Hybrid Legacy

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, and I don't get paid for these stories. I just put them in impossible situations.

Pairing: Draco/Harry

Rating: M

Summary: Four years after he defeated Voldemort, Harry starts receiving letters from old enemies. Now he must try to keep his family safe while apprehending the villains.

Chapter 1

"Liam, get down from there right now," yelled Harry, rushing towards the four year old climbing up the bookshelf. He pulled Liam from the bookshelf and placed him back in the playpen. He glanced around warily, looking for the quieter but no less troublesome little girl. He gasped when he saw her walking across the balcony railing. He quickly opened a portal to the railing, reached into the portal, and grabbed his daughter.

"Michaela Lillian Malfoy! What have I told you about going onto that balcony without either me or your father?" he scolded. Michaela immediately lowered her head at the scolding before giving Harry her best pleading face. Harry just snorted at the tactic. "You'll have to do a lot better than that, young lady. You know very well that doesn't work with me."

Harry placed Michaela in the playpen with Liam, laughing when Michaela pouted pitifully at being locked back up. Liam just patted her back sympathetically, and then curled up to take a nap. Michaela pouted a few more minutes before curling up against her brother and falling asleep.

Harry sat down at his desk to finish his correspondence and worked steadily for an hour. He stood and stretched, checked on the children, and was about to call for a house elf when Hedwig flew through the window. She held out her leg impatiently, waiting for Harry to remove the parchment.

Harry looked at the address and didn't recognize the writing. Opening the letter cautiously, Harry scanned the contents quickly.


My love, I'm coming for you. I swear that I'll save you from the pollutant despoiling your life. He should have never touched what is mine, but I can forgive that as long as I have you with me. I won't take those brats, though. But don't worry; we'll have more to replace them. See you soon, my love.

Your true love

Harry dropped the parchment in stunned silence. That sounded like Ginny when she had

kidnapped him that Christmas almost five years ago. But this couldn't be her because the last he'd heard, she'd broken her neck when the collar the Ministry had placed around her neck to keep her from running away from home activated.

Draco walked in ten minutes later only to find Harry still sitting at his desk, staring blankly at the wall. He immediately rushed over to his mate and frantically asked, "Harry, love, what's wrong? The twins are all right, aren't they?"

Harry finally looked at Draco and just silently slid the letter over to his husband. Draco read the letter quickly, flushing with anger the further into the letter he got. When he had finished reading the letter, he laid it on the desk. He fully intended on taking this to his father and asking for his help on finding the culprit.

"You know that can't be from Ginny, elf. She died two years ago. This is just someone's sick idea of a joke," said Draco soothingly, pulling Harry into his arms and rubbing his back.

"I know it can't be Ginny, but it sounds just like her. You weren't there when she kidnapped me, calling you pollution and accusing you of despoiling her 'innocent Harry.' Whoever wrote this letter had to have spent a great deal of time with her to know just what to say like that," said Harry, shivering in Draco's embrace. "I'm tired of people trying to destroy my happiness. Why can't they just leave us alone?"

"I don't know, elf, but we will find the culprit behind this prank and deal with them accordingly. Believe me, I plan on making them wish they'd never even thought the words on this parchment," said Draco threateningly.


"Father, we have a problem," said Draco, storming into his father's study.

"What kind of problem? Harry and the twins are all right, aren't they?" asked Lucius worriedly.

"The twins are fine, but Harry received a letter yesterday. A very upsetting letter," said Draco quietly. "It sounds like something Ginny Weasley would write, but we both know she couldn't have done it."

"What exactly did this letter say?" asked Lucius calmly. Draco just handed him the letter and let him read it on his own. "You're right, this does sound like the Weasley girl. I'll have Severus and Remus look into it. They may have a way to sniff out the perpetrator."

"Please hurry. I don't like seeing my elf so upset, and this upset him greatly," said Draco softly.

"Remus should be here within the hour. We'll find the person who did this. Just make sure you keep on eye on Harry just in case," said Lucius with utmost seriousness.

"Don't worry, Father. I'll protect Harry with my life," said Draco gravely. "Let me know when you find out something."

"I will," said Lucius.


"Lucius, are you in here?" called Remus, heading towards the study.

"In here, Remus," called Lucius. He smiled at the werewolf and kissed him gently. Leaning back in his chair, he turned to look at Remus. "I think you should know that Draco came to see me earlier today."

"Really? Why do you think I- Is something wrong with Harry?" asked Remus anxiously.

"Apparently, someone is sending Harry threatening letters," said Lucius quietly. He handed Remus the letter. "Read it. Draco wants us to help find the person behind this, and Harry's really upset because it sounds like the Weasley girl when she kidnapped Harry that Christmas."

