Disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever own Danny Phantom. However, this story was my idea, so no stealing!

Not for the first time, Danny had dozed off in Lancer's class. It was lucky he decided to sit in the back today; otherwise his soft snoring would have reached the teacher's desk.

"Psst! Danny!" whispered Sam, poking him in the side with a pencil. She almost didn't want to wake him, he did deserve the rest, but his grade couldn't afford to drop anymore than it already had.

Danny turned over and slept on.

"Hey, Tucker! Can you try and wake Danny up?" asked Sam.

Tucker, who was sitting on Danny's left, nodded. He leaned over and kicked Danny in the shins, but to no avail. Geez, how many ghosts did he say escaped the Ghost Zone last night? he thought.

Sam poked him again, and this time with results. Danny blinked, and then muttered, "Can't we wait until tomorrow, Skulker?" before he realized where he was. "Oh, hi guys."

"Dude, you look terrible!" said Tucker.

"Thanks, Tuck." growled Danny. He sat up and stretched his back. "Man, I was up until four fighting Skulker and this huge bug thing. I'm wiped."

"We can tell," said Sam.

"Chronicles of Narnia Mr. Fenton! Can't you wait until after class to talk about your social life?" yelled a very annoyed Mr. Lancer.

"Sorry, Mr. Lancer," Danny said hastily. "Won't happen again."

"It had better not, Mr. Fenton. I'm sure your grade won't be able to withstand another beating."

"Yes sir."

Mr. Lancer looked at him suspiciously, and then returned to his ranting about some old dead guy.

Three hours later, it was lunchtime. The three friends sat at their favorite lunch table outside, despite the fact that it was January.

"Ugh, I don't know how I'm going to keep this up," said Danny, accidentally upsetting his milk as he put one elbow on the table, "I think Lancer's starting to think something's up."

Sam quickly replied as Danny wiped the milk off his pants, "If he thought something was up, he'd have told you to stay after class to 'talk' to him." I know, I've had some experiences. She made a face.

Tucker snickered while Danny smiled weakly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," agreed Danny. "Lancer isn't really one to keep his suspicions to himself."

Just then, Mr. Lancer's voice came over the intercom. "Would
Danny Fenton please report to my office immediately."

As he repeated the message, Danny sat with his spork full of apple sauce halfway to his mouth, a stunned look on his face.

His friends looked at him with worry as he stood up and began to walk away.

Sam yelled to him in a falsely cheery voice, "It's probably just something about your grades, right?"

Tucker nodded vigorously. Danny looked back over his shoulder and said, "See you next period!"

Danny's thoughts raced as he walked to Lancer's room. What if he's put two and two together? Could he know? Teachers may act like they don't know anything sometimes, but I know better. But, maybe Sam's right. It's probably nothing to worry about.

"Hello, Mr. Fenton," Lancer said as Danny walked in the room. "Please, sit down." Danny obliged, and Lancer continued. "Daniel, I wanted to talk to you about your sudden decline in grades.

Whew! That could have been bad, thought Danny. "Umm, well, I've been pretty busy lately."

"Yes. I am aware that most teens think their social life is much more important than school," said Lancer.

Danny tried to agree but-

"But that doesn't seem to be the case with you, Daniel. While you are frequently absent from school, you don't seem to really want to miss it. Most of the students that skip school don't care to listen when they are at school. But I've noticed that you really seem to be trying."

Danny sat, speechless. How can I worm my way out of this one? He's worded it so carefully…

"Daniel, is there anything you'd like to tell me?"

Danny gulped. "N-no sir. Nothing." Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? He thought, pulling at his shirt collar.

Lancer looked at him, disbelief written all over his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but just then, a mechanical-looking ghost flew into the room.


"Danny! R-," Lancer started. But then, "Huh? Danny! Where are you?" He said, frantically searching the room for the boy.

CRASH! The big ghost was pinned against the wall by a much smaller one. One with snow-white hair…

"Call of the Wild! It's Phantom!"

The ghost-boy whipped his head towards Lancer at exactly the wrong moment. BAM! The bigger ghost punched Phantom across the room and into the opposite wall. Now Phantom was pinned!

"I'm going to rest your pelt at the foot of my bed!" screamed Skulker.

(Yes, It's Skulker. –GottaluvInu)

"Do you have any idea how disgusting that is?" yelled Phantom. "Ugh!"

"You act as though you're going to get out of this alive," said Skulker. (I have issues with that comment. How can a ghost die? For all Skulker knows, Danny is all ghost! Oh well.) He charged up one of his bigger weapons, but while he was doing so, Phantom kicked him on the chin, knocking him down.

"Don't you ever get tired of this?" asked Phantom as he pulled out an object that looked a lot like a thermos. He pushed a button, and a beam came out of it, pulling Skulker in.


Phantom glanced back at Lancer, the sped off. Lancer just stood in his wrecked office, new suspicions bubbling to the surface of his mind…


There it is, my friends. The end. No, I'm completely joking! Don't hurt me! Tell me how ya like it so far, but be nice. It's my first-ever fanfic.