Summary - "Are you pregnant?" Ronon asked earnestly and Rodney's head shot up so fast that he choked on the bite of powerbar he'd just taken. – Gen Ficlet
Rating – PG
Disclaimer – I don't own anything, everyone who thought them up does.
Innocent Enquiries"Are you pregnant?" Ronon asked earnestly and Rodney's head shot up so fast that he choked on the bite of powerbar he'd just taken.
Ronon watched with no small amount of concern as he choked and spluttered, anxiously holding a glass of water out for Rodney to take.
Eventually Rodney recovered. "Excuse me?"
"Are you pregnant?" Ronon repeated, sounding just as sincere as before. "If you are it's okay you know and it makes so much sense! The eating habits, the way you're always in a bad mood, your…." He gestured and then decided against finishing the sentence as the physicist's eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Ronon," Rodney hissed. "I don't know who you've been talking to but I am not pregnant. In case it's escaped your attention men don'tgetpregnant."
"Satedan men don't," Ronon allowed. "But Earth men can."
There was really nothing to say to that so Rodney just gaped.
"I've read all about it," Ronon continued. "And you remind me of what my sister was like when she was-"
He broke off abruptly as Rodney's fist slammed down onto the desk. The scientist's eyes were scarily focussed. "You read it? Where?"
A few minutes later Rodney's voice came over the city comm. system. "Whoever thought it was a good idea to teach Ronon about Earth culture by giving him the National Enquirer my office, now."