Seifer woke up with the worst headache he had ever had. It was splitting his head apart. He opened his eyes and was surprised to realize that he was in his old room at Balamb Garden. That was good enough for him. Just hold on to a good feeling they had said. His had been the feeling that he had had before this whole mess had started. He was thinking of just kicking back with Fuujin and Rajin and talking or pestering Zell. That must have brought him back here to garden.
He walked sulkily through the door. He followed Quistis even though she was walking briskly. He wondered is she was this bad, how pissed off Squall would be. When she turned left at the end of the dormitory hallway, she almost collided with a kid who had been running around. He heard her apologize to him and then chastise him for running. She turned back to Seifer to make sure that he wasn't laughing at her. His frowning eyes just watched her silently. She calmed down a little and walked at normal pace allowing him to catch up. She opened conversation with, "So, you said you were going to see the headmaster?"
"Yeah, well, this is important."
She nodded. "Yes, but he will be there you know."
Seifer squinted one eye at her, he was confused. "Be where?"
She laughed. "God, you are really out of it today. The directory." Seifer wondered what could possibly be going on at the directory.
"What is going on at the directory?" he asked her right before he heard Raijin's voice. They both turned to see Raijin rushing after Seifer with his gunblade. He screeched to a stop in front of them.
"You almost forgot your gunblade, you know?" he panted, setting his hands on his knees.
"Considering the circumstances, I don't think that I should take a weapon."
Raijin's face became a giant question mark. When he looked to Quistis for some support in the matter, he saw that she was just confused as Raijin was.
"It wouldn't be safe to go without a weapon," said Quistis being reasonable. Seifer realized that meant that they intended him to not head back to his dorm room. It was worse than he thought. He took the gunblade sadly.
"LUCK!" yelled a voice to the side of him. He turned to see Fuujin there. Her lovely patched face watching him thoughtfully.
"You too Fuujin," he said, a little choked up. It was nice of his friends to see him off. As a group they walked to the directory, he noticed Headmaster Cid was there chatting with Squall and Zell. 'Headmaster Cid!' thought Seifer. What was he doing there? Squall was the master of Balamb Garden now. 'Has Cid taken back his command?' he wondered. Zell was bouncing excitedly. Seifer wondered if he was happy that they would be throwing him out of the Garden. Something was definitely going on though, he could feel it. Well, something stranger than being thrown out of Balamb Garden for being the Sorceress's Knight. Squall was hanging in back just watching people.
"Glad you could make it Mr. Almasy," said Cid. Zell snickered.
"Well if I had known there would be such a rush..." muttered Seifer.
"Dammit Zell!" shouted Quistis. "You just had to play with it! Is everyone okay?" Everyone nodded except for Seifer who smiled. When Squall and Quistis were looking away he motioned to Zell. Zell looked at him as he mimed that he should have aimed for Quistis. Zell wasn't accustomed to Seifer making a joke. At first he looked sickened and then it sunk in that maybe it was just a joke. He giggled a little. The two exchanged a happy smile.
After a while passed, Zell sat up and began making punches at the air. Seifer enjoyed his enthusiasm, but he had enough foresight to see that Zell kicking and punching directly in front of Quistis wasn't a good idea. "Stop it, that's annoying...Chicken..." He had already started to call Zell by his old nickname. Seifer looked away as Zell got angry.
"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME???" demanded Zell, his fists coming up. Seifer looked away feeling guilty. He remembered slicing into Zell with his gunblade. It was his responsibility to atone for that feeling.
"Knock it off!" yelled Quistis standing up in a face off with Zell. They both plunked back down.
"Instructor...who was that girl in the infirmary this morning?" 'A girl?' wondered Seifer. Could it have been Ellone? He hoped that she wouldn't mess around with him now that he had found where he wanted to be in time.
"Was someone there? I didn't notice anybody. Is there a problem?"
"No, not really." Squall went back to sulking. Seifer had forgotten how much of the time Squall spent in silence. He felt the urge to coax him to say something. But the only way to do that would be to pick on him. Maybe just a little wouldn't hurt.
"Hey Ch...Zell, maybe you and I ought to give Squall some tips on talking to women."
Squall glared up at him. It was okay to tease Squall about his love life. Seifer knew that he had Rinoa in his future. Zell said "Man, like I would know anything more than Squall."
Zell was so adorable that he doubted that he did have any love life problems. Though, Seifer couldn't actually recall having ever seen Zell have a girlfriend. Even as kids, Zell had never strayed far from his group of friends. 'Maybe my constant picking over the years has ruined his self esteem'. It seemed an arrogant thought, but not a terribly invalid one. He thought hard of something nice to say to Zell, he still wasn't used to this.
