{Final Chapter} -The Treasure of the Pyramid-

While avoiding the lights in the mustaba, David sees that there is a huge sarcophagus, an old Egyptian coffin in the center of the burial chamber as Leo and Quincy felt scared as David opens the sarcophagus slowly to prevent another trap from activating as David sees that there is no trap or anything inside but an opening of a very deep pit with spikes as David sees something shiny coming from the center of a high platform near the pit, a sapphire shaped like a scarab beetle. David tried to use his rocket shoes but the opening was too narrow to use as he pulls out a rope to wrapped around his waist as Leo and Quincy slowly drops David inside the narrow pit as he tells the others to pull gently as David manages to grab the sapphire scarab when suddenly in the bottom of the spiky pit, the spikes started rising higher as David quickly tells Leo and Quincy to pull him out quickly as Leo and Quincy pull with all their might as Annie and June pop up to help pull the rope. The girls asked "Why are we pulling on this rope?" as Leo tells them that David is hanging on the other side of the rope over a pit of spikes as June felt that David was getting closer to his doom as June pulls hard when suddenly David's legs popped up from the opening when suddenly the rope snaps as Leo and Quincy quickly grabbed David's legs as they manage to pull him out before the spikes came close as everyone recovers from helping David as he felt alright. June thought that David was trying to hurt himself as he pulls out the sapphire scarab as it was the lost treasure that he was looking for until Quincy elbows a hidden switch on the wall as a slide appears from the other side of the chamber as David takes the plunge and goes first as he manages to get outside back to the desert as he tells the others that it's safe as the kids slide on and return to the outside as Leo says "Mission Completion" waves the baton. At the Final Curtain David does the Egyptian dance on the stage and says "Feeling Egyptian, anyone?" (The gang laughs) THE END