Note on the text: Written for the livejournal community femslash100's Alphabet Soup challenge, prompt-word "O is for Opposite". 250 words exactly.
"I mean, Jadzia was."
From the expression on her face, she says things like that all the time. She seems to think out loud, like Jadzia...didn't.
She's frighteningly real, that way. Jadzia was, or seemed, above the rest of us--gifted with the clairvoyance to find her own identity in the muddled soup of past and present. So serene and together. So smooth you wondered if she felt, really, anything at all.
Ezri is almost too real; tangible, present, feeling emotions I understand.
"I try not to think about that." It doesn't help, but I don't say that.
"It must be a little disconcerting for you, knowing that I have Jadzia's memories." All of them. Every nuance. I suppress a wince. She looks apologetic. "No wonder you're uncomfortable."
I want to sympathize, can only guess. It wasn't her, it wasn't us, it was two different people in a different life. I don't know her. But I remember Jadzia, and she
I want to feel sorry for this innocently bewildered girl. I want to reach in and draw out my calm comforting lover from the familiar glimmer in her eyes.
"It's a lot to get used to."
She agrees, sarcastically. "Tell me about it."
We're staring at each other, a silence that doesn't have any forseeable ending weighting the air. I start to say, I loved her--
Her voice sounds forced as she interrupts, clearly avoiding the subject, like Jadzia wouldn't. "I'll let you get to your prayers."