A/N: Ahh, it has been such a long path, but this is it, everyone! The last chapter! Thank you so much for all the support… Oh, and I wrote this a long time ago and didn't bother editing it, so please pardon me if the ending wasn't that good...

Cellphone Conversation

Adelbert and his remaining men went to Spitzburg territory, where they met Stoffel.

"Humph, it's a good thing they removed those damn guards here." Adelbert smirked. "It would have been ugly."

"Humph. Next time be careful too. I don't want guards snooping around disturbing my privacy, you know."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Your horsemen that were seen riding around Shin Makoku were also seen riding through this place, so I had to tell them it was you, but I didn't think they'd believe me."

"So YOU are the reason why I was attacked?" Adelbert bellowed while grabbing Stoffel by the neck.

"N-no, I-I'm n-not, h-honest! T-they… w-wanted t-to g-get r-rid o-of y-you s-so b-badly, I-I g-guess… N-now put… me… down!" Adelbert struggled to explain. Adelbert let go, and Stoffel let out a gasp of breath.

"Hmmph. Next time, don't be so careless." Adelbert said gruffly while releasing him.

"Yeah, whatever." Stoffel replied while rubbing his neck. "So what are we supposed to do with the prisoners?"

"I plan to use them as bait, you know, for those Mazokus to come here. Then we ambush them."

"Yeah, that's a pretty good idea."

"Hn. Well, I have businesses to attend to." With that said, Adelbert stormed out of the room, leaving Stoffel to think about how to do the ambush.

Syaoran and the others were in a jail cell below Stoffel's castle. They were captured by his guards when they were confused.

"Damn! Oi! Let us out of here!" Kurogane shouted and pulled and kicked at the bars. With his strength he could have bent an ordinary jail cell, but this one has maryoku in it.

"It's no use, Kuro-pon. It's protected by magic." Fye said with a smile on his face.


After a few hours, someone went to bring them food. The food was surprisingly good considering they were prisoners, so they just enjoyed it. After eating, they planned on how they were supposed to get out of there.

"Oi." Kurogane called to the mage of the group.

"What is it, Kuro-rin?"

"Do you still absolutely refuse to use magic, even under these circumstances?"

"Yes, because I vowed never to use magic without the tattoo on my back."

"And why is that?"

A wistful look replaced the smile on the mage's face. "Well, I don't think you'll understand."

"Humph. Get the feeling he doesn't wanna talk about it?" Kurogane asked Mokona.

"Yes!" Mokona replied.

"Fine. Since the mage doesn't wanna use magic, how do we get outta here?"

"Well, how about attacking the guard who will give us the food later and get the keys from him?" Fye suggested.

"That might work."

"Eh? Don't you think that's a little bit too harsh, Kurogane-san?" Syaoran asked worriedly.

"No. We move out at eleven. That's when the guard will come again."

"How do you know, Kuro-tan?"

"We were thrown in here at five in the morning. He gave us food at eight. So I assume they'll give us lunch three hours from now."

"Hyuu! Kuro-pu's so smart! A true ninja's instinct!" Fye teased.

"Shut up! And stop calling me by weirder and weirder names!"

"How did you know the time, Kurogane-san?" Syaoran asked.

"I saw it from there." He pointed at the wall clock directly in front of the next jail cell.

"I didn't notice that. Hyuu! Kuro-pon's got excellent eyesight!"

"It's Kurogane, you damn mage! And stop saying 'hyuu'!"

Sure enough, at eleven o' clock the guard came to give them lunch. They then ambushed him, and ran out of the cage. The other guards began to pursue them, but since they got a head start, the guards were unable to catch them. The other guards appeared in front, so Fye and Kurogane prepared to fight them. Syaoran wanted to help as well, but was told by Fye to do otherwise.

"Don't worry, Syaoran-kun. We'll hold them off. You need to get Sakura-chan to safety!"

"Are you sure you'll be alright, Fye-san? Kurogane-san?"


"Yes, so please, just go! Oh, and take Mokona with you."

"Thank you, Fye-san."

"You're welcome. See yah later!"

Sakura and Syaoran together with Mokona then ran on ahead. Once safely out of the building, Syaoran, Sakura, and Mokona hid in one of the thick bushes surrounding one side of the castle. A few minutes later Fye and Kurogane came to rejoin them, and they all ran to the direction of Blood Pledge Castle.

Yuuri and the others were discussing how to rescue the travelers when a soldier came and whispered something to Gwendal. Once the soldier was finished he had an even deeper frown on his already frowning face.

"What happened, Gwendal?" Yuuri asked.

"The troops I stationed in the far east of Big Shimaron were ambushed. It seems some of Adelbert's army stayed behind and launched an attack on them."

Just then, Kurogane and the others came running into view. Wolfram was the first one to see them.

"What the…? Aren't you supposed to be imprisoned?" Wolfram asked in disbelief.

"We escaped from there. Anyway, what are we supposed to do with the enemies?"

"I have an idea." Yuuri spoke up. Everyone turned to listen. "How about luring them to mazoku territory? We fought in Big Shimaron last time, which is human territory, so we weren't able to use maryoku. Maybe if we fought them here, we would be able to defeat them by using maryoku."

"I agree, heika, but we have to remember that Adelbert is a mazoku too. He might also use his maryoku against us, and because of the feather his powers might have increased!" Günter contradicted.

"Oh come on, Günter. Have faith! If things become worse, we can combine all our powers." Turning to the visitors he asked, "You'll be willing to help us, right? I mean, after all, this is your feather we're trying to retrieve."

"Of course, we're willing to give any help we could!" Syaoran answered.

"Okay then! Wolfram, why don't you lure them here? Günter, the visitors, and I will be ready. We're counting on you!"

Wolfram merely grunted a 'wimp' and went about on his work.

