
Exactly five years ago my world turned upside down.

Big Brother, today marks the anniversary of your death, and while the day brought much sadness, it also brought hope. You see, today is the day that your wife decided she was going to live life again.

This morning the family visited your grave and in that time we all had the opportunity to spend a few minutes alone with you. Each exchange seemed to bring a sense of peace to the mourner, and yet I knew we were all waiting on bated breath for Nancy to shatter the silence.

She was the last to speak to you. As she walked up to the headstone everyone else began heading back to the vehicles so as to give her the utmost privacy. I lagged behind. I had experienced her breakdowns enough now to know that she would need someone to help her when she was done. I was never prepared for what I saw.

She stepped right up to the soft grass and gently knelt down in front of you. Rubbing her fingers over your name, I watched her lips move slightly as her eyes slid shut. I knew that I should turn away, but I was mesmerized by what I was seeing. Her whole body seemed to relax and I observed as she started shaking her head in acknowledgement.

In that instant, I would bet my life that you were speaking to her.

It only took a few more moments before she was standing up and turning to me with a smile on her face. There were still a few tears in her eyes, but I think the twinkle of playfulness masked them quite well. Throwing an arm around my shoulder as we began walking back to the car, she turned to me and asked, "So, do we have any new cases?"

Frank, I won't even try to comprehend what happened in the cemetery this morning, but I will say a prayer of thank you. Nancy's awakening is the closure that our family needed, and while I know your memory will live on in all of us forever, I think it's time to close that chapter of the past.

The last years have been rough, but I think things are going to change for the better now. I feel that today is the turning point in all of our lives.


A/N: I'd like to thank everyone who read this. I apologize that this wasn't finished up sooner. I thought the final chapter had been posted and it wasn't until I went back and looked at this story did I realize I never put up the ending. oops!

For those of you reading Escaping the Past I promise I haven't forgotten about it. I'm taking 18 hrs. this semester and it has just made things hectic in life right now. However I do have the next week and a half off so who knows...maybe a few chapters will get posted in that time. :o) Many blessings. -StarryMidnightRomance