Chapter 5
"Draw your skirt down a bit, Kohaku-Chan." Daisuke said for what felt for the thousandth time. Kohaku complied, drawing the edge of her school-outfit down. Daisuke grabbed her hand again, dragging her behind him. They were going to be late.
"Daisuke-sama, gomen nasai!" Kohaku said, her eyes sad, looking at Daisuke's feet. Daisuke almost groaned. He had had only little time to train the girl to be shown in public. The girl had been much easier to teach than Wiz, but the task still hadn't been easy. The girl just refused to stop from apologizing all the time, and hugging him all the time.
"No need to apologize, Kohaku-Chan. We just need to hurry so that we don't miss the cart. We have to stop by the registration office before going to class after all." Daisuke explained while turning around another corner and sending his greetings to the woman sitting by the fountain.
They finally arrived by the cart and hurried inside just in time. For once Daisuke was glad that his former crush, the younger Harada-sister wasn't on the cart. He imagined how hard it would have been to explain the girl hanging from his arm.
Kohaku stared in wonder at the view behind the class, and Daisuke couldn't resist but to smile. At times like that Kohaku seemed so innocent, so pure. Something Daisuke had hard time believing as the girl shamelessly flirted all the time.
Kohaku rose higher on her toes, as if believing that it would help her see higher. The skirt rose again and Daisuke sighted before tucking it down for her.
But then again, she seemed completely oblivious of her body.
No matter how hard Daisuke had tried making Kohaku look as un-beautiful as possible in her school uniform, the girl still remained gorgeous. Her bronzed legs skimmed under the skirt invitingly, making them gather more than couple of looks after them while in public. Her hair was on a high pony-tail again, accessorised by a black bow.
Daisuke sighted as he let his fore-head slam into the cool class-window.
We are going to gather way too much attention to my comfort.
"Nice to meet you Miss…?" The headmistress said while offering her hand. Kohaku looked slightly confused, and Daisuke hurried to explain.
"Miss Nord. She's Kohaku Nord, as my mother told you I believe. She's a family friend from northern Europe. She's a bit shy, and her Japanese isn't perfect, so you have to excuse her if she doesn't quite understand."
"Ah. Of course, Mr. Niwa. I did talk with your mother some time ago. Emiko, wasn't it?" The headmistress asked while lowering her hand, taking no visible offence in the handshake that wasn't answered. Daisuke nodded.
"Yes. Well, welcome to our school, Miss Nord. It's an honour to have such a talented student staying in our school. From Europe no less." The headmistress smiled. Kohaku smiled shyly back, and Daisuke thanked the gods in his head.
"Well, run along now. You don't want to be late for class, will you?" Daisuke nodded before walking to the door.
"Thank you, Headmistress. Coming, Kohaku-Chan?" He asked. Kohaku drew her gaze away from the statue on the teacher's desk, and hurried after Daisuke with apologies. Daisuke waved them off as usual.
"Ah. Young love." The headmistress sighted, smiling gently at the two teens.
"Ah, Daisuke! Wait 'till you hear thi—Wait a minute? Who's this?" Saehara stopped in mid greeting, turning his attention to Kohaku. Saehara's loud question caught Risa's attention, and soon all the girl's were surrounding Kohaku.
Kohaku was breathing heavily, her eyes darting around nervous, her hands shaking slightly. She started to back away from the students, not being so used to so many people, but she was surrounded.
"Daisuke-sama!" She eeped, horror evident in her voice. Daisuke had been first hesitant to react to the people, but when he heard Kohaku's panicked voice, he reacted and pushed himself through the crowd. He kneeled by Kohaku who was slouching on the floor, her head buried in her hands, muttering incoherent sentences.
"Kohaku-Chan? Daijoubu? "Daisuke inquired, taking hold of the girl's shoulders, holding her steady. Kohaku looked up, her eyes wide before lunging into Daisuke's arms. This time it sent him off balance, with Kohaku sprawled on his lap while he was sitting down on the floor.
"Daisuke-sama! Make them go away! So many—too many…" She panicked, crushing Daisuke in her desperate hug.
"Back away a little, she isn't used to this many people." Daisuke said, and his class comrades complied. They were whispering among themselves of the new girl and her Daisuke-sama.
