Disclaimer: This one of my fan fics where one of the main characters fall for a character I put into the mix but I am dragging a Mobilesuit and pilot from Gundam Wing but the pilot's personality is completely different. Actually I normally have dreams like this, so this fan fic might help you to understand what's going on in my mind, just don't hurt yourself in the process. Many people can never comprehend what goes on in a creative mind like mine. And when you see My POV, it means the other character's point of view.
Freedom, Justice and Wing-Zero.
Heero's POV.
I don't know how I got here. One minute I'm fighting a battle to protect my friends on Earth, the next I'm in space surrounded by debris. And the stars look completely different from what I remember. There are a lot of wrecked ships floating around me that I've never seen before, but wherever I am it appears Mobilesuits are used here as well. The battle I was fighting wasn't going very well for me or my friends, we were being overwhelmed by a force ten time what we were expecting. My machine was tough but it still took a lot of damage and so did the cockpit. So now I sit waiting for a ship to come find me before my oxygen runs out. I've had to shut down all my weapons just to keep the life support systems running for as long as they can but I've got less than three hours before it's too late. I try my best to stay awake but I'm so tired from battling so hard I lose consciousness just when see small pods flying through the debris.
Regular POV.
Kira had just destroyed the reconnaissance type Ginn when it fired on his friends over Junius 7. Ignoring the thanks from the others Kira struggles to accept the fact that he killed a fellow coordinator when he detected a ZAFT life pod and a moderately damaged yet intact Mobilesuit. Announcing his find he gets permission from Murrue Ramius to bring the pod and unidentified Mobilesuit back to the Archangel, if it doesn't attack him first. Approaching with the Strike the scanners show power from the suit's massive beam rifle has been transferred to life support which is slowly diminishing. Seeing no threat Kira takes the suit and life pod back to the waiting Archangel where both occupants will be greeted with guns pointed in their direction. With supply gathering out of the way the crew turns their attention to their new guests, the bridge crew along with Kira and lieutenant La Flaga all stand at the foot of the new Mobilesuit watching as mechanics work on opening the cockpit.
"Captain it's opening!" Murdock shouts as the soldiers aim their rifles. "Request permission to check on the pilot,"
"Granted but use caution," Captain Ramius replied.
"Holy crap! Get the medics down here! This guy's in bad shape!" Murdock shouted carefully dragging the unconscious pilot out of the Mobilesuit.
"Captain I recommend we keep him under guard at all times while he's onboard this ship," Natarle suggested. "He may be an undercover ZAFT soldier who got separated from his unit and drifted into the debris belt,"
"It's a possibility, and his Mobilesuit does resemble the machines that were stolen by them. Keep a light guard on him and inform me the minute he wakes up," Murrue instructed turning to the life pod. "I want that machine in working over as soon as humanly possible,"
"Yes ma'am," Natarle replied watching the pilot being taken away on a stretcher. "And if he resists?"
"Then use non-lethal force to subdue him," Murrue answered wondering who was in the pod.
Heero's POV.
Three hours later.
The first thing I became aware of was absents of pain. Perhaps I had died and gone to a place where no pain existed. But if that were true my body wouldn't be feeling so heavy and tired yet I feel relaxed. I can hear the sound of some young heavenly voice floating into my ears and a song which I have never heard before. Opening my eyes I find my vision slowly coming back into focus. A cream coloured room, but it doesn't look like a holding cell or a medical bay, more like crew quarters. I can still hear that heavenly voice coming from my left, whoever it is they don't sound sad. Rolling my head to the left I see a young girl with pink hair sitting on the floor rocking back and forth to the song she's singing wearing a white and purple dress holding a pink metal ball with moving flaps in her hands. As I watch a door near the foot of the two beds swishes open revealing a young man in a blue uniform jacket and white pants carrying a tray of food.
"Where am I?" I ask drawing their attention.
"So you're finally awake. My name is Kira Yamato you on an Earth Forces vessel called the Archangel. I rescued you from the debris belt," Kira explained placing the food on one of the two tables then pressing a button on the door panel. "Kira to the bridge the Mobilesuit pilot has regained consciousness," finished with his report he lifted his finger off the panel.
"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. They probably want to ask you some questions about your machine and how you drifted into the debris belt. And this is Lacus Clyne, she was in an escape pod close to where we found you," Kira said indicating to the pink haired girl who was now smiling brightly at me.
"How have I been unconscious?" I asked rising to a sitting position with relative ease.
"About three hours now. If you were left out there you would have been dead already," Kira replied not moving from the door. "The captain and first officer should be down here soon,"
Right on cue the door opened again and two women in white uniforms entered. I could see by the rank stripes on the uniform collars that the woman with shoulder length brown hair was the superior officer, she was looking at me with a look of curiosity. The one with the hat on the other hand had suspicion written all over her face.
