Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom; if I did I wouldn't even consider canceling it. :(
Author: Evilchik
Title: Trembling Hearts
Rating: PG-13 will go up to R for chapter 3
Genre: Romance,Drama,Angst
AN: Just to let you know Danny and the gang are 18. The idea for this story came to me while I was watching an anime that's a little similar.
Summary: A confussing, and complicated tale of a classic love triangle with twisted causes and even more twisted results that will leave you wondering,who will end up with who? Nothing is foreshore but one things certain, the lives of these friends will never be the same again.
Pairings: Danny/Valerie Danny/Sam
One more thing I just want to thank my wonderful beta summer's rage. GO READ HER FICS NOW
It all begins the same
Danny Fenton stood on the parking lot sidewalk waiting for his girlfriend of 3 months Sam Manson to arrive. "8:30" sure he was late but she was even later, they were supposed to meet an hour ago. What could be taking her so long, Sam wasn't one to take hours getting ready for a date. Danny felt a hand land one his shoulders; however it didn't belong to the person he was expecting.
"Hey Tuck, didn't think I'd see you here" The blue eyed boy greeted his companion.
"I was passing by and noticed that you were here so I figured I'd come over to say Hi and give you a little protection." Tucker slipped a small, thin, wrapper into his friend's hand and pat him on the back.
"Protection? Tucker what are you- TUCKER!" Danny yelled, his face turning a deep shade of red as soon as he realized what Tucker had given him.
"What, you've been dating for a while and this is your last night together before she leaves for summer vacation, anything could happen man."
"So do you always walk around with condoms in your pocket?"
"That's for me to know and you to never find out."
Before the young halfa could respond Tuck started running back down the side walk, "Just don't get caught up in the moment and forget to use it, we don't need a Danny Jr. just yet" Tucker shouted before disappearing around the corner.
Danny sighed, his face turning back to it original color. Sometimes I wonder about that kid.
"What was Tucker shouting about?" a soft female voice spoke behind him. Danny greeted his late guest by placing a sweet kiss on her lips. "What took you so long?" asked Danny in the midst of the kiss, hoping to change the subject.
"Family matters," Sam mumbled back before gently pushing Danny away "Stop avoiding the question."
"Nothing, It was nothing. Just Tucker being... well Tucker." he waved his hand dismissing it hoping Sam would do the same. The pale girl cocked an eyebrow; she had her suspicions, but decided to let it go.
"Whatever," she mumbled grabbing Danny's hand and leading him into the restaurant "Hopefully we still have our reservations"
It's so warm tonight
Valerie Gray lightly ran her hands over the soft, blades of grass as she lay under a tree. She was at the end of an old, secluded biking trail; it was so peaceful, calm, quite, and so… boring! There was absolutely nothing to do. Damon (AN: that's her dad's name right?) had restricted her from ghost hunting, again, after blowing a hole in the side of their new town house. She couldn't hang out with Tucker since he was on a date with some girl he met on the internet. Star and Paulina were out speed dating and Danny was on a date with Sam.
Valerie's heart sank, Danny's on a date with Sam. Sure they had been dating for a while, almost a year actually, and Sam was far from still being her enemy, but Valerie couldn't help feeling somewhat jealous. It was partly her fault they got together in the first place.
The caramel skinned ghost hunter was once again chasing Phantom and he, once again, had managed to get a good distance away from her. Valerie sped up aiming her gun at the back of Phantom's head. She moved her finger to pull the trigger, but something stopped her.
Instead of shooting him, try following him Val; you might find something interesting.
Valerie paused on her glider for a moment thinking it over. If she followed him it might lead to a hide out, she might even be able to find something useful; like a weakness. Going against her usual tactics Valerie sped up and went low following Phantom. Seeing Valerie was no longer in sight the young ghost flew behind a tree.
What Valerie saw next shocked and confused her. Two rings appeared around Phantom's waist, slowly moving outward turning him into-.She gasped and jumping out of her hiding spot making her presence known.
