This is the last chapter. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

ETA: I'm thinking of writing an alternate story for the characters of Josh and Avery. I just can't part with them. It's not totally planned out and I'm not sure if it will be CIC related, but it will have elements from the show. If anyone is interested in reading it let me know and when I get down to really working on it I'll send out links to my personal web page where I'll archive it.

Grand Entrance

Josh's heart stopped in that moment. Something was wrong with the baby... their baby. He looked over at Avery and saw the physical and emotional agony displayed across her face. Rushing to her side, he took her hand in his.

"What's wrong with the baby? What's causing the distress?" he asked the doctor.

"We're not sure what's causing it. The heart rate began to decline suddenly. We need to get the baby out soon and we're doing our best to do that." The doctor gave him a knowing look which indicated that everything was under control.

Rod looked over at his daughter and then at his wife. " I…. I'm going to fill everyone in on what's going on," he managed to stutter, his face etched in fear. Mac turned and gave him sympathetic look and he nodded. As the door closed behind him he heard the doctor instruct Avery to begin pushing.

Rod let out a deep breath and leaned against the wall next to the door. He wasn't much of a religious man, but in moments like these there was always the hope that there was someone up there that was listening to his prayers. He didn't know what he would do if anything happened to his daughter or his grandchild. He couldn't bear the thought of her going through the pain of losing another child especially after coming this far... or even worse something happening to her.

He closed his eyes and the images of the day Avery was born flashed through his mind. It seemed like just yesterday that he had watched her enter the world and take her first breath.

"It's a girl,"the doctor announced as he held up the tiny, whaling, red -face infant.

"A girl?" Rod choked out. He hand never seen anything more beautiful in his life. At the first sight of his new little girl he felt an overwhelming feeling of love and awe take over him. Love for the amazing woman who had given him the most precious gift imaginable, and awe over the fact that he had actually had a part in making the tiny creature before him

"She's beautiful,"Mac cooed at the tiny being in her arms. "Rod, look she's perfect."

Rod smiled and kissed his wife tenderly on the lips. "She's amazing, kiddo... and so are you."

Mac smiled up at him and then looked back down at the baby. " Hey little girl, I'm your mommy and that really tall guy up there is your daddy..." she grinned as tears formed in her eyes, "and we love you so much."

Rod smiled and touched her tiny feet. "We certainly do."

Mac looked up at him with a beaming grin on her face that would be there for days, "I can't believe she's here and she's so perfect."

Rod smiled. "It's all up hill from here kiddo."

Rod came out of his thoughts and taking a deep breath, he made his way into the waiting room.


"Okay Avery, you're pushing like a pro. The baby's head is crowning, just a few more pushes and your baby will be in your arms," the doctor said giving her some reassurance. She had been pushing for 20 minutes and didn't know how much longer she could keep going.

"You better be telling the truth," Avery began through gritted teeth. "Because if not I know someone who can send you off to some far away prison," she concluded before taking another deep breath and pushing again.

Mac gave the doctor a casual "President look" and shrugged.

"Well then, we better get this baby out," replied the doctor in good humor.

After a few more minutes, "Okay, the head is out. Stop pushing." He paused for a moment and assessed the baby. "I see the problem."

Josh looked down to see what the doctor's findings were. "The cord was around the neck," he announced, his mind swirling with endless outcomes of what could have been.

The doctor untangled it quickly and continued to coach Avery. "The baby's fine, just a small push now Avery."

Avery bent her chin to her chest and gripped the bed rails, giving one last push and groaned loudly.

The room fell silent as Avery restored the air to her lungs and both Josh and Mac let out the breath they'd been holding.

"You have a little girl," the doctor announced as he raised the baby up and placed her on Avery's chest.

"A girl... a little girl," Avery murmured through shallow breaths as she gazed down at the tiny person, who had made such a big commotion making her way into the world.

The baby began to wail.