"At least you talk to girls, unlike Squall here," Seifer said. Even trying to be nice he had still managed to insult someone. Squall ignored him, but he still felt bad. Zell was looking at him suspiciously. He looked away.
They had all managed to come out from the car ride in one piece and now they looked at the ship that they would be stuck with each other on.
"Is that the vessel?" asked Squall.
"Yes," said Seifer sighing. Balamb was such a beautiful place. He enjoyed the salt air clearing his dusty lungs. He could hear the waves crashing. They were constant. Seifer loved the ocean for being so consistent. The ships in comparison were ugly and so were some of the soldiers waiting for them to catch up.
"Come on, move it!" shouted Quistis. They ran on board. Each one trying not to feel icky about getting back into a confined space with the others. Seifer took the seat closest to the screen, wanting to pay more attention to what was going on this time. He was surprised when Squall sat next to him.
While Xu went over the mission, Seifer strained his brain to try and figure out a way that he could handle the situation and still become a seed. He was sure that leaving the designated area would result in his failing the test. But, he also knew that Biggs and Wedge were hooking up the satellite that the Sorceress would use as mass communication. He had to figure out a way to stop them without failing this exam. If he was a Seed, he could join the group on their mission to stop her and he knew what they needed to beat her.
Once the vessel crashed onto shore, they all ran out. "Okay, you are to secure the central square!" she commanded. Seifer didn't need to be told. He knew where he should go. "Be sure to equip your GF before you head into battle."
Seifer laughed inside. 'Yeah right,' he thought. 'With all that memory loss?'
Before he even had time to think about it, they were there in the square. At the same time and place as the last time. "Go and scout the area," he ordered. He was torn. He didn't' know what to do. Should he stop Biggs and Wedge. How important to him was becoming a seed? He just needed some time to think of a plan.
Soon, the damned dog howled and they all ducked down. The soldiers snuck by them to go up to the tower. Squall and Zell wondered outloud at where they were going. He felt the weight of the decision bearing down on him.
"Hey, what is that up there?" asked Zell noticing the communications tower. 'No!' thought Seifer. He thought of the Sorceress manipulating him. His mind flashed back to having to watch what he said, what he thought. The control...He wanted to end it now. But there was the dog and it was howling at him to make his decision. No one thought of Seifer as a do-gooder. But down in his heart, he was.
"That's our next destination!"
Zell stepped forward his green eyes ablaze, "But that's against orders!"
"Chickenwuss!" he accused. "There is something going on up there, and we know because we saw it! The others don't know! This is a real battlefield..." he thought of Headmaster Cid's speech. It all boiled down to who lived and who died. Seifer was going to protect the people he loved. The Sorceress would fall.
"I stand by the Captain," said Squall in a firm voice. His body language showed the resentment he held in saying it.
"This ain't no ordinary battle." Zell could say that again. "This is an exam, an important one. I'm telling ya we have to stick to orders."
Seifer grew angry. "If this was your hometown, would you be saying that? Grow a backbone Dincht!" They both stared at him, surprised at his passion. Zell put out his hands in a helpless motion. Seifer turned and ran down the alley, following after the enemy.
"Seifer. You will be disciplined for your irresponsible behavior. You must follow orders exactly during combat. But I'm not entirely without sympathy for you. I don't want you all to become machines. I want you all to be able to think and act for yourselves. I am..." Headmaster Cid broke off to talk to one of the creepy guys that hung around the Garden. Seifer looked down. There it was again. He had failed the test again, he knew because it was the same speech he had been given last time. Only this time he had blown it willingly. And for what? They had lost control of the tower anyway!
He tried not to let the sadness show on his face. Headmaster Cid walked away, babbling about something. At least now though, he had an idea of what he had to do. He needed to talk to Ellone. Luckily, she came to hide at the Garden. Or would come. He just had to wait and plan.
The Garden chimed for all the students who had taken the Seed test to meet up on the second level. Seifer didn't jump at the sound this time. He knew the outcome. Instead, he sat down on the edge of the bricks that lined the circle that was the center of Balamb Garden activity. It hit him then how hungry he was. They had all eaten in Balamb when they got back from Dollet. Unlike the first time, Seifer hadn't made off with the car leaving them all stranded. The dinner had been uncomfortable. He was still hungry.
"Hey Seifer, aren't you going up?" asked Zell who had been passing by on his way to the elevator. Seifer looked up from his frump.
"What's the point?" he asked angrily. It wasn't fair that he had failed again. So much for justice. He felt the air swishing off of Zell's active fists that were swinging in the air.
"Hey, don't talk like that. You can be a real jerk sometimes you know that?" Seifer looked up. He was hurt by the insult, even if he deserved it for crimes of another time. But when he saw the look on Zell's face he realized that he had been trying to cheer him up. "I mean, it's not your fault, what happened. We all agreed."
