Title: What Do You Think?

Summary: James', Sirius', Lupin's, and Lily's reactions AFTER they read the Harry Potter books.

Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine, and neither are the parts from the books.

(This is AFTER the book)

"They don't know we're not allowed to use magic at home. I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer…."

"Haha. That's good. Go Harry," Sirius cheered, loving the fact that Harry would be tricking his evil "relatives".

"Yeah, that's my boy…I think," James agreed, still confused about the whole future thing, something that had caused a large argument.

"For the last time James, this boy has no relation to you," Remus said in a way too calm voice.

"But then why did it say in the beginning that his father was James Potter? Get around that one Moony," Sirius defended his friend.

Before Lupin had the chance to answer, James changed the topic. "I still can't believe that I'm going to die, and young, too. But at least I'll be married to Lily."

"You'll be more than just married, mate," Sirius said winking and pointing to Harry's picture on the front cover. This earned him a slap from Lily, who he had forgotten was there.

"Anyway, I still don't know who this Nicholas Flamel person is. Do you babe, I mean Lily?" James asked innocently, trying to cover his smirk.

Ignoring him, and already starting to feel her hand hurting, she answered, "Yes. He did what the book said he did, he invented the Sorceror's Stone, along with a few other notable things."

"What's that?" Sirius asked.

"Well, Black, if you must know, it's a stone that can-."

"Actually we don't really care," James interrupted, hoping to stop her long explanation before it started.

"Yeah, all that matters is that Harry was able to get to it before Voldemort," Remus added, and then mumbled so that they couldn't hear, "And come out in one piece."

Sirius was muttering to himself and they could only catch a few words. "Snivellus…teacher…Potions…totally unfair…."

"I completely agree with you, Padfoot," James said, his eyes narrowing slightly. "How could Dumbledore let that greasy-haired git teach my child? He'd want to kill any kid, but mine, that's just like giving him the possibility to get back at me. I swear Snape," he said, glaring at the book, "If you hurt one hair on his head…"

"Er, Prongs, calm down, mate," Sirius said. James noticed that he was further away than a moment before.

"I am calm."

"Riiiight," Remus said sarcastically.

"I really don't like this Quirrell guy. He tried to hurt our son," Lily said, not listening to the ranting that James had started again.

"Oh no, not you too," Remus said, shaking his head.

"That's easy for you to say, you lead to his defeat," Prongs said, ignoring Lupin's comment.

"Not something I'm proud of, but if it saved our son, then I think I'll be able to sleep alright."

"That's the second time you said 'our son', are you getting used to the idea?" James asked, the smirk planted on his face again.

"Don't get any ideas, Potter."

"I already had them, Evans."

Sirius suddenly turned to Remus, and said in a loud voice, "Hey, am I crazy or they getting closer to each other?"

"You're crazy," Lupin answered simply.

"That's true, but I still think that we may need to leave the room." Sirius didn't even have the chance to defend himself from the book that was thrown at him. "OWWW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

James just shrugged and replied, "I like to put some distance between myself and most books. You're head just got in the way." Surprisingly, Lily giggled at his joke.

All three present marauders quickly snapped their attention towards her and Sirius asked if she had gone crazy.

"No, it was just funny," Lily hastily responded.

"But Prongs said it," Moony said with an incredulous look on his face. "Plus it wasn't really that funny."

"Just because Lily can spot true humor and you can't, doesn't mean she's crazy," James protected his future wife.

"Thank you, James," she said.

"You're welcome, honey."

"Don't call me that."

"Not until you officially accept my numerous offers to date me."

"I never will."

"The book says you will. And I know that you listen to books no matter what they say."

"I might have to bend the rules this time."

"What about next time?"

"There won't be a next time."

"Have you noticed the five other books that it came with?"


Remus cut in before the argument got out of control, "So, did you notice Hagrid was in the book?"

"Yeah, I think I might have to thank him for helping my child," James responded.

"He's not your child. It logically doesn't make sense. Besides, Hagrid wouldn't know what you're talking about anyway."

"That's true, but I'll find something else to thank him for anyway."

"When are we going to read the next book?" Sirius questioned, changing the subject.

"I want to read about the next year of my son's life right now," James answered.

"He's not your son," Remus repeated, losing the calm in his voice.

"I want to read it, too," Lily agreed. "What's it called?"

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," Sirius read. "Sounds interesting."

"Did Sirius Black just say that a book sounds interesting," Remus asked with a shocked look on his face.

"Yes I did."

"Do you guys know what the Chamber of Secrets is?" Lily asked. Everyone shook their head.

"Does Remus Lupin not know the answer to a question?" Sirius mocked.

"Shut up," Lupin replied.

"Legend has it that the Chamber of Secrets is deep underground in Hogwarts and that a creature lives under there. The myth says that a student was once killed. Although the search found nothing," Lily informed everyone.

"Cool. I want to find it and put it our map," Sirius said.

"What map?" Lily asked.


"I don't like the idea of my son being around something so dangerous," Prongs said.

"Did James Potter just grow up?" Lily asked adding on to the other marauder's joke.

"I think he did," Sirius helped.

"No, it's impossible," Remus joined in.

"Well, let's just read the book and find out what happens," James suggested, trying to move the conversation away from his mature comment.

"Ok," everyone said, and Remus picked up the book to start reading. "Chapter One…."