"I think that means she's happy to see her mom and dad," Josh said as her leaned over to run his finger along the baby's cheek as obvious tears welled up in his eyes.

With a tired grin Avery looked up at Josh, "I told you it was a girl."

Josh chuckled and bent over to kiss his wife, "You were right." Looking up he noticed that Mac was awestruck. "So what do you think of your granddaughter?"

Mac wiped the tears from her eyes. "She's perfect." She smiled and then looked up at the proud parents, "Congratulations."

Too enamored with their little girl to speak, all the two new parents could do was smile in response.

Taking the hint that they needed some time alone Mac said, "I'm going to go tell everyone she's here." Smiling, Mac kissed Avery's head. "You did a great job, baby."

Avery smiled, "Thanks mom."

Mac walked out of the room looking at the new parents and their little girl in awe before closing the door and heading to the waiting room.

All members of the Calloway and Templeton families jumped to their feet at the sight of a beaming Mac. She stood in front of them all and grinned. "It's a girl!" she announced.

Cheers and tears broke out among them all.

"I knew it! I told you, I knew it was a girl," declared Sarah.

Rod walked to her side . "Is everyone okay, the baby, Avery?"

Mac nodded and took his hand in hers, "Avery and the baby are fine. The cord was wrapped around her neck that's why her heart rate kept going down." Kate shook her head. "How scary that must have been."

"It was for a bit," Mac nodded. "But she was a total trooper and that granddaughter of ours," Mac grinned, "she already knows how to make her presence known... she must take after Nathan."

They all chuckled.

"At least she takes after me in one of my better traits," Nathan mused.


Avery had been moved to her private hospital room and she and Josh were both sitting on the bed with the baby between them.

"Ten fingers and ten toes, I've counted three times," Avery grinned, looking down at the baby.

Josh grinned, "She sure is perfect..." then glancing at Avery, "and you're amazing." He kissed her on the lips.

Avery rested her head on his shoulder, "I couldn't have done it without you."

"I just stood there while you did all the work."

Avery sighed. "You held my hand and didn't let me freak out when I thought we were going to lose her. I've never been more scared in my life."

Josh picked up the baby and cradled her in his arms. "Neither have I. I felt so helpless, not all the medical training in the world could prepare you for the fear you have when the tables turn."

Avery smiled at the sight of the father and daughter. "I think she's quite taken with you, daddy."

The baby yawned and Josh grinned, "The feeling is mutual. You know we do need to decide on a name for this little girl, mommy."

Avery nodded, "Yes we do, but I think I know the perfect one."


The entire Calloway/Templeton clan gathered around the bed.

"We would like you all to meet Olivia Mackenzie Templeton," Avery announced as she shifted the little pink bundle in her arms for everyone to get a better view.

Mac beamed hearing her granddaughter's name—her namesake. She felt truly honored and overwhelmed with joy. It was a whole new experience seeing her daughter hold her own child.

Avery looked up at her mother and noticed the emotions visible in her eyes and squeezed her hand.

"She's gorgeous," smiled Sarah, getting a better look at her granddaughter and squeezing her husband's hand as he beamed at the sight of the little girl next to her.

"Where did you come up with the name Olivia? You never mentioned it before," asked Kate.

"That's really a long story." Avery grinned and looked up at Josh.

Josh walked in through the front door of his and Avery's town house in Georgetown. He set his keys and jacket down.

"Honey, I'm home and I've got your olives." Josh shook his head recalling the phone call he had received earlier from Avery, who was in a panic because they were out of olives, and that he needed to get at least six jars on his way home.

Avery rushed down the stairs practically tripping over her feet and, heading straight for the bag, grabbed a jar.

Josh stood there looking dejected. "Not even a kiss for your husband?"

Avery looked up chewing on an olive. "Sorry honey." She reached up and gave him a peck on the lips.

Noticing that there was more in the bag than just olives, she asked, "What else did you buy?"

