's to the location of these Earth worlds.
Two of the Earth's was a dead end.
Beta Earth is a dead world that died millions years ago, when it's own sun, solar flared and scorched the planet surface.
Gamma Earth evolves with human life like that of Alpha Earth, except that this world went thru a Nuclear World War III leaving the planet a nuclear wasteland. Two Earth, two dead ends one more earth left to find
Delta Earth this Earth has the same history as theirs and its still in one piece, except from around the time of the end of the 20th Century and the first few years of the 21st Century comes a change.
RDF Exploration Team surveyed this Earth as, The C.E.Earth, which stands for The Cosmic Era.
The RDF accessed their communications, look thru their history and found humanity divided into two factions known as Naturals and Coordinators or genetically engineered humans that started by George Glenn who is the first of many.
In his actions flared by the achievements in the field of sports and science, a genius boy that people praise him in his achievements and awaited greater things from him. Then upon his great achievement 'The Jupiter Mission' he unveiled the truth of his existence as a genetically engineered child, and enthusiastically unleashed the knowledge to genetically alter the species thru the World Wide Web, and soon children are born this way and are called Coordinators.
The release of such knowledge to the populace have brought about the worst division humanity has ever experience, as the very worst of Mankind has reared its ugly head to the world.
From Envy and Jealousy spurned violence and anger among Naturals as Coordinators look down on Naturals as an inferior people, which led to hatred and into War.
C.E. Earth is alive, but for how long.
It is the Year 2036
Robotech Defense Force HQ. Supreme Commander, Admiral Rick Hunters Office.
The Admiral look thru a pile of paperwork by PADD before Joining his Wife Lisa and their children in the celebration of the 24th Anniversary of the End of The Robotech Wars and the 8th Anniversary of the Defeat of the Robotech Masters both at the same day.
The Robotech Expeditionary Forces that was suppose to go to Tirol in the Andromeda Galaxy never happened, the RDF instead fortified their Homeworld and with the help of advance technology they gotten from Atlantis. The RDF defeated them and discovered the truth of SDF-1.
In the 28 years of the RDF, they have many first contacts with other neighboring races most of which have been rather peaceful, some felt a bit intimidated with their military might, and where as it seeing those Kilometer long battleships with very big guns everywhere can be very intimidating.
Still, it has been very peaceful for all of them, as their population grows, so does the need to restore the Earth becomes even more important. This is why Admiral Hunter is reorganizing the REF Fleet.
Rick secretary beep her "Admiral Hunter, Admiral Saotome is here sir" he opens the line and said to it
"Send him in"
Coming into his office is the Commander of 16th RDF Fleet Ranma Saotome, though he looks like he is a 16 years old, he's actually 44 and the top officers of the RDF. Nicknamed as 'The Black Stallion' in his days as VF pilot, Ranma have fought off the Robotech Masters best genetically engineered super soldiers when they dare to forcibly take the SDF-1 from Earth in the last days of the war.
Today the Black Stallion is reporting to Rick about his promotion to command the Robotech Expeditionary Forces on a very Important Mission to Delta Earth.
"Well Ranma its Official" Rick said as he showed him a PADD to him
"The UN Council have voted unanimously on the REF mission to Delta Earth"
Ranma look thru the Authorization the UN Council made "well it's about time," he said as he seated himself
"Still this Mission won't be easy since this is a special operation to buy or acquire the lifeforms we need to reseed our Earth, and I think those people over there is going to look at us with suspicion if we reveal ourselves to them."
"That can't be helped Ranma" he told him Rick look down from his office window and see the earth green from vegetation and trees growing all around the city and to the desert wasteland, the Flowers of Life, growing and germinating the earth for new life to live.
"We need those lifeforms as our population is growing, so will our needs, but its not just us, but our colonies need them as well," looking back to him he told him what the council authorized him to do.
"You have full discretion on how you will approach them, just don't try to impregnate every woman who has eye on you" he said amusedly
Ranma sweatdropped "For crying out loud Rick!" he exclaimed "You sounded like I'm some kind of perverted gigolo or something geez"
"Well, you were found in a house, tied down on a bed naked with 14 women who are married I might add and doing very naughty things I might add more"
"I was its not my fault!" he defended "It's not like I wanted it, those women have some perverted idea of fun for a Bridal Shower 'sigh' Miriya gave me the wrong address to go a party, and those women thought I was the look-alike of Admiral Ranma Saotome for their entertainment!"
He blushed when he remembers that fiasco, as those women seems to go wild, when they found out that, they have the real deal and not a look-alike private dancer. Ranma still shivers thru his spine at the thought of such perverted fantasies they have about him.
"Which shows how many women wants to do the wildthing with you" Rick laugh a little then apologize to him
"I'm sorry Ranma" raising his hands in gesture "Really I am
Ranma growled at him still, though he's not really mad at him, just annoyed.
