Forbidden Love : The Advocates
A/N: This is going to prove itself! I swear to you, that you will fall in love with this fic! All right, read, and review. That's what matters, so, enjoy my work.
Heaven was always moving. Angels would move around, constantly doing Her will. By Her, I mean God (okay, I know that some of you believe God to be a man, but this is a fan fiction. Fiction. Don't kill me). Her top angel was sleeping at the moment. Her most prized advocate. The best of all angels.
Blue hair was sprawled over the white pillow. An annoying alarm clock sprang to life. Pink eyes opened and turned off the clock without a grunt or noise of complaint. She stood, stretching while yawning. She stripped off her pajamas and threw on her white dress.
The angel was already out the door, tying her hair as she did so. Now, lets talk about the misconception about angels. They are holy, and yes, their wings are visible when the want them to be, as well as their halos, but they do not stay in Heaven. No, they are mostly on earth, helping and promoting good through proper planning.
The angel flew, her wings long and glorious. Her Master and Creator wanted to see her. The little angel felt butterflies in her stomach. She had been around the Master many times, seeing as she was Her First Advocate, but she still was a little nervous each time.
She met her in a temple. The Temple. The angel fell to one knee and bowed her head.
"Madame, you called me?"
The angel felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Botan, please stand."
Botan nodded and stood, meeting Her gaze. Pink met brown and smiles were exchanged.
"I have a meeting today. I would like you to accompany me."
Botan nodded.
"Of course ma'am. I'd be glad to, but will you allow me to ask you a question?"The Creator nodded. "Who are you meeting with?"
The Creator laughed, causing Botan to be puzzled, but she smiled along with Her.
"To be honest, I am meeting with Lucifer himself." Botan's eyes widened so fast that they almost fell out. The Creator laughed. "Oh come on, don't look at me like that."
"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am."
The Superior Being chuckled again. She patted Botan on the back playfully.
"You're too uptight, Botan, and what did I tell you about calling me by that little nick name we came up with?"
Botan sighed, slightly flustered at calling her Master by a name.
"You told me to call you by the name of Keiko because we are on a first name basis."
Keiko nodded and then the laughing and jokes were done. Her smile faded and She held out Her hand. Botan understood. This was an easier way of transportation. By teleporting.
Hell hustled and bustled. Every moment something was happening. Sure, it is Hell, but this is still a pretty busy place.
Black hair and blood red eyes pierced the air. Fangs glistened as sleek black clothes were being pulled on. The demon grunted as he passed by a mirror, not really caring about his appearance. It was always the same anyway.
He was dressed in a black suit, and it looked to be the best, an Itallian custom job. Horns stuck up out of his hair and a black tail whipped around as he ran to his Master. Now, let's go into the explanation of demons, shall we? Demons are fun loving beings, loving to sin and cause trouble and violence. Most of their goals are to manipulate the already corrupted and to destroy purity. Every now and then there would be a mission to intercept an angels mission and destroy it. But, for the most part, demons are party animals.
Well, most of them. The First Advocate of Lucifer was not. He would if his Master wished, but he would not socialize if it wasn't an order. That was just how he was. Also, it was one of the main reason's he was First Advocate.
The demon sped throughout Hell until he got to his destination. The Club. It was pulsating with music and sex. The demon's eyes narrowed in disgust. He sped right through the entire club and its inhabitants until he got to his goal.
"Hiei! Glad you could make it, my man!"
Hiei saw his Master surrounded by female demons. They looked flustered to be in the presence of evil itself. They'd get over it. Then they would hang all over Him. It really was disgusting. Some of the vixens eyed the demon. Hiei never met their gazes.
"You called?"
His voice was flat and cold. Totally emotionless. Hiei watched as his Master got up, pausing to let a few of the women get their arms off of Him. He flashed the demon a cocky smile.
"I did, and I'm glad you came. I've got a meeting today and I need you to come with me."
Hiei smirked as the ladies realized just who they were looking at. First Advocate of Hell. His attention was brought back to his Lord and Master.
"Who are we going to go see?"
Hiei was interested. His Master never went to meetings where he would come along. This was a first. When the Demon Lord raised his eyebrows coyly, Hiei knew that it was important. Perhaps scandalous. When his Master offered his hand, Hiei took it, and they were out of the club. They were at the edge of Hell.
"I'm meeting God today, Hiei."
Hiei knew that this was not a prank. It was below his Lord. So, crossing his arms, the First Advocate smirked.
"What for, Yusuke?"
Yusuke, his Master, opened his brown eyes widely and then ran his fingers back through his raven hair. His smile was a deal makers smile.
"Cocky as always, Hiei? That's why I like you." Hiei chucked with his Master. "Oh, you know, just to negociate about wars and politicians and all that nonsense."
It all seemed reasonable to Hiei. Except for one thing.
"Why do you need me?"
Yusuke rolled his eyes.
"The pleasure of your company, now stop whining and come with me."
Botan was optimistic as she looked around. It was a grassy valley. Very nice. She smiled as her blue hair was caressed by the wind.
"Keiko, when are they coming?"
"Soon. They should be here any second now."
Botan wasn't sure what to expect. She wasn't scared. No, she was terrified. She had no idea what Lucifer was going to look like. Her imaginative brain was sending her images of this colossal beast that would only show itself in your nightmares.
When she saw the two older teenagers come up over the hill, she was surprised. Well, she was the same age as they were, well, what age they were supposed to look like. The one man was rather short, his expression dark and menacing. That has to be him. Botan thought to herself. The other man was impish, a mischievous smile on his face.
That was until Keiko addressed Lucifer.
