
Hey! I lost this book, I'm glad I've found it- there's a lot more to write about! For instance:

Yesterday we were having a pool party, and I was ROCKING this bikini. Even Kankuro said that if I was some random chick He would have tried to do me! I was looking fine! So anyway, I was going on talking to my friend's blah blah blah, and some other girls that I now Gaara likes came over, I started to tell the story about when we went scuba diving and I cut my foot- It sent the sharks mad! So then what Gaara says is, "God Temari, you're so erotic!" I pray to God that he meant 'erratic', but it doesn't matter now- he's never going to get a date, and neither am I!

About two weeks ago I yelled at him for being a douche-bag. Me and Kenji have been going out on and off and I really like him, but He's just not so sure partially because of Gaara and who he is. So I say no problem, how about we go to the beach or something all three of us? Well Kenji and Gaara agreed. So we went to the beach and it was great! We went to go drop Kenji off and he admits that I was right Gaara's strange not creepy, and then he kissed me. WE broke apart and I see Gaara has whipped his dick out and is peeing on Kenji's lawn!

Oh! That one reminds me of the time that Gaara peed on a live electric fence. Ha ha ha! It was so funny! He fell back on his ass, screaming bloody murder, Kankuro grabbed his own b alls scared for their sake or something- it was funny as hell!