Zell blushed. "Well, that was last time. It may have changed." He was a lot smarter than people gave him credit for. He had soaked up the situation and was still considering all the vast variables that came into play. He sat facing Seifer with his knees in the bed. "You are our secret weapon!"
Despite the past hour of serious conversation about impending doom, Zell made silly punching gestures. It bothered Seifer and he reached out his hand to still Zell's hands. He grabbed his wrists quickly before Zell could back away. At first, he was surprised at the restraining gesture, but then a look of awkwardness passed over his face. "Don't get too excited. I don't know how to defeat her."
The hand still on his wrist and his eyes still watching Seifer as he said "But you are my friend this time," his voice was soft. Then, louder, he smiled. "Besides, if we beat her without you, then we can sure as hell beat her with you!"
"I never thought I'd hear you talk about other people like this." Luckily he did sound guilty about having thought that Seifer was a heartless bastard.
"I've always had feelings," complained Seifer. It hurt that everyone had assumed that he was some kind of monster. Especially considering that Zell, hadn't even seen him as the Sorceress Knight. He was just going off of everyday things that had happened before he had become a traitor. Hell, Zell couldn't even remember their childhood together in which he had tormented and bullied everyone.
He still hadn't let go of Zell's wrists which made it easy for him to yank Seifer closer to him. "Hey!" he shouted as he pulled. It was too hard of a pull and Seifer was launched onto Zell who had a precarious position on the bed as it was. It was like a roadrunner cartoon, Seifer felt himself just hover for a second as he dropped down on top of Zell. They made an unpleasant crashing sound. Unfortunately, the lighter one was on bottom and he got the air knocked out of him.
They both lay there for a moment or two before Seifer growled "You were saying Chicken Wuss?" His voice was raspy as he started to laugh, the breath tickling Zell's neck. Soon they both began cackling with laughter. Seifer lifted himself up onto one elbow, so that he could look down at Zell. Being this close to someone made him realize how lonely he had been. How much he needed human contact. He felt the breath from Zell's nostrils on lips when he looked up at him. Zell just stared at him. "Well, finish what you were saying."
Zell felt a lump in his throat suddenly. He couldn't remember what he had been saying. All he could think of was the fact that Seifer wasn't getting off of him. That Seifer seemed comfortable just laying on him and talking. Was this Seifer who was being so friendly? That sparked his memory. "Your feelings. I know that you are human. I know that you have...emotions." He said the last word hesitantly because he could see something in Seifer's eyes that he had never seen before. He saw a sort of affectionate look in the tiny oceans of his eyes. Now that he was looking closely, he saw that the eyes were almost exactly the color of the sea.
Seifer didn't know what was coming over him. He didn't want to move, even though he was very possibly crushing Zell. It seemed more important to just have this closeness. And when Zell had been trying to make him feel better, it made his insides swirl. 'Is this what it's like to have a true friend?' he asked himself. Unsure of himself, he set his head down on Zell's chest. He heard the gasp and felt Zell's heart thumping loudly. He didn't care if he scared him off or not, Seifer needed this contact. He felt like crying again. It was amazing the weakness that Zell brought out in him.
He waited there, trying not to let out a tear, when he felt Zell's hand brush through his hair. It was the best feeling in the world. Seifer felt forgiven and loved. He bit his lip to try and make himself focus on something external. He was focusing on his feelings so much, he felt like his head would explode.
And that was how they were lying when they heard Fuujin's voice yell from the other room "SEIFER!" Instantly, Seifer was off of Zell and they were getting to their feet. Seifer could feel his red face as he went to the door and quickly stepped through it. He didn't look back to check on Zell, because he felt so busted as it was. Fuujin was standing with hands on her hips looking him up and down. Raijin stood behind her looking gloomy.
"UNFAIR! NO JUSTICE!" she yelled at him. He couldn't understand what she meant. He scratched the top of his head.
"What?" he asked. He was getting just as empty headed as Chicken-wuss. Then he blushed again remembering the awkward moment and the fact that Zell was still in his room.
Oh, the Seed test. It was the furthest thing from his mind. He wondered if Zell would be in trouble for not having been there when they announced his accomplishment. He thought that he should make Zell get a move on. If he did though, what would Fuujin and Raijin think of a blushing adorable blonde coming from his room? "Hey, let's go cause some trouble in Balamb!"
He lifted his arm as enthusiastically as he could bringing on a small cheer from his groupies. It was only now that he was realizing that was all they were. He hadn't really missed them while he had been away. Sure, it had hurt him when they had turned away from him, but he had never felt as close to them as he felt to Zell. Zell, the reason that he would now have to go get drunk in Balamb. As they all left the dorm room, Seifer took a last longing glance towards his room. He wished that he could stay and just feel how he had felt when he was being held by Zell.