A/N: Another ficcy! I haven't been working on the other one yet (Kindergarten Teachers?) 'Coz I haven't got my desired number of reviews for it for me to be inspired to continue… Anyways, this fic was born when I was sending an SMS to my friend and we were talking about KKM all the while (not to mention Gravitation, Yami no Matsuei and Yu-gi-oh!)… Special thanks to SadomasochisticBloodLust! (She's my friend who I was talking to, read her fic in Yakitate! Japan…). Now, let's get on with the story! Please read and review, flames welcome!

Cell phone Conversation

It was an ordinary morning in Shin Makoku… The only new thing was that Gwendal and Wolfram just got new cell phones, so they began to text each other…

Gwendal Von Voltaire was in Voltaire castle, while Wolfram Von Bielefeld was in Bielefeld castle…

This was how their random-conversation-turned-weird went:

Gwendal: Ohayo, otouto! Gomen for not replying 'coz I have no load… Do we have training today? Please reply.

Wolfram: Nope, Aniwe! I'm currently here at von Bielefeld castle reading a book… and painting! XD

Gwendal: Oh… Then if you have time, why don't you drop by Voltaire castle? I'm at my room signing papers…So; did you find 'heika' yesterday?

Wolfram: If 'find' means running into him, then yes. Apparently, he was running away from his lessons with Günter … So I just brought Yuuri with me here, he's currently sleeping in our bedroom, and I'll just bring him along when he wakes up…

Gwendal: Not again! Tell him if he doesn't want to take lessons with Günter, just inform him instead of letting the poor guy rant around while looking for him… You know how Günter is madly infatuated with 'heika' there… -sigh- I wish Günter would like SOMEBODY ELSE instead of 'heika' –sighs again-

Wolfram: Huh, as if Günter would allow the hennachoko (Yuuri screams 'I'm not a hennachoko!' in background) skip his lessons… Don't worry Aniwe, I'm sure Günter would love you back SOMEDAY… -snickers-

Gwendal: (mock tone) Hahaha, thanks for the support … Anyway, what does Günter make the 'poor hennachoko' study, anyway? Dissecting bear bees? Adding 2+2?

Wolfram: Nah, not those kind of things… Mostly about history of Shin Makoku… But I would like it if he made him study that as a way of punishing him for being so unfaithful to me! –Snicker-

Gwendal: Geez! So that's why he's always skipping his lessons… Believe me, I understand him… When we were kids, I used to study that with him and Anissina… And I almost fell asleep while he was teaching (He was the smart one, (and still is) damn it, which means he WAS the boring one…) that AWFUL lesson! Believe me, even though I really love Günter, there is no way I can endure that horrible time again… Signing that hennachoko''s papers is much more fun, compared to those history blabla….

Wolfram: Tsk Tsk Tsk… Poor poor you… You had to endure ALL those 'horrible' things at such a young age… NO WONDER THAT YOU'RE FULL OF WRINKLES! –Snicker-

Gwendal: WELL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? I'M MORE THAN 130 YRS OLD, FOR GOD'S SAKE! –Takes a deep breath, sighs, and calms down- Anyway, I think you're right… Geez! I hope we already have training tomorrow! My backside is aching from sitting all day while signing papers… Hope I can organize my troops… Anyway, I hope you can drop by to visit, otouto… And bring Günter with you if you can find him, I want to see his handsome face… -daydreaming while signing papers-

Wolfram: Fine, whatever… And Aniwe, watch what you're signing, I heard that 'SHE' has submitted a paper that says that SHE can use you as HER OFFICIAL guinea pig for the rest of your life!

Gwendal: WHAT! BUT I'M ALREADY HALFWAY THROUGH MY PAPERWORKS! –Rants around while searching the papers- WHEW! THANK GOD! Huh, wait… -notices an odd PINK paper, picks it up and reads it- Ah, so this is the paper you were talking about… Thanks for the warning, otouto, but… YOU'RE TOO LATE! I ALREADY SIGNED THE PAPER! OH FUCK! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? I know… -gets a knife while preparing to stab self- She only said for the 'rest of my life' right? Then she can't use me if I'm dead! Besides, I've been meaning to kill myself since I can't have Günter… Goodbye otouto! Take good care of Günter for me! Goodbye cruel world! –Prepares to stab self-