"It can't be her. She's dead, but there is a faint scent that's familiar. I can't place it, but I know this scent from somewhere," said Remus, sniffing the parchment delicately. "I don't think it's a female, though."

"Maybe Severus will be able to narrow things down a bit," said Lucius hopefully. He saw Remus set the letter aside and stretch out on the couch. "I think," Lucius stood and walked towards the reclining werewolf, "that we can while the time away," He straddled Remus' hips, "in a more pleasant manner," Lucius gave Remus a slow, deep, tongue-tangling kiss, "don't you?"

Remus just nodded and reattached his lips to Lucius'.


Draco walked into the bedroom and saw Harry sitting on the window seat, staring aimlessly at the night sky. He walked over to his beautiful elf and wrapped his arms around his husband. "The sky is beautiful, elf, but I would really much rather enjoy the beauty of your face as you clench around me in release," he whispered seductively into the delicately pointed ear. He smiled when he saw the little shiver that ran through the elf's body.

Harry turned his head towards Draco and pressed his lips gently to Draco's. Feeling Draco's tongue probe for entrance, Harry quickly parted his lips to allow the exploration. Before long, they were both flushed and breathless.

Draco lifted Harry into his arms and carried him over to the bed. He leisurely stripped off Harry's clothing between slow, drugging kisses until Harry was gloriously nude. Stepping away only long enough to remove his own clothing, Draco sinuously crawled onto the bed to cover Harry's body with his own.

"I love you, Dray," said Harry, whispering into the ear he had been nibbling. "I want you inside of me, love." He spread his legs wide and wrapped them around his mate's waist, thrusting up lightly to grind their hard erections together.

Draco moaned at the movement and thrust against Harry a little harder. "Keep doing that, elf, and this won't last long at all."

"There's still the next time," said Harry mischievously. He gave a choked scream when Draco muttered a lubrication spell and shoved his finger into Harry, hitting the prostate firmly. "Oh, yess," he panted, bucking up against Draco's hand. "Right there, love. Again, please."

Draco quickly finished preparing Harry and positioned his shaft at the tiny entrance and thrust slowly inside. Once fully inside, he paused a moment to allow Harry to adjust to the intrusion.

Harry got impatient. Loving the feel of his mate buried so deeply within him, Harry tightened his legs and thrust up hard. He cried out when that movement caused Draco's shaft to ram into his prostate and started begging for more. "Move, love. I need more."

Draco started thrusting, making sure to hit his elf's sweet spot continuously. He started out slowly but soon quickened his pace until he was pounding into his sweet love, delighting in Harry's wails and choked whimpers of pleasure. Feeling his release approaching rapidly, Draco grasped Harry's shaft and stroked in time to his rapid thrusts.

Harry moaned when Draco's hand wrapped around his shaft and arched into the touch. Three strokes of Draco's hand was all it took to throw Harry over the edge, and he screamed Draco's name as he spilled his seed between them.

Draco buried his face into Harry's shoulder when Harry came, biting into the elf's shoulder as his elf's climax triggered his own. The clenching channel massaging his shaft pulled his seed from him to coat the warm cavern.

Draco collapsed on Harry, completely exhausted. Still panting harshly, he finally managed to gather enough strength to pull out of the snug passage and roll to the side. He immediately rolled towards Harry and wrapped his arms around the sleepy elf.

"I love you, elf," said Draco softly. "I won't let anything hurt you."

"I know, love," said Harry sleepily. "Love you, too."


"Mummy, can we go see Auntie Mi'ne today?" squealed Michaela, bouncing energetically in her chair.

"Yes, Mummy, can we?" asked Liam excitedly. "I wanna see Micah."

Harry looked at the adorable pleading faces and burst out laughing. "I guess it's a good thing Auntie Hermione and I have already agreed to meet at Diagon Alley for lunch today, right?"

"Yess!" they screamed happily.

"Of course, we can't go until you have both eaten your breakfast and had your baths. You might want to get started right away," said Harry, smiling as the twins exuberantly devoured their breakfast.

"Is Daddy going too?" asked Liam.

"No, Daddy is at work with your grandfather and Uncle Severus," said Harry quietly.

Draco worked at Hogwarts as the Charms professor with the firm understanding that he would be able to return home each night, rather than stay at the school. Harry stayed at home with twins, but he also wrote as a living. He wrote novels and school textbooks.

"When do we get to go to school?" asked Michaela petulantly, crossing her arms across her chest.

"You don't get to go to Hogwarts until you are eleven years old," said Harry, laughing at the pouts that immediately appeared. "Cheer up. Micah starts school the year after you do."

"Really?" asked Liam excitedly. When Harry nodded firmly, Liam laughed. "He'll be so mad."

