"Haven't you noticed?" Stella asked Lindsay casually.

Lindsay took a long sip of her café mocha, glanced out the window at the warm day outside and looked at Stella questioningly. The two were taking a break in a coffee shop down the street from the lab. Stella was staring at Lindsay with her usual mischievous and questioning gaze.

"Notice what?" Lindsay asked innocently after swallowing. Truth be told, she had no idea what Stella was getting at.

"Danny." Stella said simply. Stella looked back at Lindsay expectantly.

"What exactly is it that you want me to notice about Danny? I mean, am I supposed to be noticing the weird way he always twists off the stem of an apple in five twists before eating it or his obsession with his new gray shirt? Stella, there are really a lot of things to notice." Lindsay stopped so that Stella could fill her in and took a bite of the blueberry muffin that had been sitting in front of her.

"Come on, Lindsay you know what I'm talking about." Stella said. Lindsay looked back at Stella skeptically, and Stella shook her head and smiled. "Danny's been flirting with you."

"Danny always flirts with me." Lindsay said matter of factly. "It's a well known fact that if he's not making me insanely mad, he's flirting with me."

"Yes, but he's stepped up his flirting. He's taken it to the next level." Stella quipped between sips of coffee.

"Taken it to the next level?" Lindsay asked, rolling her eyes. "You make him sound like a professional athlete or something."

"No, I'm serious Lindsay!" Stella exclaimed. "Ever since you broke up with Kirk, he's stepped up his flirting. And have you noticed that we haven't heard about Danny and his flavor of the week recently. Flack says he hasn't been out on a date in close to a month."

Lindsay almost choked on her café mocha during Stella's revelation. To be honest, Lindsay had noticed that Danny had been flirting with her more lately, but he had been nicer too. Lindsay had never thought much of it. It was just what she and Danny did.

"I think you're imagining things, Stella." Lindsay said, trying to gloss over the subject.

"I don't think I'm imagining anything. In fact, I get paid to notice things." Stella said with a twinkle in her eye. "Why did you and Kirk break up, anyway?"

"We just weren't meant to be together. I had fun going out with him, but that chemistry just wasn't there. That and our schedules were too crazy." Lindsay said honestly. "And, if you get paid to notice things… we should get going, before we lose those jobs."

Stella smiled at Lindsay and picked up her things. Flashing a smile at Lindsay, Stella walked past her and towards the door, wondering just how long it would be before Lindsay admitted that Danny had taken things to the next level.