Two days Later
REF Fleet at Lagrange Point
SDF-2 Prometheus, Captain Scott Bernard waited patiently for the Admiral to arrive as the crew made some last minute check before leaving.
in fleet formation are the Starships of the assembled REF Fleet
Macross-Class Battleship/Migration ship
10 Heracles-Class Command
Cruisers (CC)
15 Gloria-Class Battleships (BB)
15 Uraga-Class
Escort Battle Carriers
15 Ark Royal-Class Escort Battle
35 Palomino-Class Light Carriers
45 Bolognese-Class
Stealth Frigates (FFS)
45 Northampton-Class Attack Stealth
Frigates ([A FFS)
45 Yamagumo-Class Zentraedi Variant Stealth
Frigates (FFS [Z)
45 Stargazer-Classes Early Warning Stealth
Frigate ([EW FFS)
55 Europa-Class Heavy Destroyers
Ophelia-Class Sub-Light Destroyers
100 Dundee-Class Corvettes
100 Pasadena-Class Frigates (FF)
500 Long Range
Transport/Repair Ships/Cargo Carriers/Manufacturing Ships
Biosphere Carriers
The Fleet assembled waited for their Admiral to Arrive in order to begin the expedition. Looking outside the window, anyone would probably think, that they are going on an invasion than a diplomatic expedition, which it is a Diplomatic Expedition (Shotgun Diplomacy that is)
Scott remembered the first expedition on Delta Earth about 2 years ago. He saw how horribly violent the people living there.
The division between Naturals and Coordinators has been too deeply rooted by anger and hate, has pushed them to the edge of annihilation that nearly destroyed the Earth, If not for a handful of people that stood between the two factions and ended the war.
They are called as 'The Three Alliance Ships'
Ranma, who commanded the first mission, nearly interfered when they saw the Nuclear Attack on the PLANTs but was stop by the three Alliance Ships, and when the GENESIS weapon appears, everyone started to worry. Afraid that, that weapon would be aimed on Earth, Ranma ship the Yamato, a Heracles-Class Command Cruiser with a cloaking system, put the ship at striking distance and prepared to fire their main guns at GENESIS. Though he never open fired, Ranma would have, for he could not let Delta Earth die, not after going thru a lot in finding them and just see it destroyed again, he had to stop it even if meant revealing themselves.
Today Scott commands the SDF-2 Prometheus, though it's not as big as the Heracles, it has one feature that make if above the rest. The SDF-2 Prometheus has a one million-city population.
About 10 years ago, two years before Robotech Masters War, The Kingdom Jurai representing the Galaxy Alliance came to Earth to open diplomatic relations sponsored by the Masaki Family, who turn out to be members of the Jurai Royal Family that has been living on Earth for a long time.
Alliances with the two nations benefited both nations tremendously in many ways where one of which is the Scientist Washu Masaki, the Super Genius of the Universe.
(Author: I only wrote that because, I may end up becoming her victim if I don't)
Washu fitted the SDF Series with Subspace Environment System, meaning it can make a pocket universe inside a ship much like those in Jurai Treeships.
The SDF can pretty much fit more than a million people inside it. The Prometheus carries all the families of the REF Fleet, as it became a standard for all their SDF fleet.
Flying towards the Fleet is a VF-4 Lightning III with the Emblem of The Black Stallion on its wing, which is the Admiral personal fighter plane. When the Prometheus detected the VF-4, Scott called up the fleet to power up their Long Range Warp Drive, as it was now time to leave.
The Journey will only take less than 2 months, along the way they encountered several aliens' species with bad attitudes. At 20 thousand light years away, one of them, a species that has some sort bonehead crown, with 40 ships that look like an angelfish, and they were not at all friendly.
The REF avoided any skirmish with them, unfortunately however, one of their fighters tries to play tag with a VF hitting its left wing, and the VF retaliated but stayed in fighter mode.
The VF disabled the fighter so easily without hurting the pilot. His brethrens took offense on how easily their Nial fighter was out maneuvered and shot down
The Commander demanded satisfaction by handing over the pilot and his fighter to them or face retribution. He started to boast that their species have been in space for a thousand years and have never been defeated all thanks for a superior species. "No one can equal us, except a first one." He boasts with pride
For Ranma, his Crew and the Whole REF, listening to him brag felt really downright boring
'Talk about being a real Bonehead.' Ranma thought as he yawned at their somewhat boring story of their species. Thinking that they wasted too much time already, Ranma told them in their face.
"Yo! Bonehead, if you want to fight, fights, Otherwise, leave us alone and we will leave you alone, just don't bored us to death of your species being the superior ass of itself" he remark snidely.
Their reply to Ranma's Smart aleck message was a fusion bolt hitting the SDF-1 Omni-Barrier, and then all Minbari ships opened up their gunports and let out their fighters on an attack
It may be said that they took his word in offense, yet either way Ranma would never hand over his people or his fighter to anyone, let alone to a Minbari with a superiority complex.
"Fine then" he said and called all his forces "Battlestations" he ordered
The REF Fleet activated their ECM, which cause Minbari targeting scanners to go blind then found themselves being target locked, which their stealth system failed them, two systems should have told them that they are in great danger but they ignored it. (Hmph! Go figure.)
In retaliation for firing at his ship, Ranma ordered the SDF, the Heracles and Gloria Battleships, fire their Main Guns above the Minbari boneheads without hitting them, and then the RDF fleet opens up their guns but taking the care of not directly hitting them. (Just singe their idiotic boney ass and tell them to scram!)
That show of power very much got their attention, and most likely wet their pants.
The Minbari, soon found themselves inside a firestorm that their Crystalline armour started to melt like butter inside a rotisserie, and that very much took the fight out of them, as they quickly retreated into a Hyperspace dimension.
The REF left them off easy
After that, Ranma sent a message back to Earth about the Minbari, for they could be a problem in the near future. The REF went into Long range Warp, leaving a lone Minbari ship that tries to follow them, and failed.
Two Months Later
The REF Fleet Arrive at the Orbit around Saturn. Two days later, Ranma, sent ten Stealth Frigates and assesses the situation on Earth and the colony.
One Stargazer-Class Early Stealth Frigate named the Sojourner Truth, commanded by Captain Bright Noa, is taking his ship into the path of destiny.