"I'm glad that you came, Lucifer."
Botan felt her mouth open slightly as her Master shook the hand of the impish man. That was when her eyes snapped to the shorter man. He was gazing at her, his lips curved upwards in a sneer. If that's Him, then who the heck is that? That was when Lucifer noticed her, His brown eyes looking at her up and down.
"Who's this little fox that you've kept hidden, God?"
Keiko smiled at Botan and beckoned her to step forward. She did as her Master wished. She approached the man, who was only a few inches taller than her.
"My name is Botan, sir."
Botan smiled, not knowing how she pulled it off. Lucifer smiled. He offered his hand. Botan looked to her Master, who nodded, and then took it. She was surprised when it was not shaken, but instead lips were being pressed against it. Botan couldn't help herself. She stepped back, her hand withdrawing, earning a stare from the Devil.
"What, did I offend you?"
That was when a sound echoed across the valley. Botan noticed that the shorter man's eyes were wide and his cheeks were a bit red with rage. Her Master had slapped Lucifer. Botan felt her knees go just a bit weak.
"Please be so kind as to not harass my First Advocate."
Lucifer looked surprised but not angry as he rubbed his reddening cheek. He nodded.
"I'm sorry for unnerving you, Botan. Hiei, come here." Botan saw the shorter man appear by his side, literally. He was... fast. Lucifer looked at Botan, locking eyes with her. "This is my First Advocate, Hiei Jaganeshi."
Hiei and his Master came up and over the hill. He saw two women. He studied them both. The brown haired one, she was probably some angel. The blue haired woman, well she had to be God. An angel could not be that beautiful. He had seen many, and none of them compared to her.
That was why he was astonished and disgusted with himself when Yusuke shook the hand of the other woman. Hiei saw the blue haired girl look just as astonished as he was. Hn. Baka. It was when his Master kissed the hand of an angel that things got messy. Hiei saw the look of horror and uncertainty flash over her face.
She pulled away, her action startling his Master. Sure, He was a ladies man, but she was an angel. This was different. Then, his world as he knew it was shattered. He watched his Master get slapped. Slapped. Sure, it was God, but how did that work?
He looked at the blue haired onna. She seemed to be shocked as well.
"Hiei, come here." Hiei was startled by the sound of his Master's voice. His thoughts were preoccupying. He walked over to Yusuke smoothly. "This is my First Advocate, Hiei Jaganeshi."
Hiei watched as God brought over the blue haired onna.
"Good, this is my First Advocate, Botan."
And that was how the two advocates of Heaven and Hell met. They stared intensely at each other as they shook hands. They did not enjoy each other already.
Botan didn't like the other Advocate. He looked like he was more sinister than his Master. But that can't possibly be true... can it? The two of them, angel and demon, stood still. That was when God spoke to them.
"You are to stay with each other until we return. Like a monitoring system. If we have needs, we'll call you."
Lucifer laughed heartily.
"Yeah, so go have fun." He winked at his Advocate. "Play nice."
The two beings extended their hands, and to some, it would look like they were friends as they grabbed each others hand, disappearing elsewhere. That was when the situation sunk in for Botan. No! No, I can't be with... this demon all day! How long will Keiko be gone? Her eyes returned to Hiei. He was looking at her with a bored expression. Oh this is going to be fun...
Hiei saw no sense in what his Master was doing. Sure, bring him so he could do errands or something. But why did they have to stay together? We're going to drive each other crazy if I don't kill her first. When she turned to look at him, he gave her an expression that said "Now what?"
"Well, have any ideas of what to do, onna?"
Her pink eyes widened for a second, but then they narrowed. Anger danced in them. Whoa. Angels can get angry? I didn't know that.
"My name is Botan. And no, I don't. What about you, hot-shot?"
Hiei felt himself bristle and his fists clench. Why the little–
"How about a drink? You could use one!"
The First Advocate of Hell grabbed the angel's hand. Before the both of them knew it, they were both in a bar. Hiei looked around, smirking. His suit was just fine, but he had to make some... adjustments to the white dress. By adjustments... well... now she was wearing a mini skirt and a low cut blue tank top.
Hiei had a shot, and he tilted his head back as he took it. He looked at the angel.
"Want one?"
Botan had never been so... so... furious in her entire existence! She looked down because she felt a chill. Oh no! What happened to all my clothes? Botan was bright red as she had her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the demon. A shot was in his hand.
"No! I don't want one! What did you do to my clothes?"
Botan kept her voice low so it was a harsh whisper. She didn't want to distract the nigens. The demon's eyebrows cocked themselves.
"You would've looked weird if you were in that little gown you had. So, I changed your clothes." The angel felt her cheeks turn scarlet with anger and embarrassment. "It's not like you're an eye sore."
Hiei laughed. I might as well have a little fun as long as I'm stuck in my personal hell. His fun stopped when his hand was grabbed and he was rushing out of the bar. He expected revenge. Maybe he'd be on the streets of New York as a drag queen. Maybe he'd be a strip club, or some other torturous event.
Instead, he found himself in a house. A very quaint house. It had beige walls and it was... nice. For a demon, Hiei felt oddly at peace. He looked around. He looked out the windows. He was aware that the other Advocate was looking at him, but he didn't care.
Outside the glass lay long grass. It blew gently in the wind, and the sky was the palest blue. It was the essence of peaceful. Desirable to anyone. A paradise.
"You took me to Heaven?"
A/N: Hey, That took me a long time to write! And, I really like it ! Please, review. Tell me if you hate it, or if you love. If you want to hear more, tell me. If you want me to burn in... Hell... tell me! .