Note: I don't own Harry Potter... yaddy yaddah... you know the drill. :P

Chapter 1: A Brother's Mistake


The first thing she could see as she woke up. Since when did sun dare enter her room as she lay asleep in her bedroom? With no window, how could it be?

But then she remembered. She wasn't in her bedroom. Well, yes, she was, technically. After all, she was now in her true home.

She still couldn't believe it, though. After, what, ten years of waiting, wishing, she was finally free. In her true home, with her true family. In a bedroom with windows. No more stupid cousins experimenting with her old dolls, no more lies about her origin. No more servant-like life. No more teasing from Malfoy, too. She hoped he would be knocked off by the news. Oh, how she loathed him... should she make him regret all the mudblood business coming from him, or... do something else, in a more bloody way?

No, she wasn't like that. No one should be like that, she thought.

Then she was to take care of the matter with her friends. She hoped with all her heart they would forgive her for the lies she had been forced to tell them all along, even if she was about to tell them everything, and she meant everything, from now on. Maybe Harry would be a little mad. And Ron?

As she thought about Ron, her insides burned like fire. She had been angry with him for two weeks now, and still hadn't forgiven him. What he did was still unbearable for her to think about for more then a little second. Then maybe... just maybe... she wouldn't tell him just now. But heck, she was sure as hell to write to Ginny about that!

Oh, no. Did she just swear in her mind, just like Ron? Oh no, no, no, no. That couldn't be. That disagreement sure looked to be taking some good importance to her if she began thinking the way Ron used to talk.

"Granger! Get downstairs my dear, your brother has some great news to tell you!" she heard her true mother yell, then giggle.

She wasn't really comfortable with that, as with some other things too. Being called Granger –it wasn't her last name anymore, but her middle one- by a mother she hardly even knew wasn't something you would get used two in a matter of minutes, even if you had a brother who helped you like he could best.

"I'm coming, Imelda!"

Imelda. Her true mother's name. She couldn't get used to that either. Who in his or her right mind would call a daughter Imelda? To her, it was one of the worst names ever. But, well, her name was one of a kind in some way... she seemed to be lucky in the names department. Her mother's one was Imelda, her brother was called Edward Frances –two names, was it really necessary?-, her father was Herry –not Harry, like her best friend, but Herry, with an e– and herself... she had been called Hermione for a long time now, but she was now Hermione Granger, with two names like her brother. Strange, really, how names could seem so important now that they were so... surreal. Because they seemed surreal. To her, at least.

But enough of that. She had hoped for this to happen, then she had to accept some little things –like strange names– and stop complaining like a whinny little girl.

So she jumped into a pair of loose jeans, put on a black top with red and pink writing on it, and rapidly got out of her room with nothing on her feet.

Wrong move.

One thing they had warned her before she got home was that it wasn't like a muggle house –it was a magic house, after all. And one thing to know about that one particular house was that you couldn't run barefooted, or some things would happen.

Oh shit, she barely had the time to think before the floor under her started to become all mug-like.

"Oh my god! What is this?" She exclaimed to no one in particular, as everybody was downstairs waiting for her.

Since she stopped running, the floor stopped the phenomenon it started before and recovered his first appearance. She then walked more carefully, and more slowly, to the stairs, went down to the main room, and started to gawp like a fish before what laid in front of her.

"Oh my god," did she say for the second time.

"I know your birthday was 5 months ago, but I couldn't resist. Do you like it?", her brother asked.

"Of course I like it!", did she reply. "I mean, it's so... so... wow!"

"Edward thought dozens of book weren't enough for you, so he bought an entire library, as it appears," murmured her father, a little smile playing on his lips.

He looked at her with his rich chocolate eyes –the same as hers– and she could see he was quite amused from his son's gift to his sister. At the age of 19, Edward was early in business, and a good one at that. A very, very, very good business, as she understood. She remembered he worked on something affiliated with wizard's schools, but she couldn't put the finger on it. She just... forgot.

"Thank you so much, Edward! It means a lot to me!", she hugged him with happiness.

"Oh well... in fact, it's more because I wanted you to forgive me for something I did lately..."

"Forgive you what?"

Her body stiffened as she became suspicious. She had seen him yesterday for the first time in her life. How could he have done something bad in less than a day?

"Well... you know, it wasn't really my fault, it was more of my friend's, you see..."

"Get on with it, Franky."

She discovered he hated his middle name. And hated it even more when someone used it to make it a nickname.

"Humph. Well... you know, in pureblood families, we actually kept the 'arranged marriage' tradition, and..."

"Do you mean you arranged a marriage which would include me?"

She couldn't believe it. What was it with men these days? First Ron, then her own brother?

"No, no, no, don't worry, it's not that! In fact, I... well, my friend, I mean, he... hum... thought it would be funny to introduce you in a way that would make you available to any pureblood guy who would seek a marriage contract, and..."

"And when does your friend want to introduce me like that, Frances?"

Oh well. She wasn't quite pleased, but not too angry at him either. So she used his second name, but no nickname. Deal.


That was it. The library wasn't a big gift enough now. He was to regret it. Or his friend would regret it.


So... How did you like it? Oh, about the title... I know I haven't explain anything about the "19th Law" yet, but it's coming. Okay, since it's my first fic, I'd really appreciate it if you could give me some reviews here... AND if you're nice enough (:P) I'll give you the next chapter soon! So, you know what you need to do... get on with it then! (Nah, just kidding!) See ya folks!


... and D