"Just a few more questions." Sheriff Lamb glanced warily toward Keith Mars, knowing instinctively that crossing the line and pushing Veronica too hard would be a mistake he'd live to regret. "How did you get out of the trunk?"

Veronica's face was pale and her hands wrapped around the mug of tea in a vise grip. She stared at the wall over his shoulder, never looking at him but never looking anywhere else either. "I heard a key turning and heard it open. I was still blindfolded so I didn't see who opened it. Someone reached for me, I pulled away. Then I heard…it sounded like two men fighting. And a gunshot."

"You didn't hear any names? Or recognize their voices?"

"I only heard one of them shout anything. I think his name was Jack. It took me a while to get my hands free." Pulling her arms in, almost as if she was trying to hide the bandages on her wrists, she finally looked down at her tea. "When I climbed out of the trunk I saw two men lying on the ground. Jack and a guy I didn't recognize. I thought they were both dead. I started looking for Weevil."

"Take your time, honey," Keith told her softly.

She took a sip from the mug before continuing. "When I went around the side of the car, I saw…I saw…" Her eyes got bright and she pulled a hand away from the mug, pressing her knuckles against her lips. "There was blood everywhere. And I just ran."

"Were you sure it was Eli Navarro?"

Nodding stiffly, she took a deep breath. "The tattoos. We had a class together senior year. I remember he had the word cash on his right forearm." She turned away, tears sliding down her cheeks despite her attempts to brush them away.

Keith wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her tightly against his chest. "Are you sure this is necessary, Don?"

"We weren't able to make a positive I.D. on the second body any of the usual ways so your daughter's the next best thing. The shotgun blast made dental records invalid and the fire burned up everything else. We wouldn't want the Navarro family to bury the wrong body, would we?" He managed not to let his personal suspicions creep into his voice. As far as he was concerned, Veronica Mars had already helped one criminal escape charges and he wasn't going to put it past her to do it again.

"In that case, I think you have all the answers you need." Keith's tone made it clear that the discussion was over. "The third party, Mario Lamont, is unaccounted for, as is the money from the robbery. I'd say it's pretty cut and dried."

"I'll let you know if we have any more questions." He managed a tight smile as they left the interrogation room, staying in his chair and glaring at the tape recorder that he was pretty sure held only more of her lies and manipulations. Maybe it was instinct, maybe it was the fact that he knew Marcus Lamont didn't have the brains to stage his own death, but he was willing to bet it wasn't Eli Navarro's body they'd be laying to rest beside Letty's grave.

Lamb had hoped to get Veronica away from Keith, but he could tell that wasn't going to happen. As loath as he was to take her version of events for the truth, he didn't have much choice unless he wanted to raise all hell. Especially since she was Veronica Mars, the brave young woman, and media darling, who survived an armed robbery and the following bloodbath when the criminals turned against each other. He'd heard they were going to make a movie about her, starring Scarlett Johansen. That further cemented the bitter fact that Neptune would forever have the mark of Mars all over it.

He really had to get out of this town.