Wolfram: Wait Aniwe! Why don't you just burn the paper? Or shred it to pieces or something? Don't overreact, Aniwe, besides I think Günter will cry himself to death when he finds out you're dead…

Gwendal: No way –sob- he doesn't even notice me –sob- when I'm around –sniffle- and besides, I can't do what you said… It's illegal to tamper with the maou's papers… -sob- goodbye otouto! Take care of Günter! And tell him that I love him! –Still preparing to stab self-

Wolfram: I SAID STOP IT, ANIWE! For God's sake, will you calm down! I already told Yuuri about the paper and he said that you should destroy it ASAP in anyway possible! And you DO know that Günter is just behind me reading my messages, right?

Gwendal: WHAT? NOOO! Why did you show him my messages? The more reason for me to kill myself! –Shouts, stabs self-

Doria happened to hear the anguish scream of her master. When she opened the door, she saw Gwendal's body covered in blood. With no other option, she summoned Gisela.

Wolfram: Aniwe! ANIWE? Hey, are you still there? Are you alright? ANIWE, PLEASE ANSWER ME!

Gwendal: (Gisela: Ah, not necessarily Gwendal, dearest authoress… Me: Okay, but remember, you're using Gwen's cell. Gisela: Okay… Me: just text him so I can end this side comments… Gisela: 'kay!) Your Excellency, otoosan, this is Gisela speaking. His Excellency Gwendal Von Voltaire is alright. The wound he got from stabbing himself was not very deep, therefore his condition is not that critical. It's a good thing that Doria-san saw him, so there's nothing much to worry about. He'll be fine in about 2 days. Again, this is Gisela.

Wolfram: Tell him that Günter is already crying his eyes out because Aniwe stabbed himself…

Gwendal: I already told His Excellency… He should be texting you now… -gives phone back-

Gwendal: -texting weakly- Günter is doing that, otouto! –Sob- otouto, please show him this message and let him reply: Ne, Günter, don't cry. You heard what your daughter, Gisela, said. I'll be fine in a few days, then I'll come see you, 'kay? I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused. I just didn't know that you cared about me, and am also going to burn that paper instead to end my problems. Heika said it's alright, right? Well then, that's all. Even though you're angry, please reply.

Günter haven't got a new cell phone yet, so Gwendal is texting him through Wolfram's cell phone. The message he sent to Wolfram was meant for Günter, and Wolfram was so kind to lend him his cell phone (Hmm… Was he really that desperate to get rid of Günter's love for Heika and bring him closer to Gwendal? Or was he just willing to help his crazy-for-Günter-older-half-brother capture the heart of Günter? Suspicious indeed…) in order for Günter to text Gwendal. And this was what his message contained:

Wolfram: (Günter: This is me, authoress… Me: Yeah, whatever… I'll just put your name here… Günter: Arigatou! XD) why do you have to be so stupid Gwen? Use your common sense once in a while! –Sobs, wails- WHY DID YOU DO THAT? DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW HURT I AM? GODDAMN IT, HURRY UP WITH THE HEALING 'COZ YOU AND I WILL NEED TO TALK… NOW PLS. ASK GISELA TO HEAL YOU QUICKLY! NOW REST BEFORE I RUN OVER THERE AND LECTURE YOU! –Smiles-

Günter was very worried about Gwen... Ooh, so does this mean something… rather special? XD

Gwendal: Ne, Günter… Thanks for worrying about me. Take care always, okay? For otouto: thanks for the time and take care, otouto… Ja matta, I'm going to rest now…

Wolfram: Günter: Good. Just rest and don't move a muscle… -smiles-

Wolfram: stupid-fucks-in-love-life… You both know that you both owe me some LOAD, right?

Gwendal: H-hai, otouto… hehehe… -sweat drop-

End of chapter one

A/N: So how did you like it? Please review and tell me if I should update… Also point out anything that makes it look bad or wrong or anything you can get your eyes on… Also tell me if it was funny… Review please! Flames are welcome! XD Oh, and please remember, if I don't get my desired number of reviews of at least 3, (Even flames, damn!) I will not update… So please bear with me, 'kay? Arigatou! XD XP

P.S.: If anyone is wondering about where the Yami no Matsuei, Yu-gi-oh! and Gravitation topics are, you'll see it in the later chapters… That is, if you want me to update! XD so start reviewing now!