Assassin Angel

She's the best assassin in her country; she can get to any target, by any means necessary. But when assigned to act as a body guard for an important man's son, she finds forbidden romance and uncovers a horror she can't understand. KxL

Disclaimer: I ABSOLUTELY do not own Gundam Seed in any shape, form, taste, color, or size. All I own are my dreams and my original plotlines…such as this one.

Note: Rated for violent scenes, heated scenes (Lemony, ne?), and language.


Her breathing was fast, panting, almost desperate for air. Her lips claimed his again and her hands slowly began to push the unbuttoned shirt from his shoulders. In turn, she felt his hands slowly glide from her hips to her chest. His fingers noisily tried to unbuckle the straps that ran from her neck to her waist that kept her sleeveless, trench coat-like dress on.

Pushing him gently from the small hallway of the hotel room, she allowed her eyes to open slightly to see if they were closer to the bed. She felt her heartbeat quicken when she pushed him down onto the soft mattress. When the two bodies hit the mattress, the man tried to roll out from being on the bottom, but she wouldn't let him. He stared up into her crystal blue eyes with a bit of annoyance.

Thinking quickly, the girl sat back and straddled him, her hips grinding into his, her thighs on either side of his legs. Glancing down, she could say the bulge in his pants. She smirked seductively and lifted her pale hands up, and gently yet slowly unbuckled the buckles he'd failed to get undone. His eyes widened a bit with desire at the sight of pale, unmarred flesh beneath the tight black dress.

She pushed the tight, leather fabric from her shoulders, allowing the man below her to see what he had been wanting all night. The lace bra she wore was as black as her dress, and didn't do such a great job of concealing her desired skin. There's her modesty down the drain.

Slipping the black fabric away from her stomach, her hips were soon revealed, and even lower. The man's eyes widened even further as a lustful smirk crawled its way onto his face. The girl's underwear matched her bra, and also didn't provide much covering. Black garters went down her thighs a few inches and attached to her black stockings.

The man's gaze flickered up at the girl, whose hands were gracefully pulling the ties and chopsticks from her hair. The bun fell when she removed the last tie, releasing her black locks from their bindings. Afterward, she lowered herself towards the man, her smirking eyes closing as her lips graced his. He eagerly kissed back, and his hands shot up to embrace her skin. As he occupied himself with the clasp of her bra, he didn't notice her right hand lifting from his shoulder and drifting towards her leg.

If his eyes had been opened, he just might have had a chance to escape from her. But no, his adulterous mind was to occupied with the seemingly flawless, gorgeous girl straddling him. He never knew there was a sharp, steel dagger held in a small harness that wrapped around her leg and seemed to be a part of her stocking.

She broke away from him and sat back so he could see the dagger in her hand and scream before she plunged it deep within his chest. His eyes went wide with fear, and then froze as his blood soaked through the sheets on the bed.

The girl used her free hand to close his eyes, and she pulled her dagger from the lifeless body. Blood flew from the abrupt release and spattered across her exposed stomach, dark crimson against pale moon white. She cleaned the dagger quickly by running it through the bed sheets and returned it to its harness behind her thigh. Grabbing her dress from the edge of the bed, she slipped it on and only fastened two buckles. Hurrying across the room, she pulled a suitcase from underneath another, and yanked it open. She rummaged through the clothing and plain old accessories till she found what she was looking for. Pulling it from the clothes, she confirmed it was her black bag by holding it up to the moonlight coming from the window. Opening it, she made sure whatever was in there was supposed to be in there, and then she grabbed a few other things from the suitcase: a wallet, a small PDA, a handgun that was hidden among lingerie, and a cardkey.

Standing, she made her way back to the body, and reached into his pocket for his wallet. Opening it, her eyes scanned over the license and ID, the credit cards, and his social securities card without a second glance. Holding open the flap, she thumbed through the large bills of money. She growled in exasperation and threw the wallet down on the bed. The blood had turned the once creamy-orange sheets dark red, black in some areas where the blood was pooling around the body. Checking in his other pocket, she pulled out what looked like another wallet. Flipping it open, she saw it was indeed another wallet. But this one had pictures of a woman and child. The girl snorted at the picture. Someone else would think these two were his family, but she knew for a fact they were probably just models, or maybe a coworker's wife and son.

Thumbing through the money flap, she found only fifteen dollars and a receipt to some store. She would have tossed down the wallet, but she noticed on the inside was another thin flap. She opened it and her eyes lit up. She pulled out the small cardkey and slipped it into her bag. A crash made her turn to look at the door. Sounds and grunts were heard through the thick metal, and she could make out the sounds of someone trying to get through the cardkey lock.

