A/n: Wow I have been updating this one like crazy :D I know why because I've been having so many ideas for it and I want to finish it so I can say it is done XD lol!! Well anyway I hope you all like the chapter I think it turned out pretty well!!

Please Review!!!!!!

Tenten stood and looked after Naruto, she had a hopeful look on her face and she smiled. "Well Neji come and kill me if you dare" she smirked unsheathing her sword.

Neji sighed and then jumped at her Tenten barely having time to block almost shocked that he really did attack. "So that's how it is?" she asked grabbing it with both hands and forcing him off.

"No one but us knows what happened in the Soul Realm, you will die with the knowledge. I'm sorry," he said hardening his expression and charging at her again. Tenten sighed and her eyes held determination.

"You will try, but I will not die and if I do. I'll take you with me once again to the Soul Realm. Where forever we will stay . . . together" she whispered the last part. She jumped up and met his attack, "I know you're not truly evil. There is good inside you, I will drive it out" she smiled and flipped over him.

"So the time finally comes for our true battle" Ino said smiling. "And we were doing so well in working as a team" she laughed. "Been looking forward to this day?" she asked tightening the grip on her maces.

Kiba stayed silent, this was unnatural for him. To feel some regret for having to kill her. "Of course I have" he smirked shaking the thoughts from his head.

"Then here goes! Ladies first!" Ino smirked and jumped forward slamming one of them down to where Kiba had been. She pulled the mace out of the small crater and looked around.

"Come out, Come out where ever you are" she taunted trying to feel for his killer intent she had felt for so long. She blinked in confusion unable to feel it, "Did he run away?" she wondered aloud.

Then she looked up and saw him looking down at her from a roof top. "How odd" she began, "you seem to have lost that killer intent. Do you not wish for my death?" Ino asked very, very confused now.

Kiba only stared down at her. "You must kill her, where did my killer intent go?" he asked himself quietly. He held out his hand a fiery chain appeared. "Don't worry goddess I will kill you" he said swinging the chain around and then sending it at her.

Ino got ready to deflect it but it circled around her wrists and up her arms. It tightened and burned against her skin. She winced slightly and looked up at him and tried to pull him down but he stood firmly.

Kiba jerked her forward making her drop her weapons. As they were pressed closer to her skin it only burned more. He dragged her forward more until she hit the building he was standing on. "Um OW!" she glared up at him.

Not feeling like giving her a vocal response he pulled up making the chains only become tighter and only hotter against her skin. He pulled her up all the way and she fell on her knees in front of him.

"I don't only need weapons!" she glared and held her hands up and her hand began glowing red. Kiba smacked it away from him making a giant fireball go off course. Kiba went down on one knee and looked at her in the face. Ino gulped and brought her burned arms in front of her.

"Why did you have to do that!" he practically yelled in her face.

Ino was now totally lost, "Um what are you talking about?" she asked nervously.

"Go and do something to make me lose the want to kill you" he glared at her. Ino just blinked not knowing what to say because she had no idea what he was talking about. Her hair band snapped and her blonde hair fell around her face. Kiba twitched, even though she was a goddess, he could not help but admit she was beautiful. Now she was like tempting him. Looking all beat up and chained and now this.

"Um, I really don't know what you're talking about" she admitted. He growled lightly and pulled hard on the chain making her fall forward and having his lips met with hers.

She blinked and kissed back slightly before pulling away. He looked at her oddly and saw her troubled face, "I know that was supposed to be all romantic and what not and it would be if my arms weren't in searing pain" she gave him a small but pained smile.

It took a moment for it to register in his head before he realized and pulled off the fiery chains from her arms. She rubbed her burned chain marks lightly wincing slightly as her fingers brushed against the sensitive skin.

"Ok," she smiled and grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him to her kissing him. "Your such an idiot you know that" she smiled and whispered against his lips.

Tenten landed on a roof top and was breathing hard and glaring up at Neji. She looked over and saw the scene of the two fire deities. Her jaw dropped and she could only stare in pure shock.

"No way" she said to herself unable to tear away from the two. "They hated each other and that happened?! Jeez!" she looked up at Neji who was clearly oblivious to them. "He practically like me buuuut nooo" Tenten huffed.

"You know what screw this" Tenten pouted and sheathed her sword and began walking in the opposite direction of him. Neji looked at her oddly and dropped down to the ground.

"Where on earth do you think your going?!" He asked slightly angry.

"Away from here, stupid" she said without turning around.

"Excuse me? No you aren't" he said walking up right beside her.