Turning to Kohaku Daisuke started to whisper into her ear in hopes of calming her down. "Shhh, it's all right, Kohaku-chan. Calm down. You're safe, nobody's going to hurt you here…"
Kohaku turned shyly to look into Daisuke's red eyes. "Promise?" She whispered gently, and Daisuke couldn't help the mental image of a five year old asking for a pinky promise. Daisuke smiled gently, trying to keep his movements as slow as possible as not to startle the girl in his lap.
That trail of thought brought to his attention not only the girl on his lap, but his curious class-mates as well.
"Now, up you go, Kohaku-chan." Daisuke encouraged the extremely shy girl. Kohaku climbed onto her feet, keeping her head down, her honey coloured bangs falling down conveniently to hide her eyes. Daisuke put his right hand on the hallway floor before pushing himself up in a sleek movement. Once up to his feet again Daisuke massaged his eyes. Kohaku had been keeping him up all night long, nervous before her first school day, and now this.
How come I get the feeling this is going to be very troublesome…?
/Maybe because all your classmates are looking at you in a totally different light, and this time they actually might see through that shaky façade of your you call acting clumsy/
/Thanks Dark, way to brighten my day. /
/Anytime./ The phantom thief answered, and Daisuke groaned inside his head. Sometimes sarcasm simply was lost to the purple haired thief.
"Nee, Daisuke who's this?" Saehara asked intrigued, his movements cocky and his dark eyes shining in interest as he sized Kohaku up, his eyes staying a bit too long on Kohaku's backside and the skirt that had once again moved up. Daisuke resisted the urge to groan. It was pretty obvious; at least judging from the blush on Saehara's face that he thought Kohaku was good looking.
Which by tradition meant Saehara was going to be trailing after her like a puppy.
"This is Nord Kohaku. She's staying with my family for a while." Daisuke explained, while not so discreetly pulling Kohaku's shirt down. Kohaku didn't react to this, after all he had been tugging her skirt down the whole morning, but it did gather some high eyebrows from Daisuke's classmates.
Saehara looked at Daisuke suspiciously, as if suspecting he was making a move on his girl (no matter that Saehara himself had bet Kohaku a minute prior.)
"Pleasure to meet you, Kohaku-chan," The honorific at the end caused some surprised looks among their classmates, among them Sekimoto and Riku. "I'm Saehara Takeshi." He smiled dazedly, kissing the back of her hand. Kohaku giggled.
"You have such strange habits here, Daisuke-sama." Kohaku smiled at Daisuke, before turning back to Saehara. "Pleasure to meet you too, Saehara-kun." Kohaku answered, stumbling a bit, trying to remember if that was the right answer from all the pleasantries Daisuke's mother, Emiko had made her learn.
Judging by the blush on Saehara's face, it was the correct one. A voice interrupted the staring and blushing.
"Good morning! I was wondering where everyone was!" Their teacher yelled from the classroom door. "Our class began," The teacher checked her watch "five minutes ago! Now everyone get inside!" She ordered, and everyone shuffled into the classroom, taking their usual seats. Kohaku stayed by the classroom door, looking kind of hesitant, even though this was what Daisuke had told she should do.
"And you are?" Their teacher inquired. Kohaku blushed before looking at the paper in her hand once again.
"Umm, I'm new. I was told to come here? To class II-B?" She answered meekly, a bit intimidated by the tall teacher. The teacher smiled sweetly.
"Oh, you must be Nord-san. Welcome to class II-B. Please take a seat beside Hiwatari-kun. Hiwatari-kun, please raise your hand," Satoshi raised his hand, his blue eyes locked on the ember eyes of Kohaku, who quickly took her seat beside him.
There's something about her...
"Thank you, Hiwatari-kun."
She reeks of Magic.
What on earth are the Niwa's thinking?
Satoshi sighed.
This is going to be… interesting. Satoshi thought, his eyes already making a list of all the girls glaring jealously at Kohaku, among them even Harada Riku.
/If by interesting you mean sadly entertaining and amusing, you're right, Satoshi-sama. /
A/N: Here, a bit longer update. Once again, let me know what you think.
A as this is a bit longer, the next chapter is probably going to take a while. Oh, well.