Vaulting towards the window, she tried to open it, but found it locked securely tight. Frowning in mild worry, she glared at the window before a thought came over her. Stepping back a bit, she then threw her leg upwards in a well aimed kick to break the glass with her six inch stiletto heel. The shattered glass falling to the floor and the small ledge outside lifted the corners of her lips into a grin. Just as the door was rammed again, she turned around and ran to the suitcases again. She reached into the open one and pulled a cosmetic bag from the heap of clothes. Opening it, she pulled two dick cases out and checked to see if the right disc were inside them. The door was rammed again, making a loud noise, and she slipped the discs into her bag and pulled out a pair of gloves before zipping it closed and strapping it over her shoulder.

Just as the door broke open and two men armed with hand guns ran into the room, the girl sprinted for the window, slipping the gloves on her hands while running. The men saw her and opened fire just as she sprung out the window.

She fell a few feet quickly, her eyes scanning the area as her mind registered the area of the hotel. She knew there would be a balcony a few more floors down. Sure enough, she passed the balcony, and shot up her hands to grip the concrete ledge before she fell too far.

Maneuvering herself, she flipped herself up onto the balcony rail and landed in a crouching position. Surely the men must have contacted the others they had posted in the building by now, and were searching for her. She gazed around the area quickly, and her eyes fell on a building that was a bit lower than the floor she'd landed on. Deciding quickly, she stood on the balcony rail with perfect balance and raced towards the edge before jumping onto the ledge of the hotel.

She ran over that till she reached the end of the ledge, nearly just above the other building. The girl glanced down, and saw men in black clothes running in front of the hotel. With her enhanced sight, she saw one of them spot her, and point her out to the others. 'Shit,' she mentally cursed.

Turning back to the building, she mentally measured the distances and heights of her current location, the building, and the distance between the hotel and the building. She wasn't sure she could make the jump, and glancing down, she noticed that more of the men were outside, their eyes locked on her. 'Damn, they have binoculars as well…' she mused to herself. She knew there were men inside the hotel running her way. With her luck at its lowest, there would be a guard at any and every window or entrance in the building.

On a whim of luck, she glanced down a bit and noticed a fire escape hid farther behind the hotel. A smirk crossed her lips and she began running down the ledge in the direction of the fire escape, mentally preparing herself for a battle. Of course there would be men by one of those waiting for her with their guns ready.

Her right hand flew to her thigh and reached behind the slit in her dress side and pulled the dagger from the harness. The fire escape came into view and she easily saw the men waiting.

"Target in sight!" One shouted into an ear piece-mic set.

The others drew their guns and aimed at her. With her enhanced hearing, she was able to pick up the "Don't kill her unless you have to," from one of their ear pieces. 'They'll try and shoot my legs, arms maybe if I prove to be too rough,' she informed herself, before scanning the area to plan her attacks.

The first gun shot was aimed near her head but closer to her shoulder. 'To try and get me to think they'll kill me,' she replied to herself as she jumped from her position and landed in front of one of the men in a crouching position. Quickly jumping up, she brought her dagger up and slashed through the man's chest, the blood splattering on the wall and her face, along with her dress. She pushed him out of the way before she could get shot and ran towards the next man, being careful not to let her heels get caught in the fire escape floor.

The girl plunged her dagger into the man's shoulder, causing him to drop his gun with a clatter as the steel hit the iron. Pulling back a bit, she sent a lightning fast kick towards the side of his head. His body fell unconscious to the iron grating and she dodged a volley of bullets before grabbing the rail and vaulting herself over it and bringing herself to the lower area of the fire escape. One of the men was in front of her and had seen up her dress when she jumped down. The girl kicked him roughly in the chest, her stiletto heel an extra weapon.

He fell, knocking into the man behind him. The girl took that chance to lean down quickly and scoop up the gun the man had dropped when she kicked him. Darting past the two as they tried to get up, she jumped down the fire escape stairs and shot the man waiting for her in the leg. He cursed and fell on his back from the abrupt and unexpected attack. She maneuvered herself over his body, only found herself stuck between the stairs she'd just come down, and at least ten men.

There would have been no hesitance for her to strike out at them with the stolen handgun and physical attacks, but she had noticed they carried different guns that were loaded with tranquilizers. Her mind could only imagine how powerful the drugs they were using could be, and she knew they could slow her down just long enough with the tranquilizers, if they were strong enough, and then shoot her in the leg or something to fully make her become immobile.