Meanwhile, Stoffel was shouting at the guards lined before him.

"You moronic idiots! Why did you let them get away?"

"We tried to stop them, sir, honest! They were just too strong for us." A random guard replied.

"Ah, useless persons! Get out of my sight before I kill all of you!" Just then Adelbert entered the room.

"What happened?"

"The prisoners have escaped."

"WHAT?! How the heck did they get away?"

"I don't know. It's because of those incompetent guards assigned to watch over them. They were totally beaten!"

"Grrr… Then I guess I have to resort to direct attack." Just then a messenger arrived, carrying a message from the mazokus.

"Hmmm…. They are quite daring." Adelbert said to himself while reading the message. After he was finished, Stoffel snatched the letter from him.

Mazoku traitor,

We, the mazoku race, challenge you to a war. If we win you will give us the feather that is currently in your possession. If you win, we will give you or tell you the location of the forbidden boxes. We expect you to show up this afternoon at Blood Pledge Castle, all prepared for war. We will surely win! Get ready to pay, bastard!

Lord Wolfram von Bielefeld and Co.

"Yuuri, I lured Adelbert and his men here. Now what?" Wolfram asked after he composed the message and gave it to the messenger.

"We wait for them."

They spent the next three hours preparing for the ultimate battle. Yuuri, Günter, Gwendal, and Wolfram stationed their men around the castle, while the four of them (Yuuri, Gwendal, Günter, and Wolfram) stood at different locations. The travelers were hidden in one of the thick bushes, ready to help out when necessary. After an hour, Adelbert and his men came. The men on the frontline battled Adelbert's men, while the four approached Adelbert. Gwendal then made a barrier, but Adelbert managed to get out of the way. Günter tried his own attack, but he dodged that as well. Wolfram shot fireballs at him, but he also managed to dodge, even injuring Wolfram a little bit as he attacked with his own maryoku. Yuuri also tried, but it was in vain.

The travelers then came out from the bush and attacked. Kurogane used Souhi to launch an attack at him, but Adelbert countered with his maryoku. Syaoran tried with Hien, but he managed to counter it as well, though Adelbert was taken a little aback. He hasn't even recovered yet when Fye came out of nowhere and kicked him. He was thrown to the ground, but he got up and continued fighting. For two hours Yuuri and the others attacked him again and again, but he was never tired and he always managed to dodge their attacks. The others were tired; using maryoku drains energy. (A/N: Does maryoku drain energy? If it doesn't just pretend it does. XD) Adelbert attacked Kurogane, but instead he hit the bush where Sakura and Mokona were hiding. Sakura and Mokona were thrown back, strong enough which knocked her unconscious. Syaoran went to check, but just then….

Yuuri had turned into the Maou! His long black hair flowed with the wind while he spoke.

"You imbecile, who would go as far as injuring a girl who has nothing to do with the war. Hurting a defenseless lady or anything defenseless for that matter breaks the code of chivalry every soldier must follow, and a grave punishment awaits those who fail to comply by the code. You should feel lucky that I am feeling generous today, and I am not about to kill you in front of a lady, even when she's unconscious. Even so, justice be done!" With that, the Maou prepared to launch a very powerful attack, but Adelbert was not frightened.

"Ha! Even if you're the Maou, do you think you can beat me? After all, the feather is in my possession and my powers have greatly increased. It can rival yours, you know."

"Adelbert you insolent fool! How dare you speak against the Maou like that? Show respect!" Günter scolded.

"Ha! Why the hell would I show respect? He's the leader of the race I hate!"

"But aren't you a mazoku too?" Syaoran asked while watching over Sakura. "Why do you hate your own race?"

"Because… It is a brutal and war loving race. I lost my fiancé because of you!" Adelbert then attacked the Maou. The Maou countered with one of his own powerful attacks. Within seconds Adelbert was thrown on the ground.

"Using a power source that is not yours is an appalling act, Adelbert. Return the feather to its true owner! For this I punish you… You are to be condemned to the dungeons for three years! Be thankful I am feeling excellent today, or you would have received a worse punishment." Taking the feather, the Maou gave it to Syaoran. "Take it. It belongs to that most beauteous lady, am I mistaken?"

"Yes, heika."

"Hurry and return it to her, then. For now I should be retreating." Yuuri then collapsed and was caught by Kurogane.

Adelbert and the rest of his men were rounded up and sentenced to three years in Shin Makoku prison (A/N: Just imagine there is one XD.). After the feather was returned to Sakura, the group prepared to leave, but just then…

"Mekyo! Syaoran, there's another feather here! I can sense it!" Mokona said while his eyes grew big. They followed the wave, which led them to Blood Pledge Castle treasure room. They then went inside.

"Hey, Syaoran, is this the one?" Yuuri exclaimed while beckoning them to where he was.

"Yes, but… is that…"

"A talking sword?" Kurogane wandered aloud.

The feather was in Morgif's mouth. Yuuri then pulled it out and handed it to Syaoran.

"Here you go."

"Thank you so much." Syaoran said when they prepared to leave. "How can we ever thank you for all your help?"

"Ummm…" Yuuri thought for a second. "I know! Just promise me that you'll collect all of Sakura's feathers, okay?"

Syaoran smiled. "Of course!"

As the group departed, Gwendal spoke up.

"Hey you, black one."

"It's Kurogane."

"Kurogane, when we meet again, be sure to have a sword duel with me."

Kurogane smirked. "Gladly."

End of Story

A/N: So how did you like the story everyone? I know the ending isn't that nice but oh well… Thank you for all the support! I'll be back, don't worry. There's no sequel to this, though, but I do have a sequel for "Weller's Secrets and Obsessions", for those who hate Weller... And do watch out for a new KKM fic I'm about to do! Ja ne!