Whew, I'm glad you're with me this far if you are! Thanks for your reviews, even though I've probably posted all the chapters too fast for many reviews to pop up, so I'm sorry about that. ; Sorry about the beginning of Mr. Wonderful as well, hates me when it comes to puncuation, so from now on, I'll try to find my punctuation seperations and replace them with 3's. For now, I'm posting only the first chapter, because I'm watching Petite Princess Yucie!
Tell me in your review if you watch that show to! 3's for all reviews, especially constructive criticism, and flames…well, they don't exactly make me feel good, but at least you read it, right? Or, at least I can make fun of you in my next set of A/N's! 8D Even better!
"Man, I hate cleaning up. Why can't somebody else do it for cryin out loud?" I asked nobody in particular as I leaned back on my chair. For once, Okuda wasn't trailing behind me, and Seki wasn't either. It felt kind of like newfound freedom.
No. I couldn't think like that! If I did, then the RowdyRuff Boys would surely collapse.
Picking up two chalk board eraser's and walking to the window, I clapped them together, an array of dusty chalk flying up into my face.
"Achoo!" I sneezed while coughing at the same time. It was a painful combination, and no less, the bruise on the back of my head started to throb again. Everytime it did, I slid in and out of focus, hanging on the edge of passing out. It was so girly and I hated it. Just before lunch, I really did pass out, and Seki was the first one out the door, and Okuda, the first one at my side.
The thought made me chuckle, knowing that the both of them had their own silent agreement that Seki was the faster of the two, and would get the nurse faster, and Okuda…well…he could just be there to show that the two were loyal to me even not as RowdyRuff Boys.
But chuckling made my head hurt too, so I stopped. Damn it! That stupid girl just HAD to shove her friggin hammer into the back of my head. My mom had screamed and fainted upon seeing my head, and I'd been forbidden to go to school the next day. I couldn't believe it, but I was really looking forward to school the next day after that.
My mom kept fussing over me, and it was in the really embarrassing way too.
"Headaaaache…" I moaned, putting a hand gently on the swelling lump.
"No kidding." An uninterested voice came.
Turning around, I saw Seki, who was wiping off the chalk boards with a wet rag.
"What're you doin?" I asked curiously, "It's my turn to clean isn't it?"
"Yep." He replied simply, not pausing, "But I thought you could use some help anyway."
I blinked and shooked my head. I stumbled forward and caught myself on some guy name Hikaru's desk. Shaking my head wasn't a good idea, because it made my entire world sway, me with it.
Seki stared at me for a minute before I muttered that I was fine, then returned to wiping the math equations off the white board.
"Where's Okuda?" I asked Seki.
"He's terrorizing the kindergardeners." Seki replied casually.
"Again…" I added boredly, "Really, I don't know where he finds the energy to do something like that after…"
"You're…." Seki paused and turned to stare at me. I hated his stare, because it was blank, and unblinking. Blank was the worst though, because I could never figure out whether he was angry, sad, happy, or surprised, and would have to take a wild guess. More often then not, my guess ended up on the opposite side the answer was, "…guilty?"
I blinked in confusion, and threw myself into Hikaru's chair.
"No." I replied stiffly.
Seki continued to stare at me, even though I couldn't see him, I could feel his eyes burning through the back of my head.
"You're guilty." He decided finally, tossing the rag into the classroom sink, and sitting down too. We'd finished most everything, or, I had at least. Before Seki came, I'd already sweeped, taken out the trash, and mopped.
"Why would I be sad?" I snapped irritably.
Seki didn't respond for a long time, instead he sat down and opened up his notebook again. The page he was on remained blank for 5 minutes, before he put his lead onto the page and began to draw, saying, "I can see right through you, and everyone else. You're guilty because what you did to them was more then you, or anyone else could've planned. They haven't been to school in two weeks Asuma-"
"I'm not guilty!" I slammed a fist down on Hikaru's desk, denting it a bit, "Why should I be! They got exactly what they deserved! We're the RowdyRuff Boys and they're the PowderPuff Girls, there's nothing more to it!"
Seki didn't say anything, but continued to draw. I couldn't care less what he was drawing, or why he suddenly seemed to be obsessed with that notebook of his. I wasn't guilty. If I was, then I shouldn't have been. I was just wiped from all the energy spent on dodging and attacking.