"You make NO sense. First you're all 'Oh Tenten your tired? Ride on my back and make me fall in love with you and then have a wonderful time' and now your trying to kill me. Excuse my language but what the fuck?! Could you be anymore confusing!? I mean at least those two really hated each other till like 2 minutes ago" she glared up at him folding her arms.

Neji stared at her oddly, "What are you talking about?" he asked and turned to see where she had pointed. His jaw dropped as he started at Kiba and the fire goddess. "Well . . ." he trailed off and was at a loss for words.

"You see what I mean. I thought you liked me. Apparently not," she rolled her eyes and began walking away from him again.

"Tenten, you don't understand . . . I do like you it's just . . ."

"Just what you too scared to stand up to your mommy" she said in a mocking tone. Neji glared down at her and then looked away. Tenten looked at him oddly and then realization hit her. "You ARE afraid of your mom" she tried to hold in her laughter.

Neji glared down at her making her stop and look to the side. "It's not just me all of my brothers are. You don't know what she can do" he said looking down.

Tenten smiled and kissed him on the lips. He looked at her and pulled back, "I can't there's nothing I can do against her," he said sadly.

"Not alone you can't" she smirked and grabbed his hand. "I think there's a reason she is so scared of you falling in love with me, because . . . I can give you power" Tenten whispered and smiled once again.


Naruto looked behind him to see his mother catching up, "NARUTO! Give her to me!" she screeched and jumped getting quite a bit of distance. She reached forward and almost grasped Naruto's shirt when a black blob was thrown in front of her.

She jumped back to see a scythe stuck in the ground with Temari balancing on the top. "Oi vey what do we have here?" Temari asked smirking. Ares looked passed her at Naruto and Hinata who were getting away.

"Get out of my way" she hissed.

Temari blinked and flipped back grabbing her scythe and pulling it out of the ground. "That's not very nice and here I came all this way just to fight you myself" she laughed and span it around gripping it with both hands.

"It's not nice to reject someone's invitation" Temari smirked once again. "Now Queen of Evil," Temari's gaze hardened. "You will tell me where my sister is!" she said looking angry.

Ares smirked and straightened up. "You're a stupid girl aren't you? I sent her and my horrid son down to the depth of hell where they are being tortured at this very moment!" she cackled.

Temari went wide eyed, "YOU BITCH!" she screamed and jumped forward slashing down.

"Does that anger you? Well if you are so mad you better not deal with me and go save her, if you can" she smirked and looked past her and frowned not being able to see Naruto.

"As if, I won't let you hurt Naruto or my sister. Besides Gaara will save her if she doesn't save herself" Temari said sure of herself.


"Naruto . . ." Hinata said weakly grabbing onto his arm and looking up at him. "Sakura and Gaara . . . they are dying . . ." she said painfully.

Naruto stared down at her disbelieving, "No, they . . . they can't be"

"We have to find them, before . . ." she trailed off leaning her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. "Before . . . it's too late" she finished.


Sakura strained to get out of her restraints that chained her to the hot ground. "Gaara how are we going to get out?" she asked standing on the other side of the bars of the cell that held him.

"I don't know," he said looking off to the side.

"I know we'll make it," Sakura smiled weakly and stared into his eyes.

"AHH!" Sakura screamed falling to her knees. Gaara winced and felt his back starting to bleed. Sakura looked behind her too see the three dark figures from before. Sakura looked over her shoulder to see her shirt ripped and blood streaming down her back.

One of the figures took out the whip again and struck Sakura again. She fell down holding herself up with her hands. Gaara held in the pain he got from not only the cuts on his body but seeing Sakura hit.

Another one of them walked up to her and kicked her down stabbing a spear through her white wing. She let out an ear shattering scream, Gaara closed his eyes trying to not think about the pain and thin of a way to save them.

Another gash was made on his back as he saw them whip her again. "SAKURA!" Gaara yelled grabbing onto the searing bars. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Gaara glared trying to get out.

Sakura reached out her hand towards Gaara but the last of the three got another spear and impaled her hand, nailing it to the ground. Another scream escaped her lungs and Gaara was only growing more furious with himself as his hand began to bleed.


Ares smirked looking down at Temari who was brought down to her knees. "You attempt was only enough to stall me, I don't have time to kill you yet. So be a dear and don't move" she laughed and gave her one final mark across her front.

Ares looked off to where Naruto had disappeared sometime ago. "You cannot stop me" she smiled evilly and took off once again.