Just as one of them raised their gun, she glanced over her shoulder and saw the building was only a few meters away, if any maybe three, three and a half. Taking a breath on luck and using her enhanced strength, she spun around and jumped up onto the railing in a crouch before vaulting off, hoping to hit the building. She heard the gun fire, but didn't feel anything hit her while she was in mid air.

As she closed in on the building she put her hands out in front of her to take the impact. Her gloved hands met solid brick, and the gloves stuck tightly. Before she had a chance to catch her breath, she quickly began climbing. She heard the shot of the guns, tranquilizer and hand guns, and instead of feeling no pain, she felt a sting in her left shoulder. Gasping from the shock of getting hit, she slowed down slightly.

Luckily, she'd nearly reached the roof of the building. Grabbing the low rise ledge, she pulled herself up and over the ledge to land on the roof of the building. She lay next to the ledge and kept her head down as a volley of gunshots rang out, hitting the concrete. Taking that moment to catch her breath, she reached behind her and yanked the dart from her shoulder. She stared at the projectile curiously, having never seen any kind like it before. Unzipping her bag quickly, she slipped it inside it and zipped the bag closed. Before getting away from the ledge, she cocked the gun and stood up quickly, sending a shot blindly towards the group of men.

Using the distraction, she dropped the gun and ran towards the other edge of the building. A volley of shots raced after her as she ran, but her enhanced speed made it easier for her to get away from them. Reaching the opposite ledge, she saw it was only a meter away from the next building rooftop. A small wave of dizziness washed over her, and she felt a small pain in her arm, as though it had fallen asleep. 'What the?' she questioned to herself. It passed quickly, and she jumped without another thought, and raced towards the other end of the roof.

Reaching it, she saw it was at least a thirty foot drop from the roof top. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw the men were running to get off the fire escape. Her vision began to blur and her head felt like a marble was banging around inside it. She groaned softly and rubbed her temples when the pain became a bit much. But then it dulled down some, and she took that moment to get her body over the ledge so she could climb down the building.

After climbing down for a few meters, she decided to not waste any more time and she jumped from the wall to land on the pavement in an alleyway. Deciding to go to the back of the building, she ran quickly, wincing a bit from the pain snaking its way down through her legs.

Reaching the street, she noticed a car was coming down the road. It appeared to be in a hurry. Noticing it was a taxi, the girl stopped at the edge of the street, settling her mind on waving it down. She could always kill the driver if she needed to.

The car stopped in front of her, and surprisingly, the driver got out, looking over her outfit and the exposed skin and clothes underneath, before opening the door quickly for her. She sent a wary glance at the man before getting in. He shut the door quickly and then returned to the driver's seat. Without a word, he started the engine and began driving in the direction he'd come from. A small wave of pain ran through her head, causing her to groan softly. Sure, she could take pain, but this pain was much different. It seemed to be traveling through her body like knights storming a castle, intent on killing all that resided in it. When that pain dulled down, she urgently leaned forward, gripping the driver's seat tightly with her pale fingers. "I didn't tell you where to go," she hissed dangerously.

She was met with a chuckle from the driver. "I know exactly where you're going," he answered, his eyes never leaving the road as they turned onto a nearly busy street.

The girl was reaching for her bag to pull out her gun since she'd left her dagger behind, when anther wave of pain rushed through her, making that damn marble in her head jump around like a squirrel on crack and coffee. She groaned again, falling back into the backseat.

"Don't worry "Nightingale", we'll be back at the "nest" soon." the driver replied, his eyes glancing up into the rearview mirror to see the girl relax in the seat.

After hearing the driver say those words, the girl felt relief wash over her. She laid her head back against the leather seats of the taxi and closed her eyes, placing her trust in the driver.

When she opened her eyes, it was because someone was pulling her gently out of the car. She didn't bother to look up at the person carrying her, and she closed her eyes again. Before falling into a pain induced state of unconsciousness, she could hear the voice of the driver talking to someone, a medic most likely. He was saying something like "I think she was in pain, I could hear her groaning the way here." Or something like that. She didn't really care, she just wanted to sleep and make the pain go away.

There's chapter one, I like it so far. I feel more confident about this story's beginning than I usually do with others. Anyway, expect plenty of action and violence, and after chapter 2 or 3 at the latest, I'll begin the romance. I hope you enjoyed, please, please, PLEASE, REVIEW!


Ps. I'm aware my most famous story (For You) is in need of an update, I'm trying. Well, typing, it up when I have the chance. I just hit a small writer's block, sort of. Try to expect an update around Thursday or Friday.

Thanks for reading!

Sam the Insane aka Tori101