Just spent, that's all.
"Damn kindergardeners." Okuda grumbled, sliding the door open roughly with his good arm.
"What, did they beat you up?" I asked, smirking at Okuda's pain wracked expression.
Okuda shook his head and fell into his seat, "They pulled on my arm and when I flinched they kept pulling and stuff. I swear my arm just died again."
Seki scoffed, but put a hand to his mouth as though in thought, easily avoiding Okuda's death glare.
"Asuma is suffering from a light case of guilt." Seki told Okuda, who smirked and laughed.
"No kidding? I sort of am too, but that guilt is more over starting the fight so that Kaoru could jab her hammer at my shoulder and kill it." He laughed, and continued, "Oh well. I guess that's what happens when you're villians."
Folding my arms on the desk and laying my forehead on them, I groaned, "My head hurts like hell."
Seki blinked and said, "I'm not too shaken up. Bubbles didn't do anything to me, just kept yelling my name and telling me to stop. Wasn't too bad, comparing to Okuda."
"Evil. That's what that girl is." He muttered darkly, glancing at his now swollen purple shoulder.
"That's what they all are. That yo-yo kept on digging itself into my back a million times over." I snapped, "I've got all these burns on my back from the yo-yo spinning."
"Bruises." Okuda shrugged, "That's what I've got. And they're all frickin sore."
"Look on the brightside, we won." Seki said, not all too cheerfully.
Standing up and feeling the ground beneath my feet sway, causing me to sit back down, I pulled off my cap and was surprised to see the back a little darker red then I remembered. Seki had stopped drawing and was staring at me now, as was Okuda.
Lightly touching the back of my head, I stared incredulously at the blotchy crimson now smeared across my fingertips.
"Shit." I managed to choke out.
"Here we go again." Seki sighed, putting down his pencil and walking to the door, disappearing.
Okuda shook his head and shrugged, "You got it pretty bad sir."
I almost smirked, but I couldn't find the energy to, either that, or I just couldn't remember how, "What's Seki drawing?" I decided to ask instead.
Okuda leaned backwards and took a look at the paper, saying, "Looks like a head. It's probably a person."
Blinking, my grip tightened on my cap. I knew who it was. Or, I could give an educated guess. Standing up and stumbling over to Seki's desk, I glared down at the light outline of a head, perfectly porportioned in every way possible. I could see that Seki had almost started on the hairline, and I instantly knew exactly who it was, from the ugly part.
Seki returned with the nurse, before I could smear the red on my fingers across the forehead of the picture, and pushing me away from Seki's desk and out of the room, I glared at Seki, who stared blankly back at me, knowing exactly what I was thinking.
I don't know why I had started to draw her. It'd been ages since I had drawn anything, but why her? I didn't know, and currently, I didn't care. I just kept adding to it, her eyes, in which I tried to catch the laugh that was always in it, but ending up with a dullened dead look, trying to draw her bouncy curly pigtails, but ending up with her hair down, curled only at the bottom, trying to draw her perfect smile and laugh, but ending up with lips only barely parted.
I hated the drawing, and yet, I continued to add. Her torn and ragged vest, dirt smeared dress, and her scraped and scratched legs, that seemed ready to collapse right in the drawing. Her hands were halfway up to her face, ready to cover her eyes when the tears at the edge of her eyes finally rolled down her cheeks.
Putting down my pencil, I stared at my most vivid memory of her, after she'd grasped my hand lightly and begged me to stop and after I'd pulled my hand away from her, disgusted.
Glaring down at the picture, I finally added the five broken pieces of her bubble wand at her feet, and two round ovals to represent her hair ties, which lay 10 inches away from my hand.
I decided wordlessly, that this was the way I wanted to remember her. Broken and torn to pieces.
But, no matter what I added to the picture, I couldn't be satisfied. I added colors, dull and greyish blues and yellows, jet blacks, and using single grains of glitter to add to her tears, that sparkled against the dull background of demolished buildings, some aflame.
"My that's a very beautiful picture sir, would you like me to find a frame for it?" Coral asked, rather unnerved by my silent fervor to add the one thing that would complete the drawing.