Temari just lay on the ground now unable to move or even feel. Her eyes went wide and flashed black for a second. They turned back to their normal brown, "Sakura!" she gasped and look up and saw her scythe a ways away.

She outstretched her hand and tried to reach for it. She winced from the pain on her front but tried to reach it anyways. "Sakura," she said again trying harder to move.

She felt cold water on her back and turned her head quickly looking behind her to see Shikamaru healing her. She was wide eyed, "Wha-what are you doing?!" she asked completely shocked.

"I'm healing you." He said simply.

"But, why?" she wondered still in her state of shock. He shrugged and continued healing her until she could finally move again. She looked up at him still lost, "Thank you," she said looking to the side and getting up and grabbing her scythe.

"My brother is dying and I'm sure you felt your sister as well, I know where they are will you come with me? I can't beat my mother by myself" he gave her a small smirk.

She blinked and nodded taking any help she could get. "Let's go I can feel her getting weaker." She told him. He nodded and they sprinted into another direction.


"Sakura," Ino whispered and went wide eyed. Kiba looked at her with a serious look.

"Gaara," he said and she nodded. "Come on I know where they are," he told her and they took off.

Tenten watched Kiba and Ino leave and looked at Neji. "Come on Neji, you don't have to worry your not alone" she smiled and grabbed his hand. "Now let's save my sister and your brother" he nodded and they followed Kiba and Ino.


Ares glared at the floor as she walked into the main chamber of the palace. "That stupid goddess I will deal with her after I deal with that disgusting son of mine and that light" she hissed barging through doors and heading down into the dungeons of hell.

She let out a breath and opened the doors walking in too see Sakura on the ground covered in blood barely conscious. She smirked and looked over at the cell that held Gaara who was equally injured. Although he was kneeling and staring down at the ground.

She walked over to the cell and looked at him, "My son this is what happens when you go against my will. I can set you free from this, if you promise to never defy me again" she said waiting for his answer.

He stood up wobbling a bit still only staring at the ground. "I will . . ." he trailed off trying to stay conscious. His hand shot out of the cage and grabbed his mother around the throat. "I will NEVER submit to you ever again!" he glared with all black eyes.

She glared at him and dug her razor sharp nails into his hand. Prying his hand off her throat she pressed it against the bars as it began to sizzle and burn away the skin earning a yell from Gaara as he tried to pull away.

She let go finally and let him fall back holding his arm. He glanced over at Sakura seeing her pained face as the same burns appeared on her arm. He looked down angered with himself that he had caused her pain.

Ares glared down at him and walked over to Sakura. She kneeled down and picked her up by the shirt and examined her bloody and bruised face. Sakura just fell limp and her eyes closed. "Do you want to die now goddess? I can end your pain right now" she smirked and pulled out a same hair pin and it grew into a black sword.

Sakura opened her eyes barely and looked through her half open lids at the black haired queen. "I'll take that as a yes" she laughed and thrust forward impaling Sakura in the stomach. Sakura went wide eyed before falling completely unconscious.

Gaara hunched over in pain and held up his hand to see the blood that came from his stomach area. He fell to the side unable to stay awake any longer and just wishing for the pain to go away.

Ares sighed and tossed Sakura to the ground. "When they finally die come and tell me I will call force some evil spirit and give their bodies to them for better use." She yawned and turned around and rose and eyebrow.

"So you came to me. How convenient" Ares laughed as Hinata just glared at her with her bow strung ready to release the arrow that was aimed at Ares. Naruto stood beside her sword in hand. He looked past her to see both Sakura and Gaara dying.

"I would think, even evil that mother would want to protect her sons. Apparently you do not have a heart." Hinata said almost sounding angry.

"And apparently you don't know the story. You simple girl, my heart was stolen more then ten thousand years ago!" she cackled pulling out the red clip and it grew into a red sword and she tightened her grip on the black sword.

"Now you two will soon join them" she smiled while glaring at the two. "My lord will finally rule this forsaken world!!" she laughed maliciously while running at the two.

Hinata shot the arrow but Ares cut it in half and moved to slice down on her. Naruto moved in front of her blocking the sword. "I told you mother. Don't ever touch her again" he pushed her back.

Ares sighed and stuck the red sword into the ground while taking out the white clip and as it grew larger into a sword she placed the black and white swords together making an X.

"My servants, who are long past life, rise and serve my purpose! Destroy these two in the name of Ares! Queen of the Underworld!!" she yelled making lights shoot up through the ground and dead beings began to climb out.

"Now die!" she yelled as the many dead ran towards the two.