This piece of madness was inspired by "Things Not to Do at The SGC", "SGC Pickup Lines" and "The Atlantis Handbook". Enjoy and please read and review with any ideas/suggestions!
1. Want to go to the mainland with me? I'll even let you steer the puddlejumper…
Teyla: No.
Sheppard: Why not?
Teyla: Just…no.
2. Would you like to assist me in measuring the square feet in my quarters?
Rodney-Radek, that is SO wrong!
Radek: Was not asking you, so get over it! Besides, I already have taker…
Rodney: shudder
3. My poor lonely tongue depressor would LOVE to be your new friend…
Sheppard: Carson, you are a SICK man. Don't tell me that actually works…
Carson: A true gentleman never kisses and tells, so I can't tell you anything.
Teyla: But I should know…
Sheppard: AHHH!
Radek: Hey, all of you, less tonsil hockey, more work!
Elizabeth: Radek, are you REALLY sure you mean that?
Radek: gulp Ummmm…no?
Miko: More tonsil hockey. Less work!
Radek: I knew this place was madhouse…
Elizabeth: And I've got the maddest house here…
Radek: Yes… all 398 square feet of it…
Rodney: EWWW! Will ALL of you stop it, please?
4. Come on…I've got an accent!
Sheppard: Grodin, if that's your best, no wonder you don't have any dates…
Grodin: I'll be back…
Sheppard: What are you now, the Governator?
5. You can be my Hive Queen anytime…
Sheppard: How in the hell did Steve get out? SECURITY!
6. I've got the fingers to do the dialing and we can discover whole new worlds together…
Sheppard: Finally! Go Grodin!
Grodin: Sadly, it has yet to work…
Carson: You didn't ask Nurse Fitzgerald, did you?
Fitzgerald: No, he didn't…believe me, if he had, he wouldn't be writing on this board right now…
Grodin: Wanna see my Alpha Site?
Fitzgerald: Start dialing, big boy.
Sheppard: GET A ROOM!
Carson: NOT IN THE INFIRMARY! Oh, for the love of God…
7. Care to study Athosian culture more closely?
Teyla: Jinto! If your father finds this, he will be most displeased with you.
Jinto: IF he finds it…
Halling: JINTO!
Jinto: Uh oh…
8. I'm the commander of the Dedalus and I bet I can make you fly…
Weir: EWWW! Cauldwell. That's just NASTY!
Radek: Vyliz mi prdel, mamrd!
Weir: Radek! I can NOT believe you just said that!