Being the gung-ho fighter she was, Valerie shook off her confusion and began firing random shots at Danny. Although he had turned into Phantom to avoid the blasts he somehow turned back into Fenton and managed to get snagged in the arm. Noticing the blood trickling down from Danny's wound, Valerie stopped abruptly. Backing into a tree across from where Danny was standing Valerie slid down into a seated position. Danny made a motion to speak, but Valerie held up a gloved hand silencing him. She glared, aiming her gun again.
"Start explaining" she ordered "and fast"
End Flashback
Danny had started from the beginning answering every question Valerie threw his way. After she found out Danny's secret it took her months to really be able to wrap her mind around it all and during that time she avoided him completely. This gave Sam the opportunity and the time she needed to finally confess her feelings.
But I shouldn't care I'm over him
Says you
I am; we're close friends and nothing more
Keep telling yourself that
It's true!
L-I-A-R liar
Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about. I don't like Danny that way
Then explain the sinking feeling
I'm just lonely that's all
Whatever helps you sleep at night………liar
Shut the hell up!
The ghost hunter flipped over onto her stomach plucking at strands of grass. She didn't care what the back of her mind said, she was definitely over Danny.
Sam stared blankly out the window of the restaurant and let out another sigh.
She had this uneasy, hollow sensation in the pit of her stomach.
She had the feeling that something bad was about to happen, something tragic. But she didn't wanna say anything to Danny just yet.
"Sam" Danny snapped his fingers in front of Sam's face waking her from her thoughts.
"You ok?" he asked
"Fine, I just keep thinking about how I'm leaving tomorrow" She lied
"It won't be that bad"
"Yeah right, a month on a cruise with my parents…not that bad"
"It's gonna be a pretty big ship, who says you have to be around your parents at all"
"You don't get it, my parents chose this trip, which means it's going to be full of snobby, preppy, rich kids" She rolled her eyes "I can see it know, a ship covered with hundreds of Paulinas"
Sam put her face in her hands "God just kill me"
Danny smirked "I dunno a ship covered with hundreds of Paulinas sounds good to me" Sam playfully punched Danny in the arm. "Jerk"
Danny traveled down the sidewalk after walking Sam home. He flipped open his cell and decided to try calling Valerie again. She left him numerous messages yesterday, but had yet to pick up any of his return calls.
No answer
Danny stopped walking a minute trying to decide what to do. Turning he glanced back at Sam's house. Danny would rather spend more time with his girlfriend before she left and he could easily sneak in once he was Phantom, but he was a little worried about Valerie. People don't usually leave five messages in a row for no reason. Reluctantly, the ghost boy proceeded back down the sidewalk. . After thinking it over he chose to check on Valerie, she was his friend and Danny never let a friend down. She'd probably be at theold bike trail he usually saw her there when he patrolled the city.
"I thought I'd find you here"
Still on her stomach Valerie looked up from the shallow hole she had created in the grass to see Danny approaching her.
"Hey" she responded
"Why didn't you answer your phone yesterday?" he asked
"So you finally called back huh"
"Well yeah, you left like three messages in a row" Danny laid down next to her "What's wrong"
"Come on Val we both know I know you better then that"
"Nothing really, I just wanted to talk" I missed your voice
"Is it about your boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend! Were did you hear that?"
Valerie rolled her eyes That girl-"I've hung out with him a few times, but we're not dating." She rolled on her back and looked up at the clouds like Danny. "He asked me out yesterday and I'm thinking about rejecting him…I dunno."
There was silence between the two for a while before Valerie stood up and walked to the very edge of the trail, the view overlooked the city. "I've decided to say no to him. It wouldn't be fair to accept him if I don't mean it." Danny, who now stood next to her, nodded in silent agreement "Great view," he commented. Valerie looked up at Danny who now stood at least six inches taller then her. When did he get so tall? When did little ol' frail, freshman Danny grow to be so strong and handsome. How did she miss it? Continuing to stare Valerie realized something, she had been right. She no longer liked Danny. No, her high school girl crush was gone.
She… was in love.
AN: so you love it? like it? hate it? think it should bruns in hell cause it sucks so bad? tell meh