"Now that you're done with breakfast, how about a bath?" asked Harry. He quickly covered his ears when the twins yelled out "Yes!" and ran towards the door. He just sighed and followed his children to the bathroom.


"Ohh, let's go here, mummy," cried Liam, looking at the broomsticks displayed in the window. He'd obviously taken after his parents in that department.

"No, mum, let's go here," cried Michaela, trying to pull Harry towards Madam Malkin's.

"We are going to be here for a while. We can do both, but since this is closer, we'll look at the brooms first," said Harry, smiling at Liam's ecstatic "Yes!" Michaela pouted a bit, but brightened up when Harry picked he up to cuddle. "I'll let you pick out a new dress robe for grandpa's bonding ceremony, ok?"

"Ok, mum," said Michaela brightly. She was just as bad as Draco was when it came to getting new clothes. Liam was more like Harry and laid back about fashion.

"Harry!" cried someone from behind them.

"Auntie Mi'ne!" cried Michaela and Liam in unison. Liam took off towards his favourite aunt immediately, and Michael wiggled impatiently to be set down so she could do the same.

"Where's Micah?" demanded Liam, searching around Hermione excitedly.

"Liam! Mikla!" yelled Micah from Blaise's arms. He just couldn't pronounce Michaela's name, so it sounded more like me-kla.

Michaela ran to Micah as soon as the toddler's feet hit the ground and gave him a big hug. "I missed you!"

Micah, in typical little boy fashion, rolled his eyes and patted her back soothingly. His grin widened when Liam pulled Michaela away and gave him his own hug.

"Guess what, Micah? Mum said me and Kayla get to go to school before you do," said Liam excitedly.

"No fair! I wanted to go with you," whined Micah pitifully.

Hermione and Harry just grinned at the toddler's conversation. "So, Harry. Mum?" asked Hermione with a grin.

"Shut up, Hermione. No matter how many times I tell them not to call me that, they still insist I'm their mum. I just give up," sighed Harry. "So when's this baby due?"

"Wha-? How did you-?" sputtered Hermione, causing Blaise to laugh quietly. She immediately rounded on the hapless man. "You told him, didn't you?"

"No!" said Blaise vehemently, backing away from his wife slowly.

"He didn't tell me, Hermione. You just forget that my nose and ears are better than average and can sense these things," said Harry calmly, trying to stop the argument brewing.

"Oh, " said Hermione quietly. She looked back towards Harry. "In six months."

"Do you know what it is, yet?" he asked excitedly.

"No, we're going to wait until it's born," said Hermione, smiling at Harry's enthusiasm. "You should have more kids, Harry."

"You know elves are only capable of having children when they go into heat, and I haven't gone into heat since the twins were conceived," said Harry quietly, looking a little depressed.

"Harry, that's normal," said Hermione quickly, trying to reassure her morose friend.

"Really?" asked Harry skeptically.

"Yes, Harry. Since fae and elves go into heat every three months, once a child is born, there is a five-year wait time before the next heat cycle. I bet you go into heat on your birthday again," said Hermione.

"That's not exactly the best time for that to happen, you know. We do have three birthdays to celebrate that day, and going into heat isn't really a good way to celebrate. Well, for Liam and Michaela anyway," said Harry. "Oh, well. Looks like the twins will be spending the night with you on their birthday and staying a few days."

"You know very well that I don't mind them staying the night. Besides, we wouldn't want them to get traumatized by their parents three day disappearance, would we?" said Hermione teasingly. "Of course, you don't really need to be in heat to go missing for two days straight. It really is a wonder those darling children are still so innocent."

Harry blushed furiously at Hermione's teasing. Of course, this just added fuel to the fire.

"I can't believe you can still blush every time I mention sex, Harry. You'd think after five years of hearing you two, walking in on you, and talking about sex around you, that habit would have ceased a long time ago," said Hermione wryly.

"I can't help it," said Harry, covering his flushed face with his hands. He looked down when he felt a tug on his robes.

"Mummy, why is your face all red?" asked Michaela.

"His face always gets that red when he talks to my mum," said Micah, nodding his head for emphasis.

"But why, mummy?" asked Liam, joining the conversation.

"Because your Aunt Hermione likes to make me sick," said Harry judiciously, ignoring the punch to the arm Hermione gave him. "Are you ready to pick out your dress robes, Michaela?"

"Yes!" cried Michaela enthusiastically, holding her arms out for Harry to lift her up.

"Me too, mummy," said Liam, also holding out his arms.

Harry just picked them both up and headed towards Madame Malkin's. Of course, not before sticking his tongue out at Hermione in retaliation for her constant teasing. Hermione just rolled her eyes, picked up Micah, and followed Harry to the robe shop.