Allergic to Roller Coasters
Artemis is forced against his will to go to Hershey Park, an amusement park in Hershey, Pennsylvania. How will he react to the chocolate? The roller coasters? Read and find out! Short, funny chapters.
Chapter 1: Parking Lot
The gates of Hershey Park opened, perhaps one of the few amusement parks dedicated to fun and food. Named in honor of the famous Hershey Chocolate Factory, it had been providing America with entertainment for generations. But one kid in the excited mass of parents and children wasn't impressed…
"Mother, this is you're last chance. You're making a big mistake." Artemis Fowl the Second dug the heels of his loafers into the concrete, as his mother grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and in vain tried to drag him inside Hershey Park.
"Nonsense, Arty, it will be fun" Angeline Fowl whispered close into his ear, "You're Father and I have been thinking, we haven't gone on many family trips together."
Artemis gave her a look.
"I mean, we have. But we never spent time bonding. As a family."
She stressed the word "bonding". And "family." What more proof that his parents had finally gone mad? They were forcing him to have fun in an amusement park surrounded by snotty-nosed kids and empty calories for crying out loud. Pftt. American entertainment.
"Father," he said sternly, "Surely you want to leave now?"
"And miss out on all the fun, Arty? Nah." Good humored, Artemis Fowl Senior wheeled himself into Hershey Park.
It was settled then. Angeline Fowl stepped daintily through the park gates, Artemis sulkily following.
Butler trailed behind the trio, in truth the most excited of them all. Chocolate and rollercoasters? Sheer brilliance. American entertainment. Ah, how he loved it.