(Yo. We're back. Again. It is Saturday, September 16, 2006, at 9:36 in the AM. Yappers. O.o Wow, odd. Okay, STORY TIME, KIDDIES/evil grin/)

Bold: Me. Again.

Italics: Drew. Again.

Clanker is still mine, Drew still hasn't decided who he wants to control. ("I'm not familiar enough with them, whine whine whineijk n m, ./╔;lm) (Here is where I interject. I was not whining, simply explaining why I'm loathe to take control of anyone. … -pokes Alex, then avoids getting his toes crushed by her feet- Story time.)

(By the way, Drew made me break the keyboard holder thing. But he says he "didn't do it" /shifty eyes/)

So, last time we were typing, Clanker had had his hat eaten by the Kraken, and his sea weed hair had turned into luxurious blonde locks, due to the use of Legolas's shampoo. Yup.

So, Clanker was in the field doing ballet, when suddenly a NAZGUL SWOOPED DOWN FROM THE SKY AND SNATCHED HIM.

"Shiiiiiiiireeee!" it hissed. "Bagginnnnsssss!"

Clanker gave it an odd look. "Eh, whosiewhaty? You wanna talk to the Cap'n, you're gonna have ta see Maccus, not me. Oh, wait, I'm supposed to be acting ditzy, but the author forgot about that. Lalalala, I'm a magical elf-faerie-leprechaun!"

(Wow. She gave me the keyboard. Something smells.) Boostrap eyed the Nazgul, flying high in the sky, much like a blueberry pie. (YEAH! MY NAMESAKE! WOOOOH!) Feeling sympathetic toward Clanker, he looked down into his bowl of fruit, which happens to be bottomless and infinite, and contain all the world's many juicy edibles. This time, though, he reached in, and drew out a massive lego kiwi.

Taking brave aim, because aim can be brave, he cocked an arm and hurled the kiwi into the sky. It struck the Nazgul between the eyes, turning it into a life-size LEGO Nazgul.

(Okay, I highly object to this. And Drew has to go.)

(I have to go, people. Take care, and don't eat legos.)

(He may be back later.)