"My name is Murrue Ramius, I'm the captain of this vessel and this is Ensign Natarle Badgiruel. I see you've already met Kira and Miss Clyne," she introduced sitting at one of the tables as Lacus ate her meal.
"I'm Heero Yuy, may I ask what branch of the Planetary Government you're part of?" I asked getting confused looks from everyone.
"We're part of the Atlantic Federation Alliance. I'm afraid I've never heard of the Planetary Government before," Murrue replied.
"There's no Planetary Government? That explains a few things,"
"Explains what?" Natarle inquired.
"Before I passed out I saw the wrecks of Mobilesuits I've never seen before. And Planetary Government's put a ban on the development on all Mobilesuits. There is a terrorist organisation who has gone against the Government and created Mobilesuits for there own purposes. I've been fighting them for six months now and I know every type of suits they'd constructed. Am I your prisoner?" I asked.
"That depends on your cooperation. We're in a war right now against genetically modified humans call coordinators fighting for the ZAFT military. Five days ago an elite ZAFT unit stole four of five prototype Mobilesuits from us and are now pursuing us in order to destroy this experimental warship and capture the final unit. Since the Earth Forces battle strength is limited to mobile armour and don't possess Mobilesuit technology we're fight a losing battle," Natarle explained suspicion gone from her face. "We know you're not a coordinator so we would like your help with defending this ship until we reach our lunar headquarters on the moon. We've already got our technicians working on the damage to your Mobilesuit and it should be fixed within the hour,"
"It's your choice to assist us, we won't force you to do anything against your will," Murrue added.
"I can't take sides in a war that I know nothing about. I'd like some more information before I can reach a decision," I requested sliding off the bed, glad I still had my flight-suit on.
"Very well then. Kira, I'd like you stay and answer any questions he has. You're also authorised to take him to the hanger if he asks it. Natarle and I will be on the bridge," Murrue instructed getting up to leave.
"Yes ma'am," Kira replied.
"May I ask you a question Kira?" I inquired.
"Uh sure,"
"I noticed you both looked disappointed when Ensign Badgiruel asked me to fight for the Earth Forces. Are you and Lacus coordinators?" I asked.
"Yes we are. But I'm not part of the Earth Forces and I'm only fighting to protect my friends who are also on this ship," Kira answered looking down at the floor. "Lacus is just a temporary guest but she'll most likely become a prisoner when we get to the moon. ZAFT probably has ships looking for her as we speak. Right now we're heading for a rendezvous with three Earth Forces ships. But there's something I want to know. Is your Mobilesuit a Gundam?"
This caught my undivided attention. "What do you know about Gundams?" I demanded.
"Just that the ones that were stolen are Gundams as is mine. They're extremely powerful machines but once they run out of power they're as vulnerable as regular Mobilesuits. I'm guessing your machine doesn't have the same phase shift armour," Kira replied doing his best to explain.
"You're right my machine is a Gundam, it's called Wing-Zero and its armour is made of a special alloy my father created," I said, splashing my face with water in the adjoining bathroom.
"Your father must have been a very brilliant man to have created a unique Mobilesuit like yours," Lacus added.
"Yes he was. And if I may say you're a very pretty and caring young woman," I retorted.
"Why thank you," she giggled with a light blush on her cheeks.
For the next few hours Kira explained everything about the war. How it started, who the first coordinator was, the Mobilesuits used by ZAFT and the four machines they stole including the X-303 Aegis piloted by his best friend Athrun Zala. I could see how some people would frown on genetic manipulation and was glad no one had thought of that where I came from. Then he told me how his friends, the civilian refugees and himself were all from the neutral nation of Orb, who believed in acceptance no matter if someone was a coordinator or not. After that Kira left to turn in for the night leaving me to digest everything he told me about. Finding myself unable to sleep I slipped out of bed and headed for the door, taking a quick look back at lacus I quietly snuck out of the room hoping to end up in the hanger. That's when a soldier standing beside the door noticed me.
"And just where are going this time of night?" he asked pointing his rifle at me.
"The hanger, Captain Ramius said I was allowed to go there since I'm not a coordinator," I answered.
"Very well then, follow me," he replied leading me down the corridor past the crew quarters which were filled with civilians.
The next morning.
Last night was certainly interesting. After paying a visit to the hanger to check on Wing-Zero I found the Archangel technicians really knew what they were doing, Zero was back to full strength. It made me feel a whole lot better making it easy for me to fall asleep floating around the hanger where I was woken up by the chief mechanic Mr. Murdock in the morning. Heading back to the crew section unescorted I received a huge shock to find Lacus in the process of putting her pink bra on. I knew I should have turned away or left the room but my body refused to listen to my brain's instruction. We stood staring at each other for who knows how long, the silence was finally broken when my brain rebooted itself.
"Do you want me to turn around or just leave the room till you're done?" I asked concentrating on her face.
"It doesn't bother me if you keep watching. It's just me in my underwear," she replied securing the strap behind her back.
"You haven't been mistreated since you've been aboard?" I inquired moving passed her to the bathroom where a change of clothes and a towel waiting for me.
"I've been treated very well. The crew aren't those who hate coordinators like Blue Cosmos," she answered sitting on her bed once she was dressed. "Would you care to join me for breakfast?"
"Sure just let my take a shower," I replied turning the water on.
"All hands this is the Captain speaking. In approximately six hours this ship with be meeting with the advanced Earth Forces fleet, which will then escort us to the Atlantic Federation Lunar base. I thank you all for your cooperation during this hard period,"
"Sounds like good news," Lacus said.
"Do you know anything about the ZAFT unit pursuing this ship?" I asked rinsing out my hair then turning the water off. "Who the commanding officer is?"
"I do. His name is Commander Rau Le Creuset. And he's one of the best commanders in the military. I don't think he'll give up pursuing this ship even if they're searching for me in the process," Lacus answered adopting a sad tone. "I only wish the Plants and the Earth Forces can put an end to the fighting and make peace,"
"If Wing-Zero and my friends weren't around the Planetary Government would be in the same situations of the Earth Forces. We only discovered the concept of Mobilesuit technology because of alien ruins discovered on the moon," I said stepping out of the bathroom wearing my flight-suit again minus the gloves. "Shall we go have breakfast?"
Five hours and forty minutes later.
It was almost time for the Archangel's rendezvous with advanced fleet and I had spent most of that time with Lacus, making sure no one did try to mistreat her. At breakfast in the ship's cafeteria the Orb refugees weren't hostile in any way to Lacus, she even sang a few of her songs to lift they're spirits. I even met Kira's friends during lunch and we were all having fun. That was until Flay Allster came in acting like a member of Blue Cosmos saying how she hated people who had their genes tampered with. I was glad Kira wasn't here to hear this but I already had an adequate amount of Flay's hostility.
"That's enough!" I shouted slamming my fist on the table, startling everyone else. "If you hate one coordinator you hate them all including your friend Kira. Did he choose to have his genes altered? Did Lacus? If you're from Orb then it shouldn't matter if she's a coordinator, I don't care,"
"That's not the point! Kira's different, he chose to fight against ZAFT to protect us. People who have their genes alter aren't human!" Flay roared earning a hard backhand across her face from me. Shocked gasps filled the quiet room.
"I guess that means you're not human either. If you can't accept people's differences you're no different from racists," I calmly said, lowering my hand to my side. "You disgust me,"
"Perhaps we should return to our room now," Lacus suggested sadly, placing a hand on my arm.
"Gladly," I replied wanting to get far away from Flay Allster.
"They're the ones who aren't human! They're the monsters! They should all die!" Flay shouted shoving past me and down the corridor in the opposite direction.
"Are you ok?" I asked Lacus when we got back to our quarters.
"I knew there were Naturals who hated coordinators, but I've never seen that anger up close before now," she replied flopping on her bed, trying to hold back a storm of tears.
"I meant what I said back there. People like her disgust me and I feel she deserved that slap," I added sitting on the edge of her bed, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "If you like we can leave in Wing-Zero and try to find a ZAFT ship,"
"Thank you, but that won't be necessary," she sobbed into the pillow.
"Lacus is there anything at all I can do for you?" I asked in concern lifting her into a sitting position. "You looked prettier when you we smiling,"
Cupping her cheek in my palm I wiped away a few stray tears with my thumb, she seemed to calm down a bit just being comforted by me. As I looked into her eyes I could tell she was pleading me to make her feel better but I didn't have the slightest clue on how to do that, so I did what I thought would be the right choice. Touching our foreheads together I wrapped my free arm around her waist putting my hand at the small of her back. Seeing no sign that she wanted me to stop I went ahead and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. Parting slightly I saw she was still upset but I couldn't tell if it was because of Flay or me.
"I'm sorry. Do you want me to leave you alone?" I asked moving my hands away.
"You don't have to apologise, I didn't mind at all," she answered placing her hands on my chest. "Will you hold me please? I'm so scared right now,"
"I'll stay as long as I can," I replied removing the top part of my flight-suit and moving around behind her to wrap my arms around her and pull her against me, letting her rest her head on my chest. "May I kiss you again?"
"Of course you can Heero," she said leaning up to meet my lips half way, bring a hand around my neck to deepen the kiss.
Disclaimer: It took me only four days to write this first chapter and I'm hoping you all enjoyed it. Especially the slap Heero gave Flay, that bitch needed one. And a reminder the Heero in this fan fic is different from the Heero in Gundam Wing but Wing-Zero is still the same. I am wondering if its beam cannon's fire power is equal to the Freedom's. So leave a few reviews and I'll get to work on chapter two. Thank you come again.