He reached into the bag and pulled out a home pregnancy test.

Avery almost choked on an olive. "You're joking, right? Babe, you have to be joking."

Josh smirked. "We both know it's been more than just this crazy craving. You've been tired, emotional, and you did mention that you were late."

"Yeah, but we both figured it was just stress at work. It's impossible we haven't even been trying."

He raised his eyebrows. "It's not impossible. We haven't been all that careful .Come on just pee on the stick." He grinned and waved it in front of her.

Avery took the box in her hand and started for the stairs before turning back to look at Josh. "Well, are you coming or not?" She gave him a sly smile before heading up the stairs.

A few minutes later they both sat on the bed, test in hand results facing down when the timer went off. They both turned to one another and then down at the test, Avery flipped it over to look at the results.

"Well honey, I'm not nuts, I'm just pregnant, you were right," she said turning to look at Josh.

Both broke into giant grins and Avery practically leapt onto Josh, causing them to fall back onto the bed with her lying on top of him.

"We're going to have a baby," he said out loud letting the words sink in.

Avery grinned, "Yup, you knocked me up without even trying."

Both chuckled at Avery's comment.

Josh reached up and pulled her down to kiss him, "I guess the boys can really swim, huh?"

Avery grinned, "Yeah I guess the pep talks really do make a difference."

Both broke into fits of laughter and spent the rest of the night reveling over the new life they created.

Avery laughed. "The cravings never let up and when we went to our ultrasound, Josh said that the baby looked like an olive and that maybe I'd eaten too many. From that day on she was nicknamed 'Olive.'"

Both were lying on the couch, Avery with a baby name book in her hand while Josh ran his hand along her expanding belly.

"What about Alisabeth for a girl, spelled with an A? We can call her Ally."

"I don't know about you, but I think Olive is a good strong name," he quipped.

Avery looked up and grinned. "We can't name the baby Olive. She would never live it down... and there is a 50 percent chance that it could be a boy."

"Well, that's easy if it's a boy we'll just give him a name both our dads hate. Olive could work to achieve that."

Avery smacked his chest playfully. "Josh, I'm serious, this baby needs a name."

Flipping through the book, she paused and a smile formed on her lips. "Since you like Olive so much, what about Olivia?"

Josh paused momentarily. Having expected another random name, he didn't think he would actually like it. "I could live with that." He looked down at her belly and began talking to the baby, "What do you think of Olivia, huh?" He chuckled when as if on cue the baby kicked. "I think that's a 'yes,' but if you're a boy and that was a 'no,' I'm sorry. You can blame your mom when you get out."

Avery laughed, "Olivia, I like it."

"And that's how Olivia came to be," concluded Avery.

"At least my niece will have a funny story when people ask her how she got her name. She can blame her insane parents," quipped Horace.

"I think it really suits her," beamed Nathan at his granddaughter. "A good name for a special little girl."

Josh and Nathan shared a tender look.

"All right… the new parents need some rest. We'll be back tomorrow," said Nate, patting his son's shoulder.

"Yeah, we'll be here tomorrow." Rod moved over to give his daughter a kiss. "Congratulations kiddo, you did good. She is beautiful."

"Thanks dad," she smiled. "Say good night, Livvie." Avery raised the little girl's hand up to wave goodbye.

Mac and Rod said goodnight to Sarah and Nathan as they got into their respective limos. Sitting back in the same spot they had been earlier that morning, Mac leaned her tired head on Rod's shoulder.

"Our baby has a baby... a beautiful, healthy baby," she murmured. "Can you believe it?"

Rod smiled and kissed her head. "No. I was remembering today the day Avery was born and how I was feeling. I could see the same emotion on Josh's face. They're going to be great parents."

Mac nodded her head softly. "Yeah, they are... and you know I think we did a pretty good job ourselves."

Rod leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. "We sure did, kiddo, we sure did."