The crescent moon shined forth to witness the events of this night. Waves from the ocean clashed against the bottom of the cliff, fighting in vain to get past it. A small, Mediterranean scrub forest and a stone path climbed up from the summit of the cliff and hid the edge. A light, salty breeze made its way through the leaves, as if it were whispering what was to come. Sitting near the edge was a small, Italian mansion, sitting by the sea in its glory. All was peace...but not for long.

The low hum of a motorcycle engine disrupted the silence. As the vehicle came closer, the sound grew louder. Then, a young driver abruptly stopped the machine, dismounted, and started up the path.

The lady walked through the forest, stalking through the night for her prey. Black was her theme tonight; she wore a pair of leather boots, jeans, a white shirt, and a tight leather jacket. The jacket was left unzipped at the chest and held her ample bust as if it were resting in a hammock. Her hips swayed slightly as she strolled; her wine colored eyes glanced from side to side from time to time, always watching for danger.

Brushing a dark brown hair of her face, she breathed lightly and smiled at herself. Suddenly, a bush, just a few feet away, rustled and caught her senses. The woman pulled a gun from underneath her jacket and shot twice at the bush. A few seconds passed. Then, a moan came from the bush, and an arm dropped lifelessly beside it. A snitch!

"What a waste of bullets," the woman snarled.

She continued up the path, quickening her pace. She had a job to do, and there was no need to stall any longer.

The path ended, and she was finally at her destination, the manor. The woman quietly bolted to the side of the building and turned her head from side to side, to see if she was being watched. A window, on the first story of the large house, presented itself to her. She pulled out a small, skinny device and pressed a flat button on it, heating the end of the tip. Slipping it between the two window shutters, she slid it down, and it cut through the lock like butter. A new invention.

The woman climbed through the open window and made her way into the empty room.

"This is way too easy," the woman whispered to herself. "Why am I doing a job like this? Doesn't Geneva know my capabilities?

The woman found a door and opened it as quietly as she could. All of the lights were on were on in the hall, and no one was in sight. She stepped out the room and walked through the hall, searching for her main objective.

"Is anyone home?" she said mockingly.

Turning around the hall, she noticed a shadow appearing at the other corner of the hall. The shadow grew larger and larger, and then a large, muscular man appeared. The hall appeared empty to him; no one was to be seen. The guard continued his nightly stroll, unsuspecting a thing. The woman waited, supporting herself against the ceiling, with her hands and feet pressing against the siding walls. As the guard neared the corner, she let go of her balance and landed gracefully behind him. Before he could turn around, the woman had a gun against his head.

"Take me to Gianno de Bellucia," she whispered harshly.

The guard hesitated to answer. The woman removed the gun from the side of his head and savagely pressed it under his chin.

"Take me to him...NOW!"

The guard stepped forward without question, and the woman kept her grip on him. He quickly went up a flight of stairs that led to a second hall. He stopped at a door.

"Is this it?" she whispered calmly.


No sooner had he answered, a bullet was emptied into his head, and he sank to the floor. With a swift kick, the woman took out the door and welcomed herself into a huge library. Her target, Belluci, stood up from his desk, startled by her entrance. Four of his bodyguards immediately went to their master's side. Belluci calmed down and spoke.

"Good evening, young lady. How may I help you?"

"I suppose you could, Senor Bellucia. My name is Tifa Lockhart."

Gianno Belluci walked away from his desk and towards Tifa to get a better look at her. The 'heavies' made sure to stay close.

"And what is it that you need, Miss Lockhart?"

"I have been sent here to Italy," Tifa answered in mock politeness. "I believe I'm here to kill you."

The Italian gang leader looked her up and down with shock. But then, he laughed at her. How could such a pretty, little thing be able to kill him? It had to be a joke!

He stepped back behind his bodyguards and said, "You...kill me?"

"Si, senor," Tifa answered mockingly.

Belluci chuckled to himself and told his bodyguards, "Kill her."

Three of the bodyguards pulled out their weapons in dumb confidence. The fourth rested his hand on the gun in his pocket. Tifa scoffed for all of the idiots in the world before letting herself lose it once again. One of the heavies rushed forward, with a metal pole in his hands, raised over his head. He swung the pole to hit her in the head, but Tifa simply smiled and caught it in her hand. She gave him brutal kick in the groin, and soon as he was on his knees, in pain, Tifa rapped quickly wrapped her arms around his head and snapped his neck. The other men had followed close, so she stayed on her toes.

"You stupid bi...!"

Tifa ran forward, towards the closest bodyguard, picked up her left leg, and high-kicked him in the face. Catching him off guard, Tifa pulled out a hidden knife and stabbed his neck. Two down and two to go...

"Ha!" she cried. "You call this a fight! You're pathetic!"

"Shut up!"

Two stupid, offended henchmen to take out. The remaining two chased her up to against a pillar that supported the roof. She 'ran' up the pillar and flipped herself behind one of the men. Still in hyper speed, she knocked the man out with a kick. The remaining man turned around and witnessed this. Pulling out two knives, he engaged Tifa in compact. Showing the formidable opponent that he was, she almost struggled to dodge his blows. With another pair of hidden knives, she equaled the sides. Finding an opening, she went forward and slit his throat.

Tifa looked back at Belluci's desk and saw that he had abandoned it. Quickly, she turned a noticed the coward, trying to escape through the door. Quickly, she pulled out her gun.

"Going somewhere?"

Gianno Belluci whirled around in horror. Wasting no time, Tifa pulled the trigger and her victim's blood stained the wall.

Pleased with her accomplishment, Tifa walked towards the unconscious henchman and shot him as well. After all, you just couldn't leave witnesses.

Tifa retrieved the knife she had embedded in the other minion's neck, pulled out a cloth from the pocket of her jacket, and cleaned it. Seeing an open window at the end of the library, she jumped through it, landing stylishly on the ground, and made her get away.


Rude felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket. Flipping it open, Rude answered it.


"Hey, Rude..."

Rude quickly recognized the voice. Tifa Lockhart.

"Hello, Tifa," he answered. "I hope you are well."

"I'm well," said Tifa, "but I'm pretty sure Belluci isn't."

Rude leaned back in his swivel chair and smiled.

"Delicious," he responded. "The boss is gonna be very happy. We've been after that scumbag for years!"

"Your welcome," she cooed. "And?"

"And the money will be placed in your Swiss bank account."

"Thank you."


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