I paused, and Coral stiffened, wondering if it had been wrong to interuppt me, but soon afterwards, I nodded, and uttered a quiet, "Yes, thank you."
She rushed off to find it, and it took her quite some time, because she was trying to avoid seeing me in such an annoyed state.
I couldn't figure out what was missing, and it bothered me so much that I abandoned the drawing and decided to looked through my old sketches for anything that might tell me what it was missing.
Was it her usual happiness in general, that I had decided not to add into the picture, that was bothering me? Sighing I asked Coral to put the frame on my desk, that I wasn't quite finished, and I would put it in myself. Dismissing her for the day, I needed to clear my head and picked up my laptop, too lazy to change out of my stupid uniform.
My buddy list was entirely grey, save for three usernames.
SutekiTearDrops says: Hi Seki!
Sonique has signed off.
I swear my heart was going 500 miles per hour as I slammed the monitor of my laptop shut, and stared at the cover in blank amazement.
Shaking my head roughly, I pulled out a clean pair of clothes, navy polo khaki pants, and took a cold shower. I needed to stop thinking in general, but even the freezing cold couldn't clear my mind. My dad was coming home today, and I needed to have all my attention to give to him, otherwise he would be extremely annoyed.
Speaking of that…wrapping the white towel around my waist, I stared at the clothes for a minute before deciding, why not piss him off a bit?
Deciding to wear what I always wore (just different colors,) a light blue summer hooded vest, unzipped, a black t-shirt, and a pair of casual jeans that overlapped itself at the bottom, I almost laughed when my mom nearly fainted at the sight of me.
By then, it was too late to order me to go change- my dad had already seen me.
"Finally dressing your age Seki?" He asked me, staring at me with dark blue eyes that were as cold as mine, "It's about time."
My mom gaped, and I realized that my 'piss-him-off' plan had backfired. Either way, the outcome didn't bother me, it was my mom's expression that made it all worthwhile.
After a stiff and quiet dinner of only my father telling me how to run his business properly, I sat down at my desk again and stared at the picture. It looked sadder at second glance. It made me feel the guilt that Asuma felt. Blinking down at the picture, I picked up my pencil and lighty touched the tip to the base of her neck, sketching slowly and tentatively.
I moved from her neck, and picked up three individual sparkles, and delicately glued them onto the necklace. I did the same for the earrings, two sparkles on either side.
I felt like it was finished now, and sliding the picture into the frame Coral had provided I stashed it into my empty nightstand drawer just before my mom came in, asking me if I would come with her.
Nodding, I followed her into my father's study, and she looked extremely excited.
"Seki, as you know, you will be turning fourteen in three months, after your barbaric friends Asuma and Okuda." My father started, and I felt the sudden urge to slam my fist into his mouth for calling Asuma and Okuda 'barbaric', no matter how true it was.
"And you know that at the age of 16, you will be able to take some shares of the family business."
The family business? More the world's business.
"So I have found you the fiancee I was telling you about last year." My father continued and my blank expression shattered from indifferent, to horrified, making my father laugh as he said, "Don't worry, she's beautiful, graceful, kind, and I've made sure she can preform everything a woman needs to know. Wouldn't you like to meet her?"
"No." I snapped.
"Seki!" My mother scolded, "Don't be rude, let your father show you her picture!"
I reluctantly did, and grimaced at the brunette in the picture. I found her to be the most ugly thing I'd ever seen, even though she was probably not that bad looking. She looked disgustingly plain.
"She'd ugly. And she looks like she could bore me to death." I snapped, "I'm not marrying her."
"It's her or no one Seki." My father said, just as irritated.
"Who do you have your sight's on Seki? Go on, tell me." My mother wheedled. She hated not knowing anything about me, and took every chance to figure out what was going on with me. I decided that it wouldn't hurt to tell her this time.
I took a breath, glared at her and my dad before saying, "I don't want to marry anybody."
"Waai," My mother whined like a child, "Seeeki! Just tell me! We might be able to arrange something!"
"I told you, I don't want to marry ANYBODY!" I yelled, and my mother and father fell silent, "I hate girls, I hate them, and if I want to marry somebody, I'LL ASK THEM MYSELF!"
I stormed away from my parents.
The